From the desk of the Tiger Lily.
Just a small note of thanks to all who have Touched our lives, and continue to Bless us through prayers, letters, and widow's mites. As LC says, it is a very humbling experience to be in this place where one would rather just have some obnoxiously rich person toss their 10 million through the donate button, which to them is just like a ten-dollar bill... but instead we are learning to be grateful for instead of agonizing over each Friend's gift, and to treasure even more the Generous hearts that are ultimately Giving to God and will be Rewarded in Blessings overflowing. It truly is more Blessed to Give than to receive, as I am finding anew each day, but I know there will be a time in this life or the next when somehow we will be able to Give, more than just ramblings on a blog that "no one" reads as some have said.
Even though the world is getting darker and darker, even though it doesn't look or feel like Christmas (and hasn't for years now), and even though there is a long road ahead for everyone to share in the sufferings of Christ, it helps both of us so much to know you are there.
I also wanted to say that prayers for Nona were gratefully received and they were Answered in that God ended her suffering much more quickly in taking her Home to be with Jesus. She can't ever be hurt or sick or cold or hungry or thirsty again, which is what is best for her. It reminds me too of God Shortening the time of Tribulation here, so that there will be a few to witness His Coming. Doesn't look so great right now, with wickedness running rampant all around, but God has His Reasons and His Grace is always with us.
This is one of the songs that sounds like Christmas to me, and I wanted to share it with you. (I'm sure there are better versions, this just happens to be the one I know and love.)
God Bless you, and may you and your Loved ones have a very Merry Christmas with His Peace, Love and Joy!!! In Jesus' Name Amen and Amen!