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Smut in the Pan



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I find it odd that on websites, people are always asking me to answer questions about things I once purchased. I was just answering a question today from someone on this.......was my good deed today.

This has nothing to do with good deeds, but about smut. See in literary terms, you put on a sexual enticing title to titillate and then masturbators start reading it, and soon enough dose off and click to some other gossip to make their ovary sacks swell with unctions of fertility rubbing.

OK this is about smut, the real stuff that grows on corn. I have always been fascinated by this black stuff that looks like a sort of rotten mushroom pate' or mousse poop made of paint products of grey and black.
I can remember getting this black stuff on your hands, and like all things in life........people just recoil to things that are black as it just means something bad for you. So I would have never dreamed of eating that stuff, but leave it to the American Aboriginals, and they were gnawing on this stuff like real food.

See you got an ear of corn. You know what that looks like. Well smut looks like bloated death corn kernels, as that is what it looks like, and is colored grey and black.......it also rubs off like tar and is not the easiest to be rid of.
These ears get bloated, or they poke out the end with these black and grey kernels. Here though is where the Aboriginal differs from me.

So the Aboriginal goes in and harvests them. I leave it to the experts as .......well eating that stuff never killed them, and you never know when you might need to be gnawing on smut.
Oh by the way, Indians seem to be able to eat on bloated dead animals, that would kill a coyote, as history shows, and it never killed Indians either. Apparently the human can ingest numbers of things that they should not and still live to shit another day.

"We gathered the black masses and half boiled and dried them, still on the cob. When well dried, they were broken off the cob. These broken off pieces we mixed with the dried half boiled green com, and stored in the same sack with them. Mapfi'di was cooked by boiling with the half-boiled dried com. We did not eat mape'di fresh from the garden, nor did we cook it separately. Mape'di, boiled with com, tasted good, not sweet, and not sour."
. Mexicans love the galls to in gnawing on them.........odd how you never see any black Doritos. Honestly you never see any black food, as black food in nature says death...........odd how that never transfers to people as rich people always like collecting them Designer Negroes to validate their masturbation.

OK, so smut is a disease.......deadly in fact to corn, as you never see any smut kernels planted and growing smut plants. Smut in the real world is just a death sentence.
Get the double entendre?

Smut in lab conditions, mimics yeast in remaining single cell. But put it under the covers of a husk, and those little buggers build to each other, and you get the big ole fungus fest loved by Aboriginals......ends up in Mexican foods, hidden away.

It is interesting that oxygen wards off these smut invasions.......like the light of day stops a peep show to peepers behind closed doors.

Think of flavor as dirt like. You know mushroom dirt like or potato dirt like, with sweetish flavor.

Interesting the Zuni use it to try and induce labor, and it is a very mild version of ergot......you know the rye grain LSD fungus stuff that creates Salem witches and things like that.

Odd part is, our old dog one puked up some guts it had eaten, and that is what these Indian dishes all look like.......a sort of slimy black grey mess with bits of food incorporated into it......but this chuck is what makes the wagon wheels roll.

Someday I think if I have diseased corn, I might try this....not in food, but sort of off on it's own just to see what it is all about. As I already hear and see things, I see no problems if I get a mild case of visions from ingesting this delicacy.

So I leave this at that.........more food right under your nose that everyone will be turning your nose up to.


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