Assemblywoman Michele Fiore & Rafael Ted Cruz
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Apparently telling the Bundy Patriots in Oregon to STAND DOWN was not enough, and it was not enough that Ted Cruz had LaVoy Finicum shot and every old Mormon thrown into federal jail connected with this, because tonight in Nevada, Patriots were pleading to be heard in support of Ammon Bundy and Ted Cruz shouted them down, threw them out of the event, and then Ted Cruz called the Americans Bernie Sanders Protesters.
If you want to know the ultimate betrayal in this, read this headline.
TedCruz's top Nevadasupporter spent the night negotiating ...
TedCruz's top Nevadasupporter spent the night ... Last month, AmmonBundy, ... "I am excited to have the support of such a terrific group of ...
The very people who saved the lives of the Oregon Protesters are supporting Cruz, and Ted Cruz just stabbed them in the back too.
Cruz will probably have Assemblywoman Fiore packed off to Gitmo before this is done.
These Patriots due to Michele Fiore thought Ted Cruz was their protector and instead Ted Cruz disgraced them and left them out in the cold like LaVoy Finicum.
TedCruz Won't Be Burned Twice by the Bundys | New Republic
TedCruz Won't Be Burned Twice by the BundysCruz was once ... The Oregon seditionists are led by two sons of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who famously ...
Nuff Said