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Saiga Scout



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I decided that while I can not afford a cheap rifle to dispatch vermin, that the richtards can, and it is a matter of necessity, that information should be available to guide buffoons who have no idea what type of firearm to purchase.

I preface this with the Constitutional violation of the image of Obama in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, in banning the import of Russian firearms, over the excuse of the Ukraine in President Vladimir Putin liberating that nation from national socialists of the cartel.

Think of this, this way. When Obama dictates alone, without Congress, which holds all the commerce and trade regulations of the People in Trust, that bans on firearms imported for American Citizen use, is un Constitutional. The Founders never allowed for that kind of kingly power to any President.
Consider this reality in Americans have the absolute right to affordable firearms. The Colonial Governments used to pay for guns so poor people could have them. That is the reality and image Obama in bans, violates by infringement on the Second Amendment.

Visit this from a Russian standpoint also. When image Obama bans Russian weapons which are at least 300 dollars less expensive than American made guns in the monopoly, that the Russian people, who are skilled and working at the Kalishnikov manufacturing plant, are being deprived of progressive wages in lack of sales.
The owners are less wealthy, so in turn they are not competitors to Vladimir Putin to keep him an honest broker at home, in the region and in the world. So banning Russian firearms to Americans, disenfranchises both the Russian and American people, in the checks and balances to thwart both their regimes from overstepping on the Rights of the People.

What I focus on is a firearm which is one of thee best in the world, and that is the Saiga, named after an Asian antelope which is endangered, and looks like a cross between a camel and a milk cow.
The Saiga was created by the Kalishnikov concern in the original illegal banning of AK 47's for Americans to purchase cheap and effective firearms. The Saiga comes in the original Russian 30 caliber, a 223 jammed into the Russian 30 caliber. The American NATO 308 and the current American military round of 223.
All of these rounds are very good weapon, hunting and target rounds. The Russian 30 or 7.65 x 39 is akin to the Winchester 30 30 for deer. The 223 Russian 30 is a good varmit round in speed and light recoil. The 308 is a military round, but effective on deer also. The 223 is a people dispatcher and works well on varmits, and can pass with very good shot placement for deer sized game. Antelope would be a lovely target for the 223 Remington.

Where this all begins is the incarnate American, John Wayne, in the much loved Jeff Cooper of Guns and Ammo and his Gunsite teaching grounds in Arizona, decided when he was 80 plus years old to build a Scout Sniper Rifle. Mr. Cooper was a genius in his simple choice of a 308 Winchester in a bolt action, with forward mounted scope and a bipod.
This is what I deem to reconstruct in the Saiga, which I am fully aware of the reality that semi automatics do jam at the worst times, but the Saiga is built upon the well proven platform of the Kalishnikov which has been the choice of millions of terrorists and revolutionaries around the world. The AK was built like the German Mauser 98, the Egyptian Hakim and the American M 1, in they were designed to function in 40 below zero, 130 degree heat, mud, sand, ice and filth which a Soldier experienced.

The Saiga gets the nod as it is cheap now at 569 dollars in the 223 version compared to around 800 dollars for a Ruger Mini 14 and the Remington pumps at around 900 dollars, along with the AR 15 group of 800 dollars and up.
The Saiga is a tank, literally. It has a plastic composite stock and it is a thing in the raw, in if you fire over 20 rounds in it at a time, you should cool the barrel off as the gas blow by which functions the semi automatic action heats up that guard, but in noting that, if you can not get the job done in 10 rounds, you probably are a Darwin candidate.

I do not want an assault rifle design or one that looks like it. That means no after market pistol grips or even folding stocks. I do like a folding stock, but my primary goal is a hunting gun without moveable parts to break.
My Vet has a Ruger 223 with a folding stock. It is a lovely gun and I would love to have it, but  what American firearms are costing consumers now in deliberate price spikes meant to disarm the poor, it falls to the Saiga which is superior to the SKS from China or the Sarinova.

What I would say though is, I would love to have a better synthetic stock and fore gaurd, or even wood to make this prettier, but the Saiga is the focus here in it's factory form.

I do and will make add ons though, and it starts with a side mount for a scope. The iron sights are good on this firearm, and are capable of a hunting spread of 128 mm's at 100 meters from the factory, as every Saiga is factory tested for pattern before it leaves Russia. One can of course with matching cartridges to the rifle improve to tack driving in the Saiga, just like any rifle, but that is a simple reality of guns. The iron sights are as good as anything Americans turned out and so are the ballistics.

On this scope mount, the AK 47 - AK 74, is placed 1 inch Tasco rings, high mount for a large scope, in which the scope is held and mounted to the rifle.
Oddly enough, liberal Amazon is the cheapest sight for scope rings and mounts with free shipping.

Next we put on a cheap scope which is honest. I once had a much laughed at Tasco scope while others were firing Leupold and other expensive glass. That Tasco from Japan, I could move the bullet around the target exactly to the clicks on the adjustments. It was better than the expensive scopes.
So in noting others had purchased a cheap scope for this Russian gun, I chose a Barska, which just happened to be a tactical 3 x 9 variable. I honestly for varmint work would prefer a 10 x 24, but they are around 90 dollars, and I prefer a scope that is around 30 dollars, as this is about a "cheap" gun, which as one starts adding things up, it does start costing money.

Next I add a military bipod as that is crucial for fixed place shooting in making the gun steady, so you hit what you aim at, another cheap sling for the AK Saiga type firearms, a cheek mount/ammo pouch combination to see through the scope without having a swan neck, and that completes this Lame Cherry Continental Scout Rifle.

I would much rather have American, but when this package is all put together, if I used American monopoly prices, it would cost 300 dollars more for a gun, and over 100 dollars for a scope, 100 more for a bipod and as you can start realizing, I saved enough money in this fictional gun creation to purchase another Saiga.......providing of course I still could find one that Obama has not banned violating the Constitution.

That is a great deal of money, which could be turned into cartridges to feed this Scout and when I hit what I aim at in predators like coyotes, their fur pays for the high priced gas and all the little fawns grow up to be pretty deer, instead of coyote shit.

So the Saiga was 579 dollars with tax.
29.90 for the scope mount
5.99 for rings
extra 3 round clip....35 dollars with shipping *
29.99 for the Barska scope
........19.95 for the bipod
.......6.95 for the sling
........12.99 for the cheek mount and ammo pouch

Caveat in this in a million dollar knowledge and this is the reason the Lame Cherry is always the source for information instead of the MIC chair always experts who give the information just to blather on.  You need a stock riser in all of these semi auto military weapons from the Saiga AK and the AR 15 class of nunchucks. See you can't see the scope with these military guns as it mounts too high for some stupid ass reason in bad design of mounts. So you get yourself that cheek mount and then when you fire it raises your mounting position and in turn you should hit what you aim at. Just saying as a heads up that no one else ever tells you but they sell these things all across the net as add-ons and you need them.

Compare that with an 800 dollar Ruger, 150 dollar scope, 60 dollar rings and mounts, 160 dollar bipod and 40 dollar sling.........and you see how I buy ammunition for my tank of a gun to play with, which I could never shoot up in several thousand rounds, and all you get with a Ruger or Remington is an expensive price tag.

These Saiga's are nice firearms, different from American arms, but nice. They grow on you in being around them, and the 3 round clip is necessary to hunt with them, as forget those banana clips as all they do is snag on things, and keep your head two feet over cover, so some smart invading foreigner can blow your head off as it makes such a nice target.

That is the exercise in this for the richtard.....well a richtard would buy the expensive American guns in the first place, as they shit money from Obama and Geithner money dumps. But for someone who is looking for a durable rifle to do what requires doing in a Jeff Cooper mode of  John Wayne America, then this Saiga is the best reality.
Thing is by noting all of this, I suppose it will make the Saiga's collectors items, making them more expensive as collectors start going after what Lame Cherry lusts after in desiring to be popular girls too.

What you are missing in all of this is rich people rob themselves of adventures in just buying things like American guns. They never find out Viking tales in reading Sherlock Holmes in just learning that Mommy and Baby Girl are the true treasures in just loving them, and how Beekeepers go on adventures with me in sourdough and gathering eggs, instead of just buying them from the store.
Rich people are the poorest people on the planet in having no adventure or Inspiration. My brother purchased a 9 mm from a national brand, and what can you do with that, but just look at it......see the adventure is getting something not perfect and moulding it to your Jeff Cooper idea of perfection. Anyone can shoot a gun, and anyone can watch Martha Stewart have fun cooking, but not everyone will have the God given Gift of just seeing the beauty of having someone lace your shoe when you need it or having someone listen to how bright you are when you have something to say.
My brother has Russian Nagant rifles, but they are investments that sit there. He takes them not on adventures nor tries to make them into things so there is more than just having them, going hunting or just whatever people with investments have things for in collections.
When TL and I take the Scout out, Jeff Cooper will be there, and so will Kalishnikov and Putin, Stewart and the brothers, as it is about something more

"If you are firing a pistol at anything, it only means you have made two critical mistakes. First you bought a hand gun and second, you were incompetent to let whatever dangerous it was get that close to you, that you need a pistol and not a long gun."

- Lame Cherry

Jeff Cooper apology. This Saiga Baby girl is around 10-12 pounds which is not a Scout rifle as it is weigh too heavy, but it certainly is going to sit on the ground and not move once you got it planted. The bipod is good, just not tight in the legs. The sling is serviceable just not hang an elephant from the leather attachments. The Barska is a really good scope and this model does come with rings even if it said it didn't.  The scope mount comes with a notched burr which has to be tightened or else the mount flops around like Al Gore applauding himself.

From what real hunters stated, this .223 with appropriate ammunition will kill deer with chest cavity shots with no problem. The Russian Wolf ammunition in 63 grain bullets hollow point works good for making holes in things you want to make holes in.

nuff said

* The after market clips for the Saiga are polymer like all Saiga clips at this time. These clips must be filed down with a metal file, shaving off approximately, 1/16th of an inch on the top of the clip lock and release side, so it will lock in place. There are mentions of this being needed, but not where on the clip. It is not a big deal, but it must be done and done correctly as one can not put plastic back onto these magazines.
The smaller magazines are what a real Scout or Hunter would only utilize as no one can keep track of large clips in shots fired. The smaller the clip, the less it is capable of in hooking onto things.
Clips are warrantied for 5 years. Should just be metal.


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