As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When this blog reported that Clementa Pickney was targeted by the Obama regime, aka the benefactors who choose who will be the dictators in the White House decades in advance, this is now the published reality of that evidence.
None of this is unique, as John Heinz of Pennsylvania was assassinated as much as George Allen of Viriginia was politically destroyed, all so the cartel's hand which rocks the cradle will have their candidates and strawmen as has been ordained.
Clementa Pickney was called a GIANT, A MORAL COMPASS, A LEGEND in South Carolina by his own political group.
It is a fact that he rose to Minority leader of the South Carolina House. This was a man with 15 years of political groundwork in place, and was in a position to make national moves, in this was a legitimate American black who worked for his position and power.
Ebony magazine in 1999 AD in the year of our Lord, named Pickney one of 30 African American Leaders of the Future.
Want to make a wager that someone named Birther Hussein Obama was ever named on that list with Reverend Pickney?
Al Sharpton as was posted here, tweeted that it was Clementa Pickney who led the prayer vigils for dead South Carolinian, Walter Scott.
Pickney was a legitimate political force who was not a minder for any regime agency to control blacks as his history appears to be one of being a self made black American male. Someone like that who is not a wife beater or cheater like Martin King jr., is someone who can not be blackmailed or destroyed in the press. This is a man who was a legitimate threat of being the first black American President on the heels of whoever occupies 1600 Penn Avenue in the next two Presidential elections.
Ask yourself what kind of threat Clementa Pickney is to the Obama cartel establishment, when it is a black world replaced with Mexican slave labor hordes. What kind of disruption could a man like Pickney create in being a true advocate for blacks and looking out for their interests and not being a control like image Obama or a minder like Al Sharpton?
For those who think this is farfetched, and is off the plantation, I suggest you read a quote from Ebony magazine in an article by Jonathan Alter which records an assault which Barack Hussein Obama made on black intellectual activist, Cornel West.
After the Urban League speech, Obama came down to West's seat and grew angry."I'm not progressive? What kind of sh-- is this?" the president hissed, his face contorted. West said later that a brassy African-American woman standing behind him told the president to his face, "How dare you speak to Dr. West like that!" and argued after Obama left that the obscenity would have justified removal by the Secret Service had it come from anyone else.
Yes the reality is the enemies of the image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin are strong black men. That is the book on Birther Hussein, no dark shadows on the legacy to blot out the Obama sun.