As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Kill Switch is the violation of the Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech, Communication and Assembly to Protest.
It is the Obama regime in outlaw action and now hidden by the dictatorial Roberts Supreme Court.
September 25, 2009 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NCC SOP 303Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO).It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordancewith DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is notto be released to the public, the media, or otherpersonnel who do not have a valid “need-to-know” withoutprior approval of an authorized DHS official. Stateand local Homeland security officials may share thisdocument with authorized security personnel withoutfurther approval from DHS.NCC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) 303:Office of Primary Responsibility: NCCEmergency Wireless Protocols1.Purpose. This SOP provides detailed proceduresfor the National Coordinating Center forTelecommunications (NCC) to coordinate requests for the disruption of cellular service.5.Procedures.a.Disruption of Servicesi.Order Received.The NCC Watch is informed of the requirement todisrupt/disable cellular service to a particular site or region by a designatedfederal/state/local law enforcement official or member of government.
I will use this hypothetical.
The several hundred Patriots in Oregon with Ammon Bundy have cell phone and computer access. Under the Kill Switch, Homeland can turn off every uplink in several counties. While this cut off to the outside world takes place, an entire BATFE operation could drop a thermobaric bomb on those buildings or police state assassins could roll in chemical weapons and 50 caliber machine guns murdering everyone in the compound, and there would be no evidence in cam phone pictures.......and absolutely no calls for help to the outside world.
The entire compound could go "dark", be sanitized, the bodies removed and cremated, and all you would have is the Obama press screaming about Bundy fired first, the feds responded defending themselves and then committed mass suicide, and every press outlet on television would be giving the Praise Obama for protecting Americans from terrorists.
Remember this started in left wing California in protests shut down there, in no Twitter Revolution, against the murder of the Obama regime of another American.
To place this in perspective, you have the Obama regime already in the case of the "death" of Sheik bin Laden. Obama blurted out they had DNA evidence before it could have ever been processed. The public has been banned from photos and documentation, and the corpse was processed and dumped in the ocean, before any oversight could ever confirm there was a real SEAL 6 dead body there or one which was dug out of a cooler and sold to the Obama regime for a Birther cover up story.
When there is no visual evidence by others to the official regime story, then all that remains are the lies which no one has any right to investigate as they have no standing and no evidence to examine.
What you are looking at is the official chain of command, in every one of your federalized states. Your agency which is supposed to protect you and help you, is now federalized to stand down, in the event of your being some enemy of the state in loving Jesus or liking Donald Trump, the kill switch can be thrown on the cell phone you are paying for, your state agency will not protect you, and as you take video trying to document your murder in calling for help, your cell phone goes dead, and you soon follow, with official confirmation that you committed suicide by shooting yourself in the head 57 times, as you are assassinated alone, and by mystery your cell phone disappears just like bin Laden's corpse.
September 25, 2009 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NCC SOP 303
Appendix A: Points of Contact
Appendix A will be updated as required based on
input provided by the State Homeland Security
Alabama Emergency Management Agency
5898 County Road 41, P.O. Drawer 2160, Clanton, Alabama 35046-2160
Ph: 251/280-2200
Fax: 205/280-2493
24-Hr: 800/843-0699
Alaska Div. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5750, Fort Richardson, AK 99505-5750
Ph: 602/244-0504
Fax: 907/428-7009
24-Hr: 907/428-7000
Arizona Div. of Emergency Management
5636 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85008-3495
Fax: 602/231-6263
24-Hr: 800/411-2336
Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 758, Conway, AR 72033
Ph: 501/730-9750 (24-Hr.)
Fax: 501/730-9778
Emergency: 800/322-4012 or 501/730-9751
California Office of Emergency Services
3650 Schriever Avenue, Mather, CA 95655
Ph: 916/845-8510
Fax: 916/845-8506
Division of Emergency Management
9195 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 200, Centennial, Colorado 80112
Ph: 720/852-6600
Fax: 720/852-6750
Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
25 Sigourney Street, 6th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106-5042
Ph: 860/256-0800 or 800/397-8876
Fax: 860/256-0815
Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Delaware Emergency Management Agency
165 Brick Store Landing Road, Smyrna, DE 19977
Ph: 302/659-3362
Fax: 302/659-6855
24-Hr: 877/729-3362 (Delaware Only)
Cellular Disruption POC: Darrell Darnell
Phone: (202) 727-4036
Fax: (202) 727-1617
Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency
2720 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE.
Washington, DC 20032
Fax: 202/673-7054 or 202/673-2290
24-Hr: 202/727-6161 (Shift Supervisor)
Division of Emergency Management
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
24-Hr: 850/413-9911 and 800/320-0519
Fax: 850/488-1739
Georgia Emergency Management Agency
935 East Confederate Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
Ph: 404/ 635-7000 or 1-800-TRY-GEMA (in Georgia only)
Fax: 404/635-7205
Oahu Civil Defense Agency
650 S. King Street, Basement, Honolulu, HI 96813
Fax: 808/524-3439
24-Hr: 808/529-3911
Fax: 808/270-7275 24-Hr: 808/244-6400
Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency
920 Ululani Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Fax: 808/935-6460
24-Hr: 808/935-3311
Bureau of Homeland Security
4040 Guard Street, Bldg. 600, Boise, ID 83705-5004
Ph: 208/334-3460
Fax: 208/334-2322
24-Hr: 208/846-7610 or 800/632-8000 (Idaho only)
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
110 E. Adams Street, Springfield, IL 62701
Fax: 217/557-2145
24-Hr: 217/782-7860
State Emergency Management Agency
302 W. Washington, Room E-208, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2760
Ph: 317/232-3830
Fax: 317/232-3895
24-Hr: 800/669-7362
Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut, Level A, Des Moines, IA 50319-0113
Fax: 515/281-7539
24-Hr: 515/281-3231
Division of Emergency Management
2800 S.W. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66611-1287
Ph: 785/274-1409
Fax: 785/274-1426
24-Hr: 785/296-3176 or 800/905-7521
Division of Emergency Management
Emergency Operations Center
100 Minuteman Parkway, Boone Center, Frankfort, KY 40601-6168
Ph: 502/607-1638
Fax: 502/607-1614
24-Hr: 800/255-2587
Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
7667 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Ph: 225/925-7500
Fax: 225/925-7501
Maine Emergency Management Agency
72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0072
Ph: 207/624-4400
24-Hr: 207/624-7000 or 1-800-452-8735 (in-state only)
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
5401 Rue St. Lo Drive, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Fax: 410/517-3610
24-Hr: 410/517-3600
Emergency Management Agency
400 Worcester Road (Route 9 Eastbound), Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Ph: 508/820-2000
Fax: 508/820-2030
24-Hr: 508/820-2000
Emergency Management Division
P.O. Box 30636, Lansing, MI 48909-8136
Ph: 517/332-2521
Fax: 517/333-4987
Homeland Security and Emergency Management
444 Cedar Street, Suite 223, St. Paul, MN 55101-6223
Ph: 651-296-2233
Fax: 651/296-0459 or 651/297-7372
Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, MS 39202-1297
P.O Box 4501, Jackson, MS 39296-4501
Phone: 601/352-9100
Fax: 601/352-8314
24-Hr: 1-800-222-MEMA(6362)
Emergency Management Agency
2302 Militia Drive, P.O. Box
116, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Fax: 573/526-9261
24-Hr: 573/751-2748
Disaster and Emergency Services
P.O. Box 4789 mitigation, Helena, MT 59604-4789
Ph: 406/841-3911 (duty officer)
Fax: 406/841-3965
Emergency: 406/841-3911
EmergencyManagement Agency
1300 Military Road, Lincoln, NE 68508-1090
Fax: 402/471-7433
24-Hr: 402/471-7421 and 877/297-2368
Department of Public Safety
Division of Emergency Management
2525 S. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89711
Ph: 775/687-4240
Fax: 775/687-6788
24-Hr: 775/688-2830
Division of Emergency Services, Communications and Emergency Management
Bureau of Emergency Management
33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305
107 Pleasant Street, State Office Park South, Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603/225-7341
24-Hr: 603/271-3636 or 1-800-852-3792 (New Hampshire WATS line)
Department of Environmental Protection State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 7028, Trenton, NJ 08628
Fax: 609/777-0985
New Mexico Department of Public Safety
Office of Emergency Management
PO Box 1628, Santa Fe, NM 87504
Fax: 505/476-9695
24-Hr: 505/476-9635
State Emergency Management Office
1220 Washington Avenue, Building 22, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12226-2251
Ph: 581/292-2000
Fax: 518/457-9930
24-Hr: 518/457-2200
116 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27603
Ph: 919/733-3867
Fax: 919/733-7554
24-Hr: 919/733-3300 or 800/858-0368
Division of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5511, Bismarck, ND 58506-5511
Ph: 701/328-8100
Fax: 701/328-8181
24-Hr: 701/328-9921
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235-2206
Fax: 614/889-7183
24-Hr.: 614/889-7150
ent of Emergency Management
2401 Lincoln Blvd - Suite C51, P.O. Box 53365, Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Ph: 405/521-2481
Fax: 405/521-4053
24-Hr: 800/800-2481
Oregon Emergency Management
P.O. Box 14370, Salem, OR 97309-5062
Fax: 503/588-1378
24-Hr: 800/452-0311
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
2605 Interstate Drive , Harrisburg, PA 17110-9364
Fax: 717/651-2021
24-Hr: 717/651-2001
Emergency Management Agency
645 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
Fax: 401/944-1891
24-Hr: 401/946-9996
Fax: (803) 737-8570
Emergency Management Division
Pine Ridge Armory
2779 Fish Hatchery Road, West Columbia, SC 29172-2024
Fax: 803/737-8570
24-Hr: 803/737-8500
Department of Public Safety
Office of Emergency Management
118 W. Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501
Ph: 605/773.32321
Fax: 605/773.3580
24-Hr: 605/773-3231
Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
3041 Sidco Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-1502
Fax: 615/242-9635
24-Hr: 615/741-0001 & In-State: 800/262-3400,
Out-of-State: 800/258-3300
Texas Department of Public Safety
Emergency Management Division
5805 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78752-4422
Fax: 512/424-2444
24-Hr: 512/424-2208
Department of Public Safety
Div. of Emergency Services and Homeland Security
State Office Building, Room 1110, Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Fax: 801/538-3770
24-Hr: 801/538-3400 or 1-800-SL-FAULT
Department of Public Safety
Emergency Management Division
103 S. Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-2101
Ph: 802/244-8721
Fax: 802/241-5556
24-Hr: 800/347-0488
Cellular Disruption POC: Chris McIntosh
Phone: (503)
Department of Emergency Management
10501 Trade Court Virginia, Richmond, VA 23236-3713
Fax: 804/897-6576
24-Hr: 804/674-2400 or 800/468-8892
Washington State Emergency Management
Building 20, Camp Murray
Tacoma, WA 98430
Ph: 800-562-6108
24-hr: 1-800-258-5990
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Bldg. 1 Rm. EB-80, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston WV 25305
Ph: 304/558-5380
Fax: 304/558-4538
24-Hr: 800/342-3074
Wisconsin Emergency Management
2400 Wright Street, P.O. Box 7865, Madison, WI 53708
Ph: 608/242-3232
Fax: 608/242-3247
24-Hr: 800/943-0003 or 608/242-3232
Emergency Management Agency
Office of Homeland Security
624 E. Pershing, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Ph: 307/777-4663
Fax: 307/638-7670
24-Hr: 307/777-4321
It is always nice to have a list of your assassins in you are paying their salaries. What you need to comprehend is the regime has already cut off communications in California to stop a Constitutional Guaranteed Right to Assemble Peacefully and Protest against the regime.
This is your dial up dictatorship, all now sanctioned by the Roberts Supreme Court like Obamacare, sodomy and now destroying your rights to free speech on cell phones you pay for to use in protesting against the regime.
This is Barack Hussein Obama closing down Gitmo and releasing terrorists, but not getting rid of the Kill Switch.
Nuff said.