As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I learned two things today.
First, Daisy and Baby Belle can be left among us, as I move trimmed branches, with a rope on them, and they are quite sedate and behave nicely.
Second, I can not fly.
The flying part is Daisy is very good at knowing the end of her rope, so I was deceived in all of this, in putting her into the pen, when Daisy decided she would prefer to dance about outside, and eat more grass.
Usually I anchor the rope on my butt for leverage as Daisy is large enough when she gets a run on to jerk anyone. This time I was trusting and Daisy was being her fun self, and somehow the next thing I knew I was being jerked along, and in the second blast I was off my footing and as I got her stopped, I ended up churning up the ground.
My hip still feels sore from the last time Daisy decided to test things out. This time I found new joints to come un jelloed.
The amusing part in this was, when I was on my knees recovering, there was Baby Daisy looking quite intent and concerned on the end of the rope, wondering what on earth I was ploughing up the grass for.
She came at me with the focused attention of puzzlement and worry. She was a bit scared as she never saw me from this angle before. Little girl had no idea of her strength and what she is capable of.
I will just have to be more careful.....see I have a policy in training animals, that I seldom resort to hitting them. They just sort of learn by leverage, and in that they are allowed to blossom to the true character they are. If you break an animal, you have a broken animal's spirit. I like having animals that are who they are. They are happier and more trustworthy when allowed to be who they are.
Belle is much more size friendly in just making me laugh as she looks like she is running like the wind, but you sort of can mark her progress with sticks. Daisy on the other hand floats like a butterfly and is quite elegant like a ballet dancer.
In all of that, I learned what is always the case........I can not fly and Daisy is convinced I am her mother and she believes with all her heart that I can fly.