No one is going to get this right on the Feinstein gun control bill shot down, because the word is SUCKER for those few on the left who do not own firearms in believing they are more intelligent than those on the right who are suckered by the Rovians.
See my delinquents on the left, you are taken advantage of equally by Piers Morgan, Michael Moore, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as the feudalcrats led by Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham and whatever else from Levin to Limbaugh you are always carping on about.
In the above list of liberals, most of them like you own firearms and have at least fondled them. So when Piers Morgan lies about only 100 million Americans own firearms, that is a PERSON while the rest of these Reagan Blue State breeders all in family have access to them.
The real number of firearm ownership and exposure is over 250 million.......hell the Mexicans are even changing from knives to guns thanks to Obama Gun Runner.
Harry Reid is NRA, so you really think that all these frauds on the left ever want gun control? Gun control is trot out Dianne Feinstein for some storm and then vote for some pitter patter of gun control which feudalist shill Wayne LaPierre in the NRA agrees to, to disarm gun owners further, and it is called a WIN WIN WIN, while it is a loss of American gun owners who are suckered too.
The left does not get it's lion's share, but gets the mouse's portion and that portion since 1968 is a feast for all the rats.
You know Michael Moore owns firearms. I like Mike, as he is successful as a snakeoil salesman. If you have been around him, he is American when not performing. He laughed his ass off when a big constrictor snake crushed a bunny to be fed to that snake........little things like that in his filiming never are made public, but it is all recorded and Michael Moore could not do what he does in badgering a senile Charleton Heston if he did not have that Obama 3rd worlder in him to have Mubarak in a cage and Khadaffi dragged around in the streets......hell Chris Stevens having a broom handle shoved up his arse.....that is all what is comedy to the Piers Morgan crowd as Lara Logan gets her pussy reamed by Egyptian digits for the big screen.
You on the left, are suckers. You have been robbed worse and had your power base destroyed worse by your feudal leaders than any group in history. Obama destroys unions by watering them down with Mexican bus boy slave labor who do construction and manufacturing jobs. It is you being aborted out of existence as you have laws passed to promote your perversions which are exterminating you.
You are being suckered non stop and all of you are being fed the line that you are more intelligent than those on the right in the Reagan Blue States, and you believe it all as you are turned into monsters with a depravity that does not blink when Michael Moore calls for Harry Reid's grandkids to be shot to get a gun bill through........that not even Moore wants through.
Your Obamacare is going to ration death to you first, as it is the poor suckers who will abuse that entitlement, and it is your doctors in the ivory towers who are going to be not treating you as they get pressure in time to not just treat David Letterman for a boner scab, but to treat some Rican off the boat while Obama has his 3 doctors following him around.
The feudalcrats do not want you alive for the time when they gain absolute power. Look at the history of the left from Hitler, Mao, Ho, Kirchner, Castro, Chavez, Mugabe, Mandela......hell look at Obama in wiping out Blagojevich, Rangel, Edwards, that perv Governor of New York so his Cuomo would be installed........Obama has been wiping out the left power base in America just like in Muslim lands.
Obama has come for you his voters, and you will be the first to be rationed death and the first to be having the Chicago machine turn your cities into Escape from NewYork as that is how they control you in fear by allowing the police to allow the thugs to run rampant.
You liberals are being picked off faster by your own leadership than they are picking off the right.........because as it has been proven here, the entire RIGHT works with the left for buzz or gun grabbing or bankrupting America.
So did you enjoy being lied to my liberal delinquents? Do you enjoy being made a fool of by someone as ghastly retardo as Piers Morgan, a foreigner like B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin? Do you enjoy being put on lists to destroy you as you become a competitor to the regime?
Your making legislation to make sin legal, has not changed the sin, and it is destroying all of you. You can hate yourself and vent it onto others to hate them as you can not bear hating yourselves, but it changes nothing.
You liberals again were suckered and lied to by your own feudalcrats who are working to murder every one of you as that rat poor mob of Mexicans imported are designed to gnaw your heads off as Obama puts the rice straw basket on your head.
Look, this blog is a conduit for God. I will not change, but you have to stop being Darwin you deluded on the left. I like Andrew Jackson as he cleansed America and he was a Democrat. We can now all agree you were wrong about Ronald Reagan, in Reagan had it right.
Leave your Berlin and Tavistock written Kremlin talking points manifesto behind the red walls in your Godless and sex perversion self extermination dogma.
Just go back to Andy Jackson and be him for a few years. Stop trying to destroy those on the right as myself, and join a movement like my Continentalists which throws off feudalocracy.
Save yourselves, because your leaders are in bed with Karl Rove. The entire leadership of America is not American by feudalist, and it will come for the left first, as you are the ones who riot in the streets first and cause problems.
I do not write a great deal about the left, as it is so unintelligent and simple that it is boring in it's machinations. I have warned all of you on the left all of this for years in the danger you are in, and it is a reality. When the nukes come, when the shooters come, they are sent to your cities and your theaters and your schools.
Do not overlook that there is another event about "guns" on the ledger to bring Dianne Feinstein her vote and those will be liberals who will be mowed down, by an Obamachurian sent out by your liberal feudalcrats to use your dead as another photo op for Obama.
Stop the emotion for a few days and start thinking not in fear and hate. See what is being done to you by your own leaders who want you all dead.
Let's sing
Suckers to the left of me
Suckers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you.........