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The Gospel murderers


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Since the advent of time there have been spiritual bastards who have in each age skewed the Redemption of God. It began with Cain, we see it in the false prophet Balaam, it was in Saint Peter's day and it is in our day the very satanic misinformation administered to appeal to the ignorant mind, so as to soothe their sinfulness as having a place in God, which is an abomination to God.

In II Peter chapter 2, the apostle speaks of the false teachers which he warned for that age and every age, which will culminate with the anti Christ. The reason this blog has been Inspired to use terms as image Obama, the abyss, and the blasphemy of the messiah Obama is that this son of perdition is conditioning you by satan to easily accept the visage of the anti Christ when it does appear.
I bring up one of your teachers in Sean Hannity the good Catholic boy. He tells you many moral things but daily he is plunged into sodomy, homosexual rights, and those who are opposed to such blasphemy are held up as evil as the Muslim is.
There is a point in this that all of you have been so scoured by this abrasive world and become callused that you do not even recognize evil as it is pronounced by God. RC Sproul, noted theologian and preacher, focused upon the two great evils of America which were slavery and abortion. He made absolutely no mention of the great sins of sodomy and the subversion of the rights of the people to justice.

If one researches the reality of the destruction of Sodom and the sister cities of the plain, and the nation of Israel and Judah, the reality is, yes, they were guilty of enslaving their own people and offering their children up to molech in sacrifice, BUT, there were the abominations of sodomy and the taking away of justice to the people. For Mr. Sproul to not mention these things is tantamount to a lie because it is the complete breakdown of society to non civilization which brings on God's complete Wrath.

America, the West, and the entire world is void now of Teachers of the Truth. It is a famine thing, that this blog is actually a source of Light in this world and reveals how very much darkness engulfs this world.

America has regime minders now from the intelligence cartel which places Obama photos on the Lutheran Witness before the 2012 election to subvert that presidential election. I have noted that the LCMS had the early signs of pedophilia and lust within their main Witness magazine. This is widespread as each religion is being swayed and tailor made to whatever sin is appealing to whatever sinner. The pulpit has sodomites in it and the pulpit has Gospel murderers in it.

Homosexuality is evil.

Islam is evil as is every other religion which is not Christ centered.

Aborticide is evil.

The welfare state is evil.

Importing illegals is evil.

Legalizing Obamacare by the Supreme Court is evil.

Pornography is evil.

Abusing your body with drugs is evil.

There is so much evil that it cannot be all listed. There is so much evil that there is not a Ronald Reagan in the West available to point out the evil in the East as the West is so evil now that there is no black and white and all is a gray zone.

None of you read your Bibles. Those who attempt it have no Inspiration by the Holy Ghost to discern the Truth. You are destroyed for lack of knowledge and you would not be in the abyss if you had not chosen to be deluded by satan's false teachers which you welcomed to here.

Take an inventory of your finances and see if one tenth of the money God gave you ends up in God's service. I know you are not donating it here to the Lame Cherry, but I do see in your public postings how much you lavish upon yourselves to your own idolatry. You cannot even be generous to doing good for anyone. Your very currency is the trade of the evil you are and as a promisory note for your ticket to hell.

Mr. Sproul recently spoke on the evils of rich people. The problem being, he likes money too for his ministry and in mid-scolding started to refrain from the message of self-sufficient Godless bootstraps in positing that God punished the rich rulers in the Bible and there was no Biblical condemnation for being rich.
The fact is, there is the rich man and Lazarus, and there is the story of the rich man pulling down his barns for his larger crops and being called a fool as his soul would be required that night. As much as the rich young man whom Jesus told to sell all he had to give to the poor.
See that is the problem in this, you have Homo Hannity ejaculating on you the sticky mess of sodomy each day, RC Sproul moulding the Gospel to fill his collection plate, and then you have the entire apostate religious systems of Muslims denying Christ along with Marxism and Jewry with the complete satanic order of the Gospel murderers appearing daily with false doctrines to appease sinners into the lie that they are going to Heaven too.

Jesus the Christ is the only Way, Truth, and Life to eternal Life. It is only through Him that one is saved. You must personally admit you are a sinner in not keeping God's Laws, stop willfully sinning and by the Holy Ghost be washed of all your sins and regenerated to a new Spiritual being in Christ......and NEVER return to your sinful rebellion or you will face the same eternal torment as satan.

You cannot be saved without Christ. The world is overflowing with false teachings. Note that in Noah's time there were less than a dozen moral people in the world as all the teachers save Noah were false.

Base all you are on the Bible, starting with the King James version and an Amplified version to assist you in your daily education to conform to Christ's Gospel.

All of you are lost and your clergy are evil, they are false, and they are as fake as you are. You know this but your appeasers who you have chosen as leaders lie to you about this and you are so callused now that nothing fazes you.

Your teachers are false and they lead you false. You are going to have to rely on the Bible, studying that Bible, begging the Holy Ghost to Interpret it for you and to sit on that Word in contemplation to make certain you are hearing from God and not satan like all of these false teachers.

This ends the lesson.


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