I have a bonafied solution to all of Barack Hussein Obama's problems.....meaning Americans.
This is an offer to Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joe Klein and whatever other clap trap is out there that hates "red state" America.
How about this........
You Obama voters and your messiah want to legalize all this Mexican slave labor in it is a real industry in importing them here for votes and profits.
I say to you, that what about a fair trade.
You have Obama executive order that all Mexicans to the last Pepe are going to be brought to America and settled here.
The balance is that with Mexico empty, all the Americans will be deported to Mexico.
There are only like 60 million Americans left according to elections, so it will be about even up.
Look at the win in this. You get rid of Christians, white people, gun owners, right to lifers, Constitutinalists ...... you know all of the people you despise.
We will even dig up Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Teddy Roosevelt, George and Libby Custer......all the leaders you hate and we will take them with us.
You can wipe your history books completely.....hell blow up Mt. Rushmore and carve Obama's face on all for heads, and you will have the utopia that you are letting Obama be dictator about.
There will be no civil war, no need for Homeland spying on people, as all of you will be of like Obama mind, so you will all get along.
We will be gone like the long lonesome winter and you will have your united states of Obama to all your left wing contentment. You will win in 100% real elections. You will have all the Mexicans.....hell you can just open the borders, send out jets and ships and haul in the whole world for all I would care.
America will all be yours and you will have every thing you want from abortions on every street corner to cops doing strip searches when you buy a loaf of bread with extra fondling for those who have not had sex for awhile.
Yes, that is the answer. Bring in all the Mexicans. Make the Mexican President some third Vice President for awhile.......and all the Americans, guns, Bibles and right wingers will be in Mexico away from all of you wonderfully more intelligent and superior people.
Just have Obama sign an XO and the American right will be gone just as soon as the last Mexican is across the Rio Grande.
That is the deal.
agtG 264
PS: If that doesn't suit you Ed Schultz folks, how about you just import all the British Colombians and stick us Americans there and you toss in Alaska for the deal to get us all out of the way.
Throw in Alberta and we will take Rush Limbaugh off your hands too.......hell make the same deal in if you throw in Guatemala and Honduras in the Mexican solution we will take Limbaugh and blondeberry too.