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Those who worship Angels


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In this modern era of apostasy we are taught that Angels are to be looked to, honored and worshiped. This is in complete rebellion against what God states, for Saint Paul writes "We are to worship the Creator and not the created."

In Colossians 2, Paul again warns against worshiping Angels. We are to be humble in all humility before God. This does not mean we are to be humiliated for that is a degrading thing and God does not demand it nor does He expect people to come to Him in that low state. You may be humiliated in being broken down as a sinner to be drawn back to God, but that is your problem of your existence and not God's Life.

The Greek for humility is lowliness of mind, meaning not having an inflated illusion of how wonderful you are. The Vatican is one of telling the faithful that they are unworthy to come to God, which is anti Gospel as Christ compels all to come to the Father by Him.
The reason for bringing this humility up and the usurpation of the church of Rome of Jesus' office is their worship of Angels. This is the same condition of Jewry which taught that the Law came from Angels which is not the case.
One can find in Catholicism the Church of St Michael with an Angel on the altar, and this is in violation of what God teaches and it is what Angels abhor. For in Revelation, Saint John attempts to fall down before an Angel and the Angel warns him explicitly not to ever do such a thing as all Glory belongs to God.

Angel worship has been a deception of satan since the foundation of the Church. This continued in Phrygia, where Colosse and Laodicea were. It became so pronounced that in 360 AD in the year of our Lord that the Council of Laodicea framed the 35th canon against angelici or the invokers of angels.
As late as Theodoret's era there were oratories to the Archangel Michael.

The problem with all of this is that Angels have once again been promoted as the main contact in the Spiritual realm in Oprah type teachings. The ignorant hear these things and seize upon them as they are naturally fearful of God and think they can find solace in another Spiritual being which is not the case.
The Bible teaches that Angels were created as a higher order than mankind, but AND THIS IS THE CAPITAL BUT, mankind while created lower in this station of life by choosing Christ in being infused with the Holy Ghost, will be transformed to a higher order of the God family. It is written that the Angels sought to look into this mystery as it is so profound but that is the fact. Holy Angels are fellow workers for the Kingdom of God as the Faithful are but Angels will never be the Children of God. Only the Redeemed in Christ will be given the Gift of being the Children of God.

Some of this will seem difficult to meld as Joan of Arc has been featured here. Joan had her Angels as helpers in the mission God sent her on to save France. There is a vast difference though in Joan of Arc knew her voices were Angels and they never supplanted the place God has. It is best to always do as I have been led when dealing with Angels to simply thank the Father for His Holy Angels in helping me whether it is keeping me safe or keeping something from dropping on the floor and I catch it. Always direct the prayers in communication to God and that solves everything.
For if you do not do this, then you will fall into the trap of engrossing yourselves in Angels instead of God. This is the same idol which Gideon caused Israel to sin with in the golden ephod which he created in order to commemorate the great victory God gave Israel through him. It is God first and God only. Conduct yourselves that way.

So the warning is, to never worship Angels. You have Jesus the Christ Who fulfills all roles as the Son of God and is Head of this Heavenly Host of Angels. It is foolish and deceived to ever resort to Angels as your pacifier when you require the milk of Jesus Christ to grant you Spiritual Growth and Life.

This ends the lesson.


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