As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It has come to the attention of this Popular Girl Blog that The Conservative Treehouse has come under a blistering anti American attack by one, Mark Levin.
For those unaware what Mark Levin is, Mark Levin is a product of Big Koch as it is one of the tentacle funders receiving your money in National Socialist AKA Nazi payouts, which are the plague of the right and the left in America. Hillary has her kickbacks and HW Bush set up a billionaire funding syndicate of Wall Street fags who were propped up in the same way Obama has been money dumping into Wall Street for his cronies.
It was this axis that Mark Levin entered when Bill Casey of the CIA set up a radio syndicate out of Cap Cities ABC to be the positive propagandists for Reagan, and soon enough HW Bush in his Sub Operational Groups took this over for their liberalism, just like Grandfather Prescott Bush took over Texas oil independents in the 1960's.
That is what Mark Levin is in why he is where he is, and why his bizarre pro homosexual, keeping Obama in power and being anti American against Donald Trump.
In his past, we might as well visit what Mark Levin is, as he always plays the anti Semite card as these the faux Jewry always does as their weapon.
Mark Levin is a Russian Jew. Translate that not as of the Tribe of Judah, but of the Kazarhian Mafia of the Ashkenaz financiers who hijacked revolutions, plundered nations into debt, created continental wars, and assassinated Czar Alexander II.
The Europeans had a way of dealing with these assassins in Russia, and that was to shoot them. It became so pronounced after the murder of Alexander II, that 2 million of these radicals were dumped into England and America, by the Ashkenaz to form an entire revolutionary leftist corp in the west of these Ashkenaz who hijacked Jewry, and are tools of these globalists to this day.
Ask Mark Levin if the Federal Reserve is owned by foreigners and about the Ashkenaz elite are running the cartel, and he will state that he has no idea about such things in covering this all up.
That is the essence of this joined at the hip with troll Glenn Beck, troll Erick Erickson, troll Matt Walsh, troll Rush Limbaugh and troll Homo Hannity, of what Mark Levin is. His family invaded America, as this radical screaming and ranting sect in Europe had been murdering leaders, causing wars, and the Jacob Schiff and Lord Rothschild needed a first holocaust to invade Britain and America. The second wave being the holocaust in which the Jewish Ashkenaz elders sold their ghetto folk to the Nazi war machine for profit, and inflated the work camp death counts, in order to gain that great money laundering state called Israel, in order to suck the west into these Muslim wars.
Do not forget that Mark Levin was slobbering literally at his microphone in glee over the bin Laden execution, in which children were left to crawl through streams of blood, feces and urine from this group in the compound. It took the carnage of Libya to change Levin's mind, but by then Levin Big Koch policy had Obama blowing up the entire Mideast which just gave us the San Bernadino murders.
The fact is that Levin has been for terror oil against American bio fuels, just like Limbaugh has been lying to Americans, because Big Koch writes the script for these traitors, and Mark Levin practices exactly the same hate speech which Trotksy and all the other radical Ashkenaz leftists did, which the Levin parents conveniently found their way to America.........and not fighting for the Jewish state like all of these "Jewish Patriots" who live in American luxury, trash our American leaders, and then somehow find ways to keep foreigner Obama in power and just vouche until the comrades come marching home that Rafael Ted Cruz is a conservative and an American........not a con man and a displaced Canadian.
So when Mark Levin attacks Donald Trump as a "radical kook" and that the Conservative Treehouse is "vile" for uncovering all the fraud of Bush, Cruz and Rubio, while championing American Donald Trump, the Lame Cherry is going to enter the fray and pull this carpet to shreds, as Mark Levin is a paid stooge of the conglomerates, meant to manage you from revolution and into keeping Obama in power so Big Koch can suck up all those Obama bribes which were handed out to the elite, and that is why this Wall Street traitor group has Rush Limbaugh embarrassing himself daily with the Wacko Cruz Praise every day, and why Mark Levin finds a way to back Orin Hatch, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
You do realize that Orin Hatch destroyed the Tea Party candidate in Utah due to Mark Levin right? You do realize that it was Levin who did not get one Tea Party candidate elected right and they all went down to defeat right?
That is Mark Levin, a graft of thug Russian Kazarhian mafia politics, whose purpose is to lead the Christians astray into red waters just as Trotsky did in Russia. Levin has been pushing sodomy, protecting Obama and now is all for the cartel candidates of Cruz and Rubio.....and I just told all of you today that this Jeb Bush scheme is to combine Bush, Cruz and Rubio into a hung convention, where there are not going to be two Tacos on the top, so Jeb will get the Vice Presidency, and Mark Levin will tell all of you that this is the best that can be done...............and in 6 months Cruz or Rubio will have a bullet in their brains and it will be President Jeb Bush.
......and of course Mark Levin will tell us all how tragic it is, but for the good of the country we must round up all the III Percenters and Oath Keepers as they will be framed for this, being racists off course as the rudeness of Mark Levin hides behind Jews again to give him carte blanche to demean and destroy Americans like Donald Trump and the Citizens at Conservative Treehouse.
See this all smacks of anti Semitism in the Truth, and that is why the cartel couched it all in this way, so they had all the cover and conditioned you to shut up and take your harness without a murmur. It is the fact though of what Mark Levin is, who got him his job, who he propagandizes for now, and why he is now trying to destroy the Conservative Treehouse, which is thee most American of sites on the internet.
The Lame Cherry has to be toxic to give all you good people cover to run around and post the things you do so without being attacked. That is what the sappers do on point and by God's Grace I do it well. The reason the Conservative Treehouse is being attacked maliciously by Mark Levin, as it is the one power site which is not under cartel control and it is undoing all of what the billions of Mockingbird are attempting to condition you with in Mark Levin.
I told you from the start that Donald Trump is going to teach Americans how to fight and how to be Americans again. You are learning, but this is far from over and you need to be aware how this is all projected out according to the black operations.
What is important is that you keep posting, keep on the offensive and be ready when Donald Trump tells you he needs you.......and turn off Mark Levin as his cock on the breath flavor is not something Americans are going to expose themselves to any more.
I look forward to the Trump Presidency, when this unholy treacherous and traitorous propaganda machine is exposed and Mark Levin is hauled before a Grand Jury and then given the choice of being deported back to Russia to face Vladimir Putin or facing trial in America before a Trump Tribunal with a death penalty for treason.
Kak eto dlya penisa na svoyem dykhanii .
How is that for cock on your breath.