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How to Shift an Obama Tranny


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You naughty children, peeking at Commander Jinn's drone assassination of RFID tagged operatives with no big donations. Well enough of that, as it is time to move on to another LC exclusive in matter anti matter sure to inform you.

Contents below.

As no one likes looking a fags, of course Anthea is our eye allure.

But first, let us listen to some music, German eh, and yes it is to put us in the mood for the brilliance here illuminating all of you. Come on now behave and follow orders, open a window and listen to the song as you read on, as it will all be more enjoyable.
Someone should have written Enigma for me and not a fictional character.

Do we have French Toast with this?

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Sherlock Holmes Theme song - YouTube

May 15, 2010 - Uploaded by grafou194
By Hans Zimmer in 2009, the name of this song is Discombobulate. I do not own this song. Sherlock Holmes ...

Here are some dots ......................... I give them to you, as you fail to connect them my children and brats. No I will not give you the lines, what do you think this is........a Bic factory eh?

Ok now the games on, so let us play. Sorry no appearances by Benedict Cumberbatch or Jeremy Brett.

You do like the music yes? Click it again when it runs out as it will in another 1:39 seconds........do not check or you will discover how slow of fast you click while enjoying the tune.

So what is this about, but let me remind you of did I not inform all of you children  of how all those homosexual children just started appearing at the families of the heads of the Tea Party and the GOP a few years back.......and how it was all brought about by electronic conditioning?

Of course I did, and pleased I reminded you.

Do you remember how I told you all about Obama's brain being interceded? Yes yes, but this is different stuff.....more advanced than what the jinn's copy was administered.

So back to the game.........

There was that Bruce Jenner. The Wheaties Bi Athelon or something champion from the Olympics in giving a gold to the Americans back when the world was still the stoned ages. Yes pun on words.......I am brilliant by God eh?
No question, that should have been a rhetorical.

So this was interesting me for some time in this Jenner twat thing. Not the twat, but I knew something was afoot as I know such things. I have no money nor time though as the big donors do not pony up that 350, 000 dollar donation, but then here am I again appearing on the center stage.

So there is Bruce and his medal. Yeah they did not like that in East Germany. Oh yes, back before the wall fell, and then there was this woman who was getting dicked by one of those steroid athletes behind the Iron Curtain, and she was all upset that Bruce won the medal.........got on Wheaties boxes. I like Wheaties, heavy crem fresh and sugar, is a pretty good taste, except for the chems.

That is the deal in this in this pedophile legalized agenda. You got your Tea Party and GOP all being straight, and then fag Obama before he was a chicken entree and those people having their children all going gay, and silencing the opposition. Then you got the next step as Obama jinn just loves those silky panty boys and those dykers who wear burlap undies scratching their snatch........all progresses see, and the German frau who liked Olympic dicks, is running that phase now, and sure enough she presses it hard on poor Bruce Jenner.
Man that man sure has had a time in being driven nuts by those Kardashian tramps and then the Berlin babe turns a wave into his brain to turn him into a man who wants his dick and balls cut off........without Lorainna Bobbett included.

If I need to decipher the mind of Lame Cherry, here goes for the slow at grey matter. The cartel is pushing their destruction of Christianity for the illuminated one, and these elite like sexing up children as it is a power thing in the rites....like the Greeks used to sport kids for the prestige.
It just so happens that the East German frau who was being dicked by the East German olympian who Jenner beat, is in charge of this phase, and she in revenge turned an alpha brain wave realignment onto Bruce. Yes is duality, but why not castrate the Wheaties box boy as you are pleasing the cartel masters.
Has something to do with she didn't want a loser dick in her frau box, so that sort of ended the romance, but hell is a woman scorned, as has a long revenge line in keeping that flame stoked up to make Bruce an oddball step to legalized pedophilia.

I leave that at that in explaining how Bruce Jenner went odd and why. Story is probably more interesting now. See they got an implant in him and are still zapping him.....if the current was turned off, Bruce would go normal again. They fed it to him unaware...just need the wave and it all tuned in......that is how you get right wing children to be fags and Bruce Jenner waving his American flag desiring now to be a freak with a grin.

Suppose that will up my security watch level now.

Nuff said.


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