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Protocols of the American Overthrow


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I forget what that operation Uriah BoPeep is that they are carrying on in Texas that has all them Texicans riled up in thinkin it is gonna be a martial law takeover, but I do know Coast to Coast AM's George Knapp sure gets his knappweave in a twist when little old ladies write him emails and ask him how long they have to wait before the troopers show up with kinky cuffs and make them assume the position.

Literally, Knapp on Sunday night spent 10 minutes ranting about women who asked him about this military operation and when he didn't put out what they wanted, he kept calling them "little old ladies" in the worst chauvinist diatribe in years.
The thing is, Knapp has a point. The problem is Knapp was blaming Alex Jones and Co for stirring this pot and then starting new fire next week, but that is exactly what Nouri and Knapp do every week for Obama.

And that is what this post is about, is George Knapp works for the same company which George Nouri works for and Nouri the Lebanese was given an award by Barack Obama and Nouri gushed over it. This is the same Nouri who had a man on the ground in the Egyptian revolution saying what a great deal it is as Lara Logan was gang raped in the background by the same people.
So beyond masochism, we are dealing with minders who are conditioning you for a purpose and this is the purpose.............

Of course, Operation Jade Helm has nothing to do with martial law because there are too many gunners in Texas and America for any operation to take control. What Jade Helm is accomplishing is the reality of your expectations of seeing black ops running in your neighborhoods.
There once was a time in America when the military was never seen and it was for a purpose. The US military has massive training facilities in America. Mr Samworth had the government confiscate his wildlife paradise for the Marines in World War II and was bitched at by a judge for being unpatriotic for trying to protect his home. That is the reality in America, there are hundreds of thousands of acres for military practice and that is where the military has been practicing forever.
If the call came for urban warfare training, that is what Germany, the Philippines, or one of the Latin American or Okinawa countries were for. That is the way operations are run and why Iraq, Afghanistan and whatever other shithole America was lured into were open training zones, so Americans were not exposed to this militarism.

This has all changed now and become blatant under the Obama regime, and it is for purpose. If you have special operations, military operations running their operations in your community, the reason they are called operations is because it is a military campaign against you.
What you are being exposed to is the same second world conditioning that the good people of the former Soviet Union and the current Chicom state expose their citizens to, to intimidate them on a regular basis. That is the danger of Jade Helm because this is about intimidation on the same scale as Hutatree, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City, and the Boston bombing fallout. It is all slight of hand and diversion.
Revisit Pamela Gellar in Texas. Private security was securing that event and for some reason SWAT was hovering about to murder people. Visit another Texas event in the Bandito blowup at Twin Peaks. SWAT again was hovering about this restaurant. I repeat, this was a RESTAURANT, a public gathering place that just so happened to have bikers there. Backengineer this so you get this.

BATFE went public and stated they had moles and minders in every group in America. It just so happens that all these different biker groups show up at the same restaurant and somehow an altercation over parking space breaks out and the entire place lights up.............and who is there, hovering around, but SWAT again and who opens fire but SWAT, putting the people down. That is not coincidence but operations again, and all of you are not questioning what in the hell SWAT is doing flying black helicopters around a residential area and a restaurant with deadly force.
See, bikers are like Italians in the mafia, like Jews in the mafia, like niggers in the woodpile, like bikers.................see no one cares about bikers and we all know they are all criminals because we are told they are all criminals............but odd isn't it how these biker gangs all are criminals and yet the skinheads and stormfront barely say a peep and they all end up in prison, but the blacks riot and are rewarded, and the bikers end up all under arrest as organized crime.

All of these are operations and all are sanctioned. Jade Helm simply is targeting you so that you start to expect seeing the American Spetznaz on your street poking their gun barrels into your panties. If they want to murder you, they have the entire mosquito miniaturized drone fleet to take you out. This is about population control and the Pravda in all of this is George Nouri, as Homo Hannity swings by his vine sodomizing all of you in the protocols of the American overthrow.

So now you know the story. You also have no idea of the hundreds of operations going on in the United States every day which you are exposed to and some of you clever children are experiencing in your Internet bounces and cell phone disruptions.

That should do it.

PS:.........and we all know dissidents live in the Texas burbs dressed as mullahs....as it is the Dallas Mullahs not the Dallas Cowboys.

Nuff said.

The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.
- -- Patrick Henry, speech to the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775


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