The Catholic religion, the Vatican, is based upon the power of one group, a group who in the Americans oversaw the need for communist liberation, a group denounced by Pope John Paul and Benedict. That group is the Jesuits, and if you do not know, CBS' resident Vatican expert just stated that Pope Francis, is a Jesuit, from the group of the Black Pope, the Storm Troopers of the Vatican who swept into nations and converted them.
This is telling as Cardinal George took the name Francis who is the leader or father of the Italians in that order of Assisi.
Pope Francis is of the political cabinet of the Vatican. He is not of the Italian order, but chose a name which means he is head of the Italian order.
Pope named after Francis of Assisi heralded by gull atop Sistine chimney
The Guardian- 1 hour agoNewly appointed pontiff Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes name of Catholic friar portrayed as nature lover – and preacher to birds.
In a most interesting sign, when Pope Ben was forced into exile, lightning struck the Vatican. When Cardinal George was announced a gull sat atop the chimney which announced this page turning event.
In a search for the connections of gulls and omens, the following recordings were found:
Soul Birds - world, body, beliefs, time, human › Sh-SySeagulls ( Laridae ), too, warned of approaching storm. ... the raven ( Corvus corax ) and crow ( Corvus corone ) have been thought birds of ill omen. A document ...Pope's Dove Attacked By Seagull At Holocaust Remembrance Day ...
by Hunter Stuart - -Jan 29, 2013 – The dove was eventually able to escape from the seagull. .... Those two women are so dumb not knowing the meaning of a white dove
It is of interest that in recent history, the gull warned of an approaching storm and that a gull tried to kill a dove of peace released on Holocaust Remembrance Day by Pope Benedict.
This particular gull flew away and then came back. That has a duality of meaning and depth of twice the magnitude of meaning.
Gulls have a happy laugh in following humans, but do so for the death the humans create and are there to devour.
This is a bird of the sea, sitting upon the dry land. The sea is symbolic of the mass of humanity and this bird is perched upon it as a sign of that which is to come.
This Pope Francis, the Italian order, had manifestations which were infused into the Catholic order.
Though he was never ordained to the Catholic priesthood, Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in history
In 1219, he went to Egypt in an attempt to convert the Sultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades
Do you see things forming in this Pope, of choosing an Italian never ordained, a close link to Islamic conversion to the Universal religion, and.....
In 1224, he received the stigmata, making him the first recorded person to bear the wounds of Christ's Passion.
The strange miracles that are part of this illuminated group.
Revelation 13:11, 12
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Perhaps, by the signs and omens, Malachy might not be far off in this Pater of Rome.
Another in the series of Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter.
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