As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I place before you realities for comparing what is abnormal in the Obama 21st century, compared to the American centuries previously.
What if I were to tell you that there once was a hunter, houndsman, fur taker, fisherman, horse breaker in the White House? The reality is that beginning with George Washington, this American type was constantly leading America from Andrew Jackson to Theodore Roosevelt.
The subject of this story though is the latter in Theodore Roosevelt, so that you can witness a Veteran, Patriot, Rancher, Naturalist in the true outdoor form, and then ask yourself if you have ever heard of anything in the Age of Obama which compares to this.
"On returning from my African trip (hunting for pleasure and collecting specimens) I had passed through western Europe, and had been most courteously received. In one palace the son and heir—whom I have called Sigurd, which was not his name—was a dear little fellow, very manly and also very friendly; and he reminded me so of my own children when they were small that I was unable to resist the temptation of romping with him, just as I had romped with them.
A month later, when as special ambassador I was attending King Edward's funeral, I called at Buckingham Palace to pay my respects, and was taken in to see the august lady above alluded to.
The visit lasted nearly an hour, and toward the end I heard little squeaks and sounds in the hall outside, for which I could not account.
Finally I was dismissed, and, on opening the door, there was little Sigurd, with his nurse, waiting for me. He had heard that I was in the palace, and had refused to go down to dinner until he had had a play with me; and he was patiently and expectantly waiting outside the door for me to appear. I seized him, tossed him up, while he shouted gleefully, caught him, and rolled him on the floor, quite forgetting that any one was looking on; and then, in the midst of the romp, happening to look up, I saw the lady on whom I had been calling, watching the play with much interest, with her equally interested two brothers, both of them sovereigns, and her lords-in-waiting; she had come out to see what the little boy's laughter meant.
I straightened up, whereupon the little boy's face fell, and he anxiously inquired: "But you're not going to stop the play, are you?"
Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open
This is Teddy Roosevelt the world leader, and someone whom children adored. Ask yourself if any modern politician could relate anything of this type of story, whether Republican or democrat? I want you to focus on this fact, that in the cartel propaganda, the gun owner, trapper, fisherman, rancher, Veteran and Patriot is castigated as thee worst type, and instead the Obama type of golfer, salsa dancer, intellectual is what children are to emulate.
I will add to this to silence the critics that Theodore Roosevelt was university educated, a historian and author of his own books, which would fill a library as he was a prolific writer.
Think about this in a little royal boy in England adored this complete American who personified all that which is American, and Americans are so far removed from their heritage in cringing at it now, in order to make them a pasture people.
Think about it, and think about the Christian reality as all of these American Presidents from Washington to Theodore Roosevelt, including Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were Christian Presidents in practice. Think about what each of you are responsible for in exposing your children and grandchildren to Christ, to firearms safely, to the outdoors, to gaining self reliance in them in having them know of tools and animals.
Americans are not a pasture people. Americans are supposed to be Rugged Individuals.
I place before you realities for comparing what is abnormal in the Obama 21st century, compared to the American centuries previously.
What if I were to tell you that there once was a hunter, houndsman, fur taker, fisherman, horse breaker in the White House? The reality is that beginning with George Washington, this American type was constantly leading America from Andrew Jackson to Theodore Roosevelt.
The subject of this story though is the latter in Theodore Roosevelt, so that you can witness a Veteran, Patriot, Rancher, Naturalist in the true outdoor form, and then ask yourself if you have ever heard of anything in the Age of Obama which compares to this.
"On returning from my African trip (hunting for pleasure and collecting specimens) I had passed through western Europe, and had been most courteously received. In one palace the son and heir—whom I have called Sigurd, which was not his name—was a dear little fellow, very manly and also very friendly; and he reminded me so of my own children when they were small that I was unable to resist the temptation of romping with him, just as I had romped with them.
A month later, when as special ambassador I was attending King Edward's funeral, I called at Buckingham Palace to pay my respects, and was taken in to see the august lady above alluded to.
The visit lasted nearly an hour, and toward the end I heard little squeaks and sounds in the hall outside, for which I could not account.
Finally I was dismissed, and, on opening the door, there was little Sigurd, with his nurse, waiting for me. He had heard that I was in the palace, and had refused to go down to dinner until he had had a play with me; and he was patiently and expectantly waiting outside the door for me to appear. I seized him, tossed him up, while he shouted gleefully, caught him, and rolled him on the floor, quite forgetting that any one was looking on; and then, in the midst of the romp, happening to look up, I saw the lady on whom I had been calling, watching the play with much interest, with her equally interested two brothers, both of them sovereigns, and her lords-in-waiting; she had come out to see what the little boy's laughter meant.
I straightened up, whereupon the little boy's face fell, and he anxiously inquired: "But you're not going to stop the play, are you?"
Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open
This is Teddy Roosevelt the world leader, and someone whom children adored. Ask yourself if any modern politician could relate anything of this type of story, whether Republican or democrat? I want you to focus on this fact, that in the cartel propaganda, the gun owner, trapper, fisherman, rancher, Veteran and Patriot is castigated as thee worst type, and instead the Obama type of golfer, salsa dancer, intellectual is what children are to emulate.
I will add to this to silence the critics that Theodore Roosevelt was university educated, a historian and author of his own books, which would fill a library as he was a prolific writer.
Think about this in a little royal boy in England adored this complete American who personified all that which is American, and Americans are so far removed from their heritage in cringing at it now, in order to make them a pasture people.
Think about it, and think about the Christian reality as all of these American Presidents from Washington to Theodore Roosevelt, including Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were Christian Presidents in practice. Think about what each of you are responsible for in exposing your children and grandchildren to Christ, to firearms safely, to the outdoors, to gaining self reliance in them in having them know of tools and animals.
Americans are not a pasture people. Americans are supposed to be Rugged Individuals.