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This is the Reality


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I continue upon this Truth to inform the world that the premier "preservationist" in Theodore Roosevelt, his friend the father of Yosemite in John Burroughs, and the first Ranger of Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon in Jim Owen, made a clear distinction between good animals and bad animals in wildlife.

I provide another quote, as I have logged numerous other quotes from Mr. Burroughs and Theodore Roosevelt as to how American National Lands should be administered as to wildlife, and it was nothing of the sort of the bastardization which the cartel has hijacked the world in putting wolves into France to mountain lions in America to endanger the public, kill stock and murder pets.

Here is the synopsis of the Roosevelt Doctrine on wildlife which the United States Fish and Wildlife and all other state agencies were to follow.

"The preservation of game and of wild life generally—aside from the noxious species—on these reserves is of incalculable benefit to the people as a whole. As the game increases in these national refuges and nurseries it overflows into the surrounding country."

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

For those animal ignorants who are tools of the world order system which funds them, and their blank staring minions worshiping wildlife due to having hurt feelings in being odd and made fun of by jocks and cheerleaders in school, Theodore Roosevelt names noxious wildlife as does John Burroughs.

Noxious wildlife was predatory wildlife. The wildlife named was wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats and yes, predatory birds as the Great Horned Owl.
Theodore Roosevelt stated that Jim Owens while superintending the Grand Canyon was exterminating horned owls, and the benefit was for all smaller wildlife starting with grouse.

Good wildlife were those animals of benefit to humanity, in enjoyment as in song birds to elk which were hunted and eaten. There was not any boy, is a rat, is an elk is a seal nonsense. There was a distinction in people decided what was harmful or noxious by what those animals were doing in destroying nature, other animals or endangering people. There was not Constitutional protection for Mexican red wolves, cormorants from Mexico or seals polluting American coasts. There was an order in this, with those things that pleased humanity for reason, were husbanded, and those things which competed or were dangerous to people or the environment in making it lawless were exterminated or depleted to such numbers they were not destroying their own environment like a child with too many credit cards, as nature's solution on a seal killing all the fish, is to starve the seals or disease the seals to death in a most cruel reality.

The national parks were for use by all people. The animals which were good and protected in those parks, were then migrated out to the states, which then hunted those animals for food and revenues to the state to manage wildlife. It was a perfect system of balance and allowed for no King's Deer, but the Citizen's Wildlife, as hunting, trapping and fishing, honed the skills necessary to a militia people like Americans to keep the familiar with arms and warlike scouting, so their government remained a government and not a regime.

Theodore Roosevelt, John Burroughs, and Jim Owen would be aghast at what the cartel has bastardized and abused world wildlife in exploiting it, and making people lesser animals to be persecuted and endangered.

The reality is, Yellowstone was to be a reserve of elk, moose, mule deer and other wildlife of non dangerous degree, and the noxious pests as grizzly bears, wolves, mountain lions, bobcats were to be so rendered to obscure numbers that no one ever saw one, except a dead buffalo which died from old age, and these vermin were feeding on the carcase.
In Theodore Roosevelt reality, the War Eagle or Golden Eagle was a noxious pest and required killing, and so would the Bald Eagle whenever it became a murderous agent killing bambi and not just fish.

Many of you think of yourselves Constitutionalists or Strict Constructionists and yet you are some of the worst violators of American Rights in being as anti Constitution when it comes to following the mandates of Theodore Roosevelt in protecting yourself, your property and your families from these dangerous predators.

No one on the right in this world in prominent media makes an issue of this, save the Lame  Cherry, and this is due to the reality in the Lame Cherry is not funded by the cartel or their Big Feudal entourage.
The fact is the entire Federal and State wildlife system in America, and in most countries like France in this world is criminal and at odds with everything concerning wildlife management and historic placing people's rights first.

Theodore Roosevelt mandated that noxious animals should be made dead as part of American Republic policy. We are not talking about passenger pigeons exploited by Indians and market hunting, but we are talking about how the worst in wolves, mountain lions, coyotes and bobcats with huge sums of money spent, poisons, no protection and complete war against them, as in alligators were almost controlled, but still survived and when protected, in a few years became an international menace, once again killing people, pets and livestock.

All of wildlife management is guilty of reckless homicide against the People and the State and should be prosecuted, along with their conduits in their supporting regimes which have violated all of Theodore Roosevelt's wildlife management mandates. That is the reality.

That is the reality.

"The chief game animal of the Colorado Canyon reserve is the Rocky Mountain blacktail, or mule, deer. The deer have increased greatly in numbers since the reserve was created, partly because of the stopping of hunting by men, and even more because of the killing off of the cougars.

The deadly enemies of the deer are the cougars. They had been very plentiful all over the table-land until Uncle Jim thinned them out, killing between two and three hundred."

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

That is the reality in the Grand Canyon is a RESERVE, like Yellowstone, like Yosemite, like all those illegally seized Alaskan lands are RESERVES and not Preserves, as nothing can be preserved in this asteroid destroying universe.

America is now in such an endangered position that thousands of these noxious cougars to wolves require being exterminated, just to save the remnants of the good wildlife, as these predators are now killing pets, having run out of bambi and thumper. Their next predation will be your children as was the historical case.

You people are all ignorant and require an education from all the propaganda you have been warped by.

"Among the first bands of horses brought to this plateau there were some of which the cougars killed every foal. The big males attacked full-grown horses. Uncle Jim had killed one big male which had killed a large draft-horse, and another which had killed two saddle-horses and a pack-mule, although the mule had a bell on its neck, which it was mistakenly supposed would keep the cougar away."

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

The cougars which Theodore Roosevelt killed IN THE GRAND CANYON were all fat, having eaten deer, and those dead horses were still appearing after Jim Owen had killed off almost 300 of these mountain lions.

That is why a civilized society kills noxious predators and maintains the protection of horses, dogs, cats, deer, elk, antelope, rabbits and yes people.

"The draft-horse was seized in similar fashion. It went but twenty yards before falling; then in the snow could be seen he marks where it had struggled madly on its side, plunging in a circle, and the marks of the hind feet of the cougar in an outside circle, while the fangs and fore talons of the great cat never ceased tearing the prey. In this case the fore claws so ripped and tore the neck and throat that it was doubtful whether they, and not the teeth, had not given the fatal wounds."

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

Is that in your moralist view a fitting end for a Budweiser Clydesdale, being ripped to shreds in a death struggle? Is that your idea of "civilization?

If it is you are not a Citizen but a stooge of feudal world.


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