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From the Desk of TL



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Holy Ghost just said to TL, "You know TL that the regime shot up them black folks in South Carolina, attacked gun control, and then attacked the American Confederate Flag., all as a ruse deflection, because they knew that Obamadeath and Obamafag was going to be sanctioned by the Supreme Court.

You see in this our children, that they give you a "win" in letting you keep a few things they never intended targeting to distract you, and then they take you up the arse, with the real agenda on the razor edge, so that YOU DO NOT RISE UP IN REVOLUTION, as after all you got to keep your guns.

I had pondered this last week just why the cartel had not been handing any of you crumbs, but just ramming things through..........sickly they have been giving you things which you already have and it was only a feint in saying they would take them in this phase.

I post this as Ted Cruz is now Mr. America again in his book, and the same traitor who was voting for Obamatrade last week. Cruz says he was amazed at all the frauds in the GOP. Some of you are figuring out how they are all frauds in that party now.
I post from Lucianne Goldberg's site in the comments section on this, as it is important, because the nattering nabobs there have no idea the test rats they are.

See when you read the below, you see people against the betrayal by the GOP...........what the cartel reads is a people so manchurianized that the terms, ARMED RESISTANCE, ARMED REVOLUTION never appear in these brave little posters. They think they are immune to the Mockingbird and MKULTRA mind conditioning, but what they are is proof that Tavistock and Stanford has been 100% successful in subduing every western population by chemicals, media conditioning and electronic rephrasing of the mind.

The entire message, with a minder adding to the posts the same old.....wait for an election.......term limits and other assorted catch phrases, is the American mind is completely conditioned in the R words have been cleansed from their cerebral process.

Each of you is telling them exactly how completely successful their programme has been. Yes let us all follow Rush Hudson Limbaugh's scripts which reiterate the same thing..........wait and talk.......wait and talk.

The proof of what you are, are in the comments below. Perhaps some of you might benefit actually saying out loud a few times, "I will resist this satanic regime in Jesus overcoming all."

Yes, sip your tea at your owners. Forget the history of what the Gentlemen and Ladies of Massachusetts were about in 1776 AD in the year of our Lord.


Reply 8 - Posted by: Moonspinner, 6/29/2015 7:33:00      (No. 10360942)
We, in fly over country, already know the contempt the GOP senators 
and reps have for us. I have also heard for many years that there is Satan worship 
going on in DC by those high and mighty politicians, that is how they get and keep their 
power. After seeing the slippery slope America is sliding down, thanks to those politicians 
and the politician-wannabes of the Supreme Court, I believe Satan is indeed working 
through our government to enslave the American people to corruption.

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Reply 9 - Posted by: Italiano, 6/29/2015 7:38:54      (No. 10360957)
No, Ted. We wouldn´t.

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Reply 10 - Posted by: richwill, 6/29/2015 7:44:49      (No. 10360966)
The only thing I agree with Marx: To change a government, the regime must be 
abolished by revolution. I am paraphrasing.

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Reply 11 - Posted by: Starlady, 6/29/2015 7:47:31      (No. 10360970)
That is why it is important for follow up of "tea Party candidates after election.
Marco Rubio lasted about a week before he stabbed his spporters in the back. 
Pat Toomey also ran as a conservative and was endorsed by SCF, but I could never 
bring myself to donate to his campaign because he sounded like a RINO. Ron Johnson 
also has abandoned any pretense of his conservatism espoused while campaining. 
Will never see another dime from me. SCF also endorsed the pretty boy companion 
to McCain in AZ. Again, I didn´t believe he was a conservative and did not 
contribute. He has turned out to be a McCain RINO. SCF was supposed to 
weed these out for conservatives, many of their endorsements have been wishful
thinking on their part. Do your own research.

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Reply 12 - Posted by: jhpeters2, 6/29/2015 8:10:24      (No. 10360991)
This after years of Harry Reid´s abject lying in public. So what does Cruz find 
shocking about any senator?

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Reply 13 - Posted by: ScarletPimpernel, 6/29/2015 8:25:17      (No. 10361000)
Ted Cruz is on Mark Levin as I write this. Can´t wait to read his book.

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Reply 14 - Posted by: GreatPlains, 6/29/2015 9:12:25      (No. 10361023)
"...or staunch Tea Party supporters,"

Cruz sounds like a gossipy teenage girl.
In recent years , other than Cruz, Lee and I assume Sessions have any of the other 

51 Republican Senators actually campaigned or declared themselves
as " staunch Tea Party supporters " ?
In the 2014 elections, every Tea Party challenger to an incumbent Republican 

Senator was defeated.
The vast majority of Republican Senators do not describe themselves using 

the words Tea Party.

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Reply 15 - Posted by: mainelysane, 6/29/2015 9:27:01      (No. 10361039)
I would not be astonished. I´m sick of all of you, Senator Cruz.

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Reply 16 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623, 6/29/2015 9:45:16      (No. 10361048)
No, we aren´t. Worse yet, we aren´t even surprised by what they take from
lobbyist and special interest.

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Reply 17 - Posted by: killerbee, 6/29/2015 10:51:21      (No. 10361097)
After the Thad Cochran backstab, it´s hard to be surprised by anything 
the GOPe does. But, yes, they do still shock me from time to time.

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Reply 18 - Posted by: Trust No One, 6/29/2015 11:17:11      (No. 10361119)
Doesn´t make any difference anymore after the latest SC decision.

Why worry about what they say or do? We´re Doomed to live in a Marxist, 

socialist country.

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Reply 19 - Posted by: kate318, 6/29/2015 11:24:48      (No. 10361125)
You know, President Ted Cruz of the United States of the Republic of Texas 
is sounding better and better to me. Enough is enough.

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Reply 20 - Posted by: Penney, 6/30/2015 12:49:56      (No. 10361163)
Keep shining the light in all those dank beltway corners of political corruption!!! 
More exposure of maleficence is always helpful for voters.

...The lsm certainly goes to great lengths to hide the slimy tactics & trickery 

employed with such a heavy hand by the conniving statist pols. ...After all, they 
wouldn´t be invited to their next shindig!

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Reply 21 - Posted by: steveW, 6/30/2015 12:53:55      (No. 10361167)
You can´t be a constitutional conservative in favor of small government and 
at the same time support socialistic Democrat schemes like Medicare or 
Social Security. It´s as simple as that.

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Reply 22 - Posted by: Timber Queen, 6/30/2015 1:11:03      (No. 10361173)
Senator Cruz was definitely not naïve nor surprised to learn politicians 
say one thing in public and another in private. That is the reality of the tension 
between public and private opinion. However, he did write that it “amazed” 
him the number of Republican senators who espoused conservative policies 
and ideals yet did little or nothing to advance those principles. This action/inaction 
goes beyond personally held opinion verses public statements and enters into 
the realm of con artists and fraud.

Obviously some in this salon find no problem with elected officials falsely 

representing what they believe during campaigns and voting the opposite 
once in office. I guess those are the “progressive” type voters who agree 
gigantic government holds the answers to all problems as long as it’s the “R’s”
that control the levers of power, and if it takes lying to the rubes then let it be so.

We get that the Grand Old Progressives hate the TEA movement. Believe me, 

we get it. We understand that it threatens the status quo for the right wing of the 
Uniparty and they must do everything they can to discredit its supporters. It really 
is amazing the fight that the GOPe displays against the very same people they 
troll for money and votes. Its so Alinsky of them in all their pathetic attempts to 
convince us that we are the minority, bless their hearts. I just wish that in 2016 
the Rovettes remember their disdain for our values and we are not harangued 
about voting for Jeb! They lost the presidency in 2008 and 2012 with our votes, 
they can lose in 2016 without them too.

Who is John Galt?

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Reply 23 - Posted by: flatwater, 6/30/2015 1:15:37      (No. 10361175)
Counting the knife wounds in my back, accumulated over the last six years.

No, Ted, I would not be astonished. Just ashamed that I ever supported 

these spineless, corrupt, treasonous sacks of (excrement).

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Reply 24 - Posted by: NotaBene, 6/30/2015 1:38:51      (No. 10361187)
Thank you Senator Ted Cruz for being the only person to oppose Obamacare 
with a filibuster from the floor of the Senate. As an previous Texas attorney 
general that argued many cases in front of the Supreme Control Court you 
are a great candidate for ensuring that the next nominees do not legislate like 
last Thursday and Friday that will live forever in infamy in U.S. History.

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Reply 25 - Posted by: judy, 6/30/2015 5:51:20      (No. 10361255)
Electing & re-electing Boehner & McConnell as non leaders 
proves this to be true. Don´t blame Boehner & McConnell, blame 
the ones to continue vote these losers back in office. All they care about 
is power, getting re-elected, tanning beds, bars, chamber of commerce 
& $$$. The trade bill & giving the WH unlimited power & 
$$$ proves the rinos are really dems. When is someone going to write a 
real book about what really going on inside DC? My guess is divorce court 
would be very busy.

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Reply 26 - Posted by: Desert Fox, 6/30/2015 6:26:30      (No. 10361274)
Currently deep into reading Ted Cruz´s new book, the Kindle Edition 
and it is very telling. It explains the Republicans move in the Senate to 
change the vote from the required 60 vote majority to a mere 51 vote 
majority in order to get a budget resolution passed and provide a means 
to give cover to the Republicans to say they did not vote for it fixing two 
problems under the guise of deception. Senator Cruz was adamant in
standing on principle refusing to join Republicans to change the required

majority vote from 60 to 51 and was thus smeared by the Senior 
Republican Senator´s in the press and public. The book details his 
upbringing and describes the path that led him to become a Senator 
 from Texas. Very Informative and a Good read.

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Reply 27 - Posted by: Freeloader, 6/30/2015 7:39:27      (No. 10361326)
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and 
car keys to teenage boys."
-P.J. O´Rourke

And the insanity has been going on for a long time. For confirmation 

of Brother Cruz´s observations about our goobermint, read P.J. 
O´Rourke´s #1 National Bestseller, "Parliament of Whores," published in 1991.

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Reply 28 - Posted by: congar, 6/30/2015 7:45:06      (No. 10361333)
Judging from the way these weak kneed lamebrains vote I doubt 
I would be astonished.

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Reply 29 - Posted by: shamus, 6/30/2015 7:45:49      (No. 10361335)
"Hain´t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain´t that a 
big enough majority in any town?"
-- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Reply 30 - Posted by: winnie1, 6/30/2015 7:51:22      (No. 10361343)
We do know what they say and do. Look at Boehner & 
McConnell good example both speak with a fork tongue. They are 
known as RINO’s.

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Reply 31 - Posted by: stryker714, 6/30/2015 7:52:07      (No. 10361345)
Wow, some people don´t seem very appreciative of what Mr Cruz 
 revealed and seem to have soured in morale to a point that is beyond 
recovery. So the RepublicanE have a nice scam going in having the 
cause of standing against Democrats and then scheme how they will 
actually go along with them. Unacceptable. There have been a couple, 
oh make that several, er numerous issues that have come along that are 
unacceptable in outcome. More than a few issues were worthy of a 
march on DC yet no one suggests it, no one wants to organize it and 
the our complaints continue while we all sit home, go about our daily lives. 
We haven´t tried it, even once, lately and if it worked in Egypt, elsewhere 
it could get results here. Enough protests in DC made us give up on the 
Vietnam War and it might make the Democrats/Republicans give up on 
Socialism. No one is making the politicians´ lives scary or even difficult 
and that is EXACTLY what it is going to take to get results. Many politicians 
are all doing terrible things to this country, act like they aren´t and just walk 
around with a big smile on their collective faces, uncontested.

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Reply 32 - Posted by: 4freedom, 6/30/2015 8:02:09      (No. 10361360)
It´s extremely depressing to know we conservatives do not have any 
representation in Congress. A third party is looking better all the time, 
if we pulled it off the republican party would be in serious trouble, 
which would be fine with me.

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Reply 33 - Posted by: MHR, 6/30/2015 8:05:11      (No. 10361367)
Mind-boggling to think that this is something we don´t know?

Time for term limits, they´re all waaay too comfortable there

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Reply 34 - Posted by: winnie1, 6/30/2015 8:08:08      (No. 10361371)
Ted should name names of those who got a BIG payout for voting 
for the Trade Bill. Embarrass the hell out of them both Democrats & 
Republicans. Mitch McConnell & John Boehner didn´t show up for 
the signing of the Bill, they are trying to make it look like they had nothing 
to do with it. They actually think we are stupid!

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Reply 35 - Posted by: RancherJack, 6/30/2015 10:20:00      (No. 10361599)
Always remember .. Republican elites started progressivism in America

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Reply 36 - Posted by: Spiderman, 6/30/2015 10:21:08      (No. 10361601)
It doesn´t matter what Ted or anybody else exposes, the average voter 
in this now God forsaken country just wants to sit on the couch and 
drink his beer and eat his potato chips and be given a fifth and $10.00 
and told what button to push in the voting booth.

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Reply 37 - Posted by: Aubreyesque, 6/30/2015 10:35:26      (No. 10361623)
Some commenters on here sound like jealous high school losers who 
sound as if they are collecting troll-data for their own little slam book 
that will be only seen between the two of them.

Ted Cruz has walked the talk, far more so than the ciphers that the 

RINOs gush and crush over. That makes the high school loser slam 
book creators angry.

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Reply 38 - Posted by: hoosiergirl71, 6/30/2015 10:39:32      (No. 10361627)
I have been interested in politics for many years and got involved on 
the grass roots level several times. Sad to say, there are a ´few´ 
well-informed about who and what goes on in D.C., but the vast number
of people who actually care enough to go vote don´t have a clue. They 

believe the ads, go listen to candidates in person, read the spinning in 
papers, but don´t have a clue! Truth has become a rare commodity 
in the U.S. and one must work and put out effort to come by it. Most 
are too busy with the lives of ´celebrities´ and the latest electronics to 
care about holding our government accountable. Fault the pols, yes, 
but the citizens of this great country, especially those who complain 
the loudest, have allowed what we now have to deal with come to 
pass. So what happens next? Electing a true Conservative to the 
oval office won´t change much as long as Congress and the SCOTUS 
are united for socialism. Pray and repent.

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Reply 39 - Posted by: nevernaught, 6/30/2015 10:43:31      (No. 10361634)
Never believe any politician of any Party on what they say, believe 
your lying eyes when you see how each individual votes.

Even then don´t trust any politician. They always leave office much 

richer than when they entered the den of iniquity called Congress and 
the White House. You can now add the SCOTUS.

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Reply 40 - Posted by: Avogadra, 6/30/2015 11:41:16      (No. 10361690)
#26, does Cruz name names? I already know about Rove trying to 
shut down Tea Party candidates in Texas. Does he specify who does 
what in Washington, DC?

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Reply 41 - Posted by: Butch59, 6/30/2015 11:52:28      (No. 10361703)
Add this to the list of why NO senator should ever be elected as 
president. And also the list of what I have been urging for a long time 
now. And that is for WE THE PEOPLE to rise up in revolution 
AGAINST all of Washington D.C. With all that we have learned over 
the past decades, we can rebuild this country to be what is was intended 
to be. But it´s going to take people, men and women, like those back 
in 1776 that are willing to sacrifice their honor, money, and even their life 
to do so.

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Reply 42 - Posted by: maryc, 6/30/2015 12:35:57      (No. 10361762)
Greed. Washington is so broken that this does not surprise anyone. 
The only thing that is surprising are the ones who vote the way they 
said they would. While middle America gets taxed to pay for all their 
power and comfort they vote to take more of our earnings and our 
freedoms every day. When the repubs vote with obama you know 
the fix is in and there is no 2 party system any more. We are sliding 
faster and faster to the same end as rome .

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Reply 43 - Posted by: Packard Man, 6/30/2015 3:00:45      (No. 10361903)
Maybe someday you´ll tell us about it Senator.

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Reply 44 - Posted by: grady, 6/30/2015 3:01:54      (No. 10361904)
They had one job to do, Stop Obama in his tracks.
And what did they do, They gave him more power.

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Reply 45 - Posted by: JediJerry, 6/30/2015 3:27:24      (No. 10361933)
From their actions, I can only say that they are all a bunch of dope smoking 
alcoholics that cheat on their wives, and lie like rugs to their constituents to 
get elected and re-elected and are planning their retirements as lobbyists 
soaking up the cream from all of the big business members of the Chamber 
of Crony Capitalists that they did dirty deeds for. The wrote the book on 
pay to play. There may be one or two real men or women of virtue and 
honor but for the most part they are a bunch of cut throat selfish buffoons.


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