Senator Rod Portman of Ohio, is a deluded man, who has chosen the love of sin, couched in a deviant son, over the Love of God in throwing away God's Commandments on proper sexual relations, in favor of judging his son a good person in being a sodomite, and thereby becoming a designed tool of the pedophile cults operating in this world.
Senator Portman, likes to choose the "love" message of the Bible to stand upon his choice of promoting his judgments over God. The Love of God, also wiped out sodomite cultures from Sodom, to Canaan to Israel, in divorcing them due to their numerous sexual sins.
It is elementary that one can compare. So homosexuality was correctly illegal not that long ago, and now it is deemed "legal".
Sex acts are actions and a choice, that means one chooses what they do.
In that, if Rod Portman's son came to him and said, "I love children and am having sex with one, and want to marry them".
That is not far fetched as this is in the works as this blog has proven from Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno legalizing children.
This is proven by John Kerry's daughter at the Democratic National Convention that it was a child's choice.
That is the United Nations making little children legal sexual partners for adults.
I have informed all, that once sodomites are done filling the purpose of degrading the marriage and normal sexual conduct to the point of making pedophilia legal, they will be turned on by this same feudal state, as these elites are not going to allow these perverts to sully up their stable of children.
The Bible calls homosexuality an abomination. That choice will get you in hell, that means at enmity with God.
All people have weaknesses in life as I have spoken of here. Some have narcotics, some have sports, some have sex, some have food, some have all the things which you are not allowing yourself to be destroyed by, by abusing that weakness in denying oneself and choosing God.
I will note that there was a deliberate program to have women not nurse their children. That programme invoked feeding children soy milk. Soy milk in males makes them more effeminate. It was a deliberate rape of children, and of course one will note that females are now more masculine due to like hormones making them more aggressive.
American children have been steeped to the cauldron point in sex, in being oversexed from birth. Their male role models are failing and the female role models are failing. The end result are this infusion of a mass of sodomy.
You need to see something obvious in this, in the stage has been set for the creation of these perverted males and females. You need to ask yourself why it seems to be Conservatives who have spikes in children who are "gay". You never hear of the liberal Cuomo, Kennedy etc.... families boiling over and coming out of the closet as their sons and daughters are heterosexual.
That should get you thinking in this in what is taking place, because Dick Cheney, Rod Portman and the head of the Tea Party, which drove the last spike in the heart of that movement all at the opportune time had a sodomite child appear, and immediately the parents changed their entire perspective and threw it all way.
You will recall that Gov. Mark Sandford going nuts and chasing some latin hoochie completely out of character when he was about to become a Presidential contender.
George Allen had his macacca moment meltdown in public.
You really think with the numerous suicides in the Veterans of America, that just maybe there might be a way in mass and direct singular events to get people to do something they would not normally do?
James Holmes sound familiar as the Batman Joker. How about Sandy Hook. How about the Gabrielle Giffords shooter in Jarod Loughner that are all called just insane, and next thing you know it is a political talking point to deny Americans their gun rights.
What I will inform you of is a ledger file in the protocols. It is and it does take place, in key Conservative families are targeted. I do mean entire families, because there is an exact protocol in this, and it REPEATS in pattern.
A college age child is targeted, and yes it is possible to PUT THOUGHTS INTO PEOPLE'S MINDS, exactly as satan does. What was accomplished with Obama was frequency machine ramping up populations at events susceptible to that frequency charging them.
These children of Conservatives are tuned in, bombarded, and in time they start acting out when seperated from their Christian Conservative families. It is a really simple process to hit those trigger nervous system points in the brain and release the endomorphines to make them keyed to this, as they are already created in that soy milk mode.
The parents like Rod Portman are targeted and conditioned in the same radar waves. It turns off the parental role and the Law, and it focuses on the acceptance of sin as not evil and calls it "love".
There is a programme, it exists and there is a specific psychological group who runs this operation and they are specialists and accomplish this work every time in flipping straight children to be sodomites.
It has evolved so much since Obama's intervention which turned him from a dope head queer to a community organized gay who they stuck with a Muchelle to give him that masculine need which Obama was denied as he was soybean homosexualized.
The direct assault upon the minds and psyche of key American families in chemical and electric rape of their thought and emotional processes is a reality and it is repeating in pattern to install this child rape protocol which I have been exclusively warning of since Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno started this.
Oh and Mike Gallagher of GAYLORD hotels with CGAY, you really think your Mockingbird is going to mind condition your redneck audiences to accept this gay stance?
God news that the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives will rock all of this in providing the talking points and uncovering the psychological conditioning taking place in America in these very terror attacks on dupes like Senator Portman and his family.
Senator Portman needs to dig a little into the offspring of MKULTRA to find what his family was terrorized with. If he survives, he will find the evidence, but he has already spoiled his child by not being a Christian parent in sending that conditioned rebellious youth to Judgment.
nuff said
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