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Wasting away in Mike & Margarittaville


I did not desire to comment on the rape convictions of the sports jocks in Stubenville Ohio, but on this morning Mike Gallagher got into a pissing contest with a caller named Margaritta, in a literal mic rape.

Margaritta is a woman who claimed sexual assault, but if Gallagher would have stopped trying to hold her down and force her into something........and he is still berating her into the next segment as this woman rejected his penis mic and Mike just is tired of the rejection, because his wife died and he is stuck sleeping with a dog.
I warned Gallagher of this last week in his requirement to heal over his dead wife and not trasnfer it onto an innocent dog, and her it comes erupting over sex in his berating a woman who said she thought quick and assault did not happen while she was jogging.

Gallagher says the girl was responsible in the rape for being passed out drunk. Margaritta sas that legally the woman is protected, and Gallagher would not allow that point.

For the record having a rapist attack you while jogging is not sexual assault. It is attempted sexual assault, but Margaritta wants to join a group of women who are victims for her own reasons.

I will not waste a great deal of time on this, as handing down the law in what this is more important to set people's screwed up minds into order.

First, a woman can go anywhere she pleases as that is her right. A rapist can go anywhere he damn well chooses and that legal paper saying it is a crime, will not stop him or HER from raping anyone.
It is all about choice. You can put yourself into rape situations and say NO all you can, and you will still be raped. You can not be raped if you do not put yourself into a rape situation.
Rape can follow you to your door in surprise attacks, as rape is a crime of power and wanting to abuse the person intimately in transfer or to initiate so the rapist is not alone.
That is why homosexual recruitment rape is just as criminal as what happened in Ohio, and what Mike Gallagher did to Margaritta in raping her verbally for refusing his advances......all because his wife is dead and he is hurt over that and is stuck with a dog to have intimate contact.

I recall an attractive young hispanic woman who wrote an article about gun rights in the American Rifleman. She was a feminist child, and when her father warned her not to put herself and danger, she of course went through alleys in he dark, just to flip her old man the bird as she had legal rights to do what she damn well pleased.
She had an epiphany and left liberalism for Conservative gun rights. That solves a great deal, because most rapes are committed by those you know or are assisted by those you know.

For the reality, your co workers talking trash about you behind your back and your "friends" who are jealous of you, setting up with men at bars getting you doped or inoxicated, with verbal assistance of talking you into things, are all what women do to other women in assisting rape, and no one wants to discuss this.

Margaritta can jog in a park as it is her right, but she is also going to get raped going places alone. You can have the right, but it is you who has to deal with being raped and those who are around you who have to deal with that wound which your choice accomplished.

Rape takes place in many levels and it takes place over a long period of time. Women abusing young males to make them react in using sex as it turns them on to men objectifying women as pieces of ass, are what creates a violent rapist in male, female and children, along with what kids watch constantly on media.

Jocks are some of the worst in all the sports people are perverted in  thinking they can do whatever they please as people cheer it. A rational person with morals knows that getting your erection into a woman who is almost dying of alcohol poisoning as she is that drunk, has psychological problems.
A girl who is around 16 at a party getting drunk, trying to be a gain acceptance has problems in her persona.

That combines to rape and this blog states that the jocks are guilty, the girl is guilty and it expands this as the SCHOOL is guilty, the coaches are guilty, the NFL is guilty and the PARENTS are guilty, and every one of these people should be indicted and face trial, because that girls parents were irresponsible. Those jocks parents were criminal in promoting rape in thinking women were there to f*ck. That school is guilty in making stars out of sports jocks who do what?
Sports are people who use physical strength to place an object into a goal as a game in which absolutely nothing is accompished. The world is not made better. The world is not more artistically beautiful. The world is not moral. The intelligence of humankind is not enhanced. It is a fricking game for a group of people who are drawn to GAMES in order to validate themselves BEFORE A PUBLIC who are living out vicariously through games to vent their ANIMAL AGGRESSIONS.

That is chapter and verse out of the Roman Empire, and why the "games" were put forth by Caesar to keep the mob from revolution.

None of this pretty in the least, and it is rape pile on when one has Mike Gallagher in his psychopathy mic raping a woman on hurts he has not dealt with and it is enablement for a Margaritta to go jogging by Gallagher asking for rape, and then fighting him off, because she is wanting to be a victim who rises up to heroine status in fighting off another male, because she has some issues in her childhood and through female peer pressure that states she is nothing unless she looks and is a certain way in the "club".
Who knows in this but Margaritta is she somewhere in her past was the woman who poured the extra shot to a "friend" who got raped, and she is in that park jogging looking to undo the crime she either saw or had a part in.

All sorts of things are going on in these belfreys, and as one can see the Judge was in denial about the beasts these children are and most people are working out their own psychopathies in coming down on one side or the other.

Personally, I prefer castrating these rapists with a pliers and then hanging them by the neck, and no juvenile year in kiddie prison bragging about rape.
I prefer the parents whipped on every street corner and be made to wear signs "I CREATED A RAPIST" all the days of their lives and if they do not, hang them too.

I prefer this girl who was raped, to be whipped for being drunk and putting herself into this position.
I prefer her parents whipped on every corner and to be made to wear a sign "I ALLOWED MY DAUGHTER TO BE RAPED"

I prefer the coaches, school, NFL all to be whipped on every city square corner, along with the beasty children there who were part of these series of crimes.

I prefer Mike Gallagher to shut his rapist mouth and get his soul fixed. I prefer Margaritta to stop trying to be a victim so she can rise up and fix whatever is wrong in her soul.

This blog wrote exclusively on this in America is a rape culture from Rove and Obama gang raping Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. From Lara Logan being raped for video, to every college being nothing but rape institutions.
Hell what is being cheered now but MARCH INSANITY......yeah madness in these basketball jocks accomplishing nothing but venting for a society lured into it, with little girls in whore costumes cheering it all on, as you always need giggling girls looking pretty beside the bed making commentary about the rape taking place they initiated.

NO GIRLS did a thing to stop that rape in that room. NONE. Why is that and why has no one but this blog ASKED?

It is because everyone in that house thought this girl deserved to be raped and those who turned away, thought that being with the jock popular crowd was more important than being moral.

Bill Clinton raped his way through America, and the majority thought it was cool.

The Bush family gang raped Sarah Palin and all other Conservatives and the majority once again cheered the "sport".

Anyone reading this who was a part of the Clinton, Obama, Bush rape of women, YOU ARE RAPISTS and just as responsible for the rape of that girl in Ohio AS YOU CREATED THE RAPISTS THERE.

Not so pretty of a picture in your mirror of illusions in any of you guilty parties, as illusions will not be allowed here.

Deal with it you pathetic pscychotics on the assaultive and victimize side, as Dinah would not have been raped in the Bible, if she had not gone out with the girls away from the safety of her family.
At least Simeon and Levi did justice, even if it almost got all of them murdered.

M & M's, Mike and Margaritta, the sweets that melt in your mouth and rape in your hands.

Nuff said


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