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Amazing Grace


In the movie Amazing Grace, the protagonist who sought to end slavery, William Wilberforce, created a clever piece of legislation which basically taxed slave ships out of existence.

We have all experienced under B. Hussein Obama the clever thuggery to tax people into submission in not leaving the Citizen with money to fund alternative campaigns and his making certain that GE and Warren Buffett pay no taxes.

The point in this, is that legislation must be enacted on the Ronald Reagan mindset of thinking out of the box, as he did with Star Wars, when he looked around and said, "Waiting around for the world to die from nuclear bombs is crazy".

The extermination now of 53 million Americans in a profitable aborticide industry hiding in women's rights, while making billions of dollars off of this slaughter, while like carnivore capitalists replace those dead with living Mexican slaves reared in a foreign land, is a heinous re visitation of the slave issue in America and the world


Arkansas Senate Panel Approves Jason Rapert's Heartbeat...

17 hours ago – Arkansas Senate Panel Approves Jason Rapert's Heartbeat Abortion ...Jason Rapert, R-Conway, the bill's chief sponsor, told reporters after ...

Congressman Jason Rapert, Republican from Conway Arkansas has crafted and passed a "heartbeat bill" in Arkansas which is built upon the very talking points of the pro aborticide industry on Supreme Court Law. The issue though in this is not sitting in laurels or waiting for the Obama regime to blackmail the Supreme Court again to throwing down state laws.
The issue is that Congressman Rapert, like all pro life Americans, can not be allowed to stand on merits in hopes that someone will do something good.

For example, South Dakota passed a pro life law, and baby butcher Stephanie Herseth Sandlin illegally joined with Planned Parenthood to put it on the ballot to overturn that law, as the people of this world want to break God's Laws of morality and cover up their f*cking with the murder of children.

What this blog states as the Lame Cherry Doctrine, addresses something which has been the hot spot in all of this in what to do with rape, incest and life of the mother children. This sticking point is what the baby butcher industry has stood upon and it must be solved and addressed.

Addressing it with a simple solution is the way to deal with it, and the Lame Cherry hereby christens this law as the Amazing Grace Law.

It is a simple bill dealing with all life, and it advocates a reality that aborticide is like the cigarette industry and requires a federal and state tax structure, not paid by the users in this case, but by the industry to fund women's healthcare and to expand to the new field of REMOVED FROM THE WOMB CHILDREN.

Lame Cherry hereby states that abortions should be replaced immediately by removal from the womb to an artificial womb. The technology exists in micro cameras to be able to successfully remove a fetus from the womb effectively.
If an artificial womb is not yet viable for the fetal tissue, then let us remember fully that fertilized eggs are constantly saved in cryogenics for later use with no ill effect. It should be law that the envelope should be pushed to the maximum to freeze this fetal tissue for the time when these babies can be placed in artificial wombs.

Artificial wombs are not that far fetched. The genetics are completely available now for various animals to produce organs for transplant. It is completely viable to create inside a swine which is close to human DNA, as hog insulin was used for years to save diabetics.

In comprehending all of this, that the technology exists in micro cams to save fetal tissue and later trimester children, and the technology exists already to be able to transplant these babies into womb hosts, and the ready families are there to adopt these children as has been proven by the looting of Russian babies from Russia, it behooves this world to stop aborting children and requiring nations and states to provide this viable alternative in Amazing Grace.

No one expects any woman to raise a child she does not want, nor might endanger her life, nor should a child face any realities if rape or incest have taken place, but the technology is in available that everyone of these children should be required by law to be fostered by the medical industry to replenish the depleted supply of people as trends have revealed are increasing at an alarming rate in western nations.

This is the reality of a human society. One does not end life that is alive, but instead transfers this life to a host, where in gestation this life is then made available to families who will adopt these children.

One can not penalize any child in "women's rights", whether from choice, crime or health issues. That is immoral. That immorality must end as slavery ended.

This is a plank of the Continentalist Party for life in all forms which shall not be penalized due to others administering their rights. The human female womb will not be a court room nor battlefield. If women do not want to be mothers, then there are hosts which can be created and are viable already along with the technology.
The aborticide industry generates billions of dollars in life.. The Amazing Grace industry will produce billions of dollars in life just as freeing the slaves created more wealth than enslaving mankind.
Making this law, will create all types of new medical advances and bring about a time when synthetic wombs will be an industry standard as synthetic insulin in now an industry standard for diabetics.

Amazing Grace will preclude all "morning after pills" as RU486 in making this humanicide poison no longer viable as these humans in the womb will be protected from poisoning as a better alternative of life is available to death.

Amazing Grace must be the focal point of all law to end this cannibalism upon the human child. All of these children are alive and a moral government of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness must do all in it's mandate to protect and promote those lives.

The Heartbeat Law is only a start. Amazing Grace is the completion of the Gospel of Life for all humanity.

Nuff said

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