As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Two years a demon was destroying things here specifically, in it burned off my baby tomatoe plants when I fertilized them with fish emulsion. This had never taken place before in my experience and it was I learned to plant the deeper to save them and the did indeed grow with my coming proprietary paste tomatoe God and I have been working on.
This is about none of that, but about how to overcome satan.
What I was Inspired to do, is to get a 5 mil syringe, suck up the liquid fertilizer, and then carefully inject it at soil level. Thus burns no young plant stalks and does not scald the roots.
Giving them a 2 ml or 5 ml dose seems to be the first installment to get them to planting stage and then a good organic fertilizer solves the transplant, to the time they start producing fruit, when you can dose them again.
Being a tomatoe surgeon is just part of it, but it is the little things that one knows to do, that makes things work out easiest. Yes this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, my God given invention, and no one has ever come up with this gem.
I suppose it will be stolen now in some grande plagiarism by some Obama voter again.
I know this is not a grande long post, but this is the way it is sometimes, in the bit of information does not require a page. IT is what might just keep you alive in the years ahead.
nuff said
Two years a demon was destroying things here specifically, in it burned off my baby tomatoe plants when I fertilized them with fish emulsion. This had never taken place before in my experience and it was I learned to plant the deeper to save them and the did indeed grow with my coming proprietary paste tomatoe God and I have been working on.
This is about none of that, but about how to overcome satan.
What I was Inspired to do, is to get a 5 mil syringe, suck up the liquid fertilizer, and then carefully inject it at soil level. Thus burns no young plant stalks and does not scald the roots.
Giving them a 2 ml or 5 ml dose seems to be the first installment to get them to planting stage and then a good organic fertilizer solves the transplant, to the time they start producing fruit, when you can dose them again.
Being a tomatoe surgeon is just part of it, but it is the little things that one knows to do, that makes things work out easiest. Yes this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, my God given invention, and no one has ever come up with this gem.
I suppose it will be stolen now in some grande plagiarism by some Obama voter again.
I know this is not a grande long post, but this is the way it is sometimes, in the bit of information does not require a page. IT is what might just keep you alive in the years ahead.
nuff said