Mexican Pandemic Alert
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I can not divulge the source of this information, but it is factual and first hand.
There was this past week a mysterious death in Minnesota and the details of this are similar to other people who have died, and were reported here, in one reader's family member suddenly became ill, died in a short time, and the hospital refused to do and autopsy which is unheard of.
This individual was a white male, in his early 40's. His occupation was agricultural and had shown no signs of any sickness or chronic conditions.
Suddenly, he became ill with a respiratory illness, which became pneumonia immediately. The condition was so serious that he was transferred to Rochester Minnesota. For those boobers who do not know what Rochester is, Rochester is the base for the famous Mayo Clinic.
There is a reason Ronald Reagan and Jordanian Kings end up at the Mayo Clinic. It is why George W. Bush for his operation appeared in Chicago, for the simple reason the rest of your physicians in your communities are rubbing bones together in spells, compared to what takes place in Rochester Minnesota and the University of Minnesota. They are so far advanced in every form of treatment that no one can match them.
This forty something male though arrived in Rochester, and was put immediately under the care of 17 specialists who began treatment for this strange pneumonia, which did not respond to any treatment.
So you get this, I will reiterate this, these 17 specialists are the best in the world, and they could not stop this "disease" and this person died within 5 days. He drown in his own fluids.
I am terming this the Mexican Pandemic, as it relates directly to the importation of mass quantities of Mexican illegals across the heartland of America. I have stated previously that Mexicans have certain diseases which they have immunity against. You will remember the first Obama Flu, which came out of Mexico and was killing Americans. That reality is the reality in when you import quantities of foreign bodies into an area, they will bring diseases which are not of any problem for them, but will kill the native species in droves.
When European sheep were introduced into America, they had parasites which they could tolerate, but the American Big Horn Sheep literally was wiped out by this vermin.
This Mexican Pandemic is featured here, with several known cases now on record in people getting seriously ill quickly, having advanced medical care, and dying immediately in devastating families and the medical community is covering all of this up.
Out of deference to the family, I will not name the deceased for their privacy, as no one needs skulkers looking up this person's obituary and bothering the family.
The only "good" thing about this is, that this Mexican Pandemic is not readily spread as family members are not contracting it. When it does strike though these healthy white Americans, it is deadly within a week.
I leave this as another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I keep telling you richtards there is no escape for you and there is not.
Inquiry points to this disease is spread by live contact with Mexicans who show absolutely no symptoms, Typhoid Mary's or Pandemic Pepe's.