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Genesis Project


Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have written of the American mandate in years gone by of having a 7 year food supply for Americans, in the event of the Great Tribulation. Yes there was a time when there was Government in America and she actually took care of the people in Biblical warnings.

In that though, the Monsanto world of genetic poisons has created a monopoly of hybrid producers of grain for herbicide sprays who make grain by farmer slaves for George Soros, Cargill and Archers Daniels Midland to control world food supply.

I have not advocated as Continentalist Policy for some time, but it occurs to me that it should be a policy of an American regime, Canadian regime and European regimes to indeed produce a 7 year food supply for their peoples......and I do not mean Mexican, African or Pakistani imports by the cartel.

What the Lame Cherry advocates is the Genesis Project. This project would have the US Congress contract by the USDA with Family Farmers only, meaning no corporate farmers, for these individuals to grow and produce grains of antiquity, which have less yield, but are more nutritious and not poisonous frankenfood in the least.
This agricultural base would have market appeal as the markets spread in healthy food in these nations, and the main point would be to house millions of bushels of grain. I do not advocate centralized storage in this, but instead for farmers to have constructed bins on their properties to store these emergency grains locally. Meaning, you would have thousands of bushels of grain within walking or driving distance from your home, and not at some hub point of a large city or some FEMA 10 zone headquarters area.

The grain would be the property of the American people, and would be rationed in times of emergencies, as much in France as in Australasia.

I would advocate the addition of dried fruits, canned vegetables and meats to supplement this, but these commodities would have to be stored in National Guard type armories for local use. This is a community effort and control program.

There is a vision in this, in making heritage grains available once again. The same grains which fed the World War II generation to victory are the best grains ever developed. Due to cartel policy, the farmers were weeded out for corporate control, and what needs a gentle push to return is the family farm along with these grains.

I will be plain in this charge in most of the organic or heirloom producers of grain seeds are frauds or at best have absolutely no quality control. What I explain by this charge is, if you order a packet of seed corn, that corn will have chaff in it, not be screened of small inferior seeds and the germination in numbers of cases is 75% or below.
As an example, a random company like Johnny's Seeds of Albion Maine, their seeds are expensive, but they germinate and produce the crop the first year.

I have numbers of times in my research ordered a packet of seeds and planted them. Even with sorting, I end up with.......I will not name this person, but this year I ordered several varieties of corn. I planted 50 seeds of one variety and 25 of another. In the end I have about 25 good plants in the 50 seeds, and I think 10 in the 25 seeds planted in plastic cups.

That honestly is pretty good, considering another sweet corn I am testing 4 seeds germinated out of 20 seeds planted which were hand selected.

 Now compare this to my hand selected seeds this year which sprouted 98% of strong plants. I also add to this, that these seeds in some cases were 4 and 2 years old, which in corn is the dead zone. Do you understand how sellers of heritage seeds are mixing in probably old seed which is dead, along with these inferior top of the cob chaff and selling it to people? There is not any quality control.

All of this is not that difficult in food supply as inferior grains still produce food. For crops though, it is handled by a grain sieve to only allow the largest sizes to remain. You feed the culls to your poultry and plant the best.

The point of the Genesis Project is to expand the global seedbank, to one of a the local foodbank in these same crops. Contract with small farmers to produce these healthy grains of the open pollinated eras, and all will be well fed in a global emergency.

I will try and post on my testing of cereal grains, as they are doing fine, even with a few  minor endangements of a Baby Belle stampede. It is possible and with a national advocacy which focused on family farms which were small, these food banks would make all the difference in the world.
Every three years part of the crop could be rotated out and marketed, and replaced with healthy grains which were new.

This really does need to be a platform of all political parties. The world has reserves in currency and oil. It needs to return to local control food banks for the Great Tribulation.

I repeat this warning in there is no food value in modern Round Up crops. They produce too much grain and the soil does not have enough nutrition to make the crop have any more food value than sugar coated cardboard. Numbers of these crops are sterile and in a world emergency, as in a meteorite striking the earth, each community will be cut off from corporate grains, and these open pollinated grains would then be employed to feed the people as they could be planted too.

There is method to all of this.

I leave this at that.


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