As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am a registered Republican in my voting status, but after this treacherous and traitorous overthrow of America in this Obamatrade bill by the GOP, which appears to be satanic insane against EVERY Constitutional and American Law ever in violating sovereignty of these United States, I am disgusted I ever listed myself in the party of Reagan.
I can go over the reality of democrats voting for Obamacare in not reading the bill, but the GOP is now joined at the hip in the same insanity. There is absolutely no reason for America to fast track any treaty, but there is every reason for the international conglomerates to push a fast track which will enrich them and destroy American sovereignty and jobs.
Do you not get this in this Obamatrade IS pure mob rule? What I mean by this, it is PURE DEMOCRACY, and is something which the Founders of America in the Constitutional Convention would never have agreed to.
To make this the short version, America has two houses in Congress for checks and balances. The lower house is for the population of America and the upper house is for the states of America. What this accomplishes is a state like Nebraska is equal to a state like California in the Senate, but in the House, California due to population has a greater vote.
In Obamatrade, America has the same equal vote of Vietnam to Brunei. The greatest, most prosperous, most advanced nation on earth is in Obamatrade equal to nations which are the least in this world. That is absolutely unfair and unbalanced as it places all the power in Vietnam and these lesser nations over America.
America should have 100 votes for every one of these countries and that is the ECONOMIC HOUSE OF VOTING REALITY. There is not any check and balance in this in the least. All this Obamatrade is designed to do is import more filthy foreigners who are the antithesis of the American, for slave labor to benefit the corporatist plundering of America and for the exploitation of these other foreign lands.
It does not make any difference if it is dumping the few things America has in food to hungry Asians, as it will not benefit farmers, but only the Soros speculators who always win in these schemes.
Obamatrade is no different than NAFTA or any of these other schemes. This is nothing about fair trade, but about providing new ways of exploitation of all nations for the benefit of the few. That is the obvious reality.
The GOP needs to be required to answer the question in every member in why is it American for having checks and balances in America, but to safeguard American Rights in foreign lands, then it is anti Americanism by the House and Senate GOP to allow the mob to rule over Americans by their corporate masters.
America is not represented in the least in this Obamatrade fairly. America should be represented on ECONOMIC voting shares and not one vote for the American nation.
The Philadelphia Convention would never have agreed to what these GOP scoundrels have foisted upon America with the image of Birther Hussein Obama Chin.
This is not trade, this is Obamachirade and the GOP is the Grande Obama Poltroons
This is the list of traitors:
YEAs —62 | ||
Alexander (R-TN) Ayotte (R-NH) Barrasso (R-WY) Bennet (D-CO) Blunt (R-MO) Boozman (R-AR) Burr (R-NC) Cantwell (D-WA) Capito (R-WV) Cardin (D-MD) Carper (D-DE) Cassidy (R-LA) Coats (R-IN) Cochran (R-MS) Coons (D-DE) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Cotton (R-AR) Crapo (R-ID) Cruz (R-TX) Daines (R-MT) | Ernst (R-IA) Feinstein (D-CA) Fischer (R-NE) Flake (R-AZ) Gardner (R-CO) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA) Hatch (R-UT) Heitkamp (D-ND) Heller (R-NV) Hoeven (R-ND) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Johnson (R-WI) Kaine (D-VA) Kirk (R-IL) Lankford (R-OK) McCain (R-AZ) McCaskill (D-MO) McConnell (R-KY) Moran (R-KS) | Murkowski (R-AK) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL) Perdue (R-GA) Portman (R-OH) Risch (R-ID) Roberts (R-KS) Rounds (R-SD) Rubio (R-FL) Sasse (R-NE) Scott (R-SC) Shaheen (D-NH) Sullivan (R-AK) Thune (R-SD) Tillis (R-NC) Toomey (R-PA) Vitter (R-LA) Warner (D-VA) Wicker (R-MS) Wyden (D-OR) |
NAYs —37 | ||
Baldwin (D-WI) Blumenthal (D-CT) Booker (D-NJ) Boxer (D-CA) Brown (D-OH) Casey (D-PA) Collins (R-ME) Donnelly (D-IN) Durbin (D-IL) Franken (D-MN) Gillibrand (D-NY) Heinrich (D-NM) Hirono (D-HI) | King (I-ME) Klobuchar (D-MN) Leahy (D-VT) Lee (R-UT) Manchin (D-WV) Markey (D-MA) Menendez (D-NJ) Merkley (D-OR) Mikulski (D-MD) Murphy (D-CT) Paul (R-KY) Peters (D-MI) Reed (D-RI) | Reid (D-NV) Sanders (I-VT) Schatz (D-HI) Schumer (D-NY) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Stabenow (D-MI) Tester (D-MT) Udall (D-NM) Warren (D-MA) Whitehouse (D-RI) |
Not Voting – 1 | ||
Enzi (R-WY) |