As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Racism, political engineered racism is a fact of the Obama regime. If one reviews the Obama regimes political policy from Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation to the use of two southern rednecks questioned by BATFE before the 2008 AD in the year of our Lord elections, to Treyvon Martin, to the Ferguson Giant, there is a black line in these agendas which reveal community organized response at a national and local level, and the utilization of organized black groups which before the Obama regime, or the Jesse Jackson era, were maintained to manage blacks from the Helter Skelter revolution of Bill Ayers and Charles Manson, to the initiating as in Chris Dorner, in the activation of blacks to star in some martyrdom scenario, to be an Obama star, as the original Beer Garden Brew of another black professor going insane for a few moments and being arrested by very white Irish cops in the northeast.
The first question to ponder is, why would these blacks from hoodies to professors go nuts, for no apparent reason?
It is evident that there is a group operating in the Obama regime with an agenda, and it involves blacks as fodder for a political agenda which harms them, and the main culprits appear to be the police.
I am not going to review the criminal career record of Freddie Gray nor scenarios of his injury which caused his death. I am as a Lame Cherry exclusive focusing on the reality how the prosecutor is connected in this Baltimore case to the family in an community organized, and why is it that a black in Freddie Gray, who was not a novice to police surveillance or harassment, going to respond to being eyed by two bike cops with taking off in running, with a mob of police in the area to easily apprehend him.
Return this to Giant Brown of Missouri. This Afroid criminal was propagandized in an organized effort aimed at racial tension, smearing police and causing turmoil which would empower liberal groups.
Review Giant Brown in fleeing, turning, taunting the cop to shoot and then advancing on the cop, he had assaulted already.
That makes absolutely no sense, anymore than the Skittle response of Treyvon Martin in attacking George Zimmerman, who was armed.
If you recall a story covered here in the Obamachurian who showed up blasting people at the Navy a few years ago, in being a conditioned response? You are witnessing someone using mind conditioning responses, just like the Tea Party and GOP head children were all turning gay on cue a few years ago to advance the same sex agenda. Freddie Gray was conditioned in the same wave technology. Of course he was not aware he was going to be dead, but he was programmed to become a star in this drama.
Freddie Gray was chosen for this operation, because he was a habitual criminal. He appeared where he knew police would be. He acted in a way that would gain police attention, and when the police locked on him, he was programmed to run on cue.
I repeat, Gray was a habitual criminal. He was used to being rousted. He was not going to run to cause trouble for himself as he knew the system. He moved to the scenario he was programmed for, and to then struggle against the police to create their brutality.
Examine the reality of the postings appearing to sway this in places like Godlike Productions in convicting the police with talking points. Examine the point that Gray was calling for his inhaler as he had an asthma attack, and no inhaler was located in the search.
What did Gray lose the inhaler? Did Gray forget his important medical medication? Not in the least, as Gray was programmed in this when he sought previous medical attention, and it was at that juncture when he was targeted by this group and programmed to set this scenario into motion for political exploitation.
In the police attempt to subdue Gray, this is where his injuries occurred which brought on the coma. Gray was a dope head and in combination with the wave machine, he responded as he was supposed to, and in the struggle a choke hold took place, which was not deliberate, and this brought about the injuries.
This was supposed to be a reality of, police chasing another innocent black man, denying him of his medical inhaler, after a Rodney King rough up, and more remarkable fodder for this group behind this to empower themselves.
Eric Holder used to run this programme, but has now left the building. In plausible deniability, this is a degree of separation, in this is Michelle Obama's foray into the black struggle and her like minded are initiating this and just like ACORN, this operation is running a political operation, and it is erupting like a bad rash following the same protocols.
The question in this is not Marilyn Mosby the political director, the internet trollers planting stories, or Eric Holder. The question is why is there not anyone connecting the dots in this, that blacks are acting odd to obtain a response, and then after the passage of appropriate days, the liberal political machine, with the Obama puppy press engages news cycles, and protests start appearing, all community organized.
Why is it that no one is pointing out these repeated scenarios and tracking it directly to the political sources and no one is asking why are black men, being Afroidized as martyrs involving the worst elements to cause friction, and no one in the black community is protesting the prostitution of these males by their political leaders following an exact script.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The Freddie Gray talking points being used to push this have holes in them, and no one is pointing them out.