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Your Natural Selection


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see often enough someone posting a photo of some meat eater, with fang and claw, that happens to be bold enough to enter their yard, with the caption of, "Oh how pretty they are", and for some reason they never equate that, that animal is eating meat every day, and that meat is not coming from Wendy's, but is coming from other animals, stating with baby animals in the food chain, and those baby animals are not euthanized by injections, but it are instead stabbed by claws, and pierced or stabbed by fangs, whereby their bones are crushed to die from some form of bleeding out or suffocating in their own bodies.

This is not ever considered, but it is the reality from Robins to Bambi, there are millions of animals being obliterated by the global policy of raising predators from wolves, bears, coyotes, hyenas, wild dogs, foxes, mink etc.... to "manage" deer, elk, antelope, bunnies, ducks, geese, as coyotes never vote, never write letters bitching to Congress people about worthless wildlife professionals, who then get lectured, and promoted to a higher post as everyone in wildlife management now is employed to raise predators to kill your wildlife, your pets and soon enough you.

Management is farming of wildlife too. Much of Fish & Game has a religion; "Nobody should be able to make a living off wildlife except Fish & Game. They don't like professional trappers, outfitters and commercial fisherman. Yet, we with our shells and licenses pay their wages!"

L. Craig O'Gorman
Broadus, Montana

One can peruse the internet and Drudge and find stories of French  farmers protesting as wolves are being raised in Europe which having obliterated the stags and bunnies, are now dining on lambs and calves. In Obama's Kenya of Africa, the farmers there are using Furadan to poison lions, as those damned things having killed off all the tame wildlife have moved onto cows, goats, sheep and people, as predators soon enough find out that killing things which do not fight back is easier and less harmful to them.

Furadan is an issue which is amusing, as it is proof to the cartel effort to globally raise dangerous predators in order to void the world of animals which humans hunt. Accomplishing this, the cartel in a generation has a population not trained in Theodore Roosevelt hunting methods which are preparation for war time activities of national security. Once that is accomplished with high priced ammo and guns, only the rich have access to Second Amendment weapons, and when the next invader appears, they conquer and all the guns are hidden rusting under the floors of the houses as was the case in India when the British took rule of those sub Asian peoples.

Furadan is now banned basically, because it was the premier poison control bait for predators. They ate it and they died quickly. America had a long history of poison control in ridding itself of all of these wolves now being restocked into it by the Federal Wildlife minions of the cartel. It began with cyanide and moved onto strychnine. Cyanide was not the best in predators would puke up the poison and become educated. Strychnine became the choice and did wonderful work in saving wildlife and livestock in Teddy Roosevelt America.
What appeared in the second round of effective predator control work was a poison called 1080 utilized in M 44's. This saved American wildlife from extinction by market hunters and predators, and gave it the opportunity to recover as well as farmers and ranchers to raise food for the world in order to advance all civilization.
President Richard Nixon banned 1080 and that is where the problem began in this new cartel era of removing people from the land. After the 1970's ban on 1080 and all other poisons coming under regime control, an explosion of predators began infesting America which had not seen nor heard of a coyote for a generation.

What followed was the starting of "seed" predator plots in Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico in wolves and mountain lions, which by the Obama 21st century, wolves had become so dominant that they were pushing out the coyotes to enclave plains areas from North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas, in a final disposing of the coyotes as they have served their purpose.
As has been noted here, wolves now are completely protected in most states, and a person has no legal right, in direct violation of Constitutional Rights, to kill them when they enter their property.
Teddy Roosevelt and John Burroughs would be rolling over in their graves over the cartel overthrow in what has happened to wildlife conservation they advocated in keeping good animals  and destroying the large predators.

This though is the reality. The predators have eaten their way through their wildlife food base, their home territories of hundreds of miles and now are pushing into urban areas, where they are dining on livestock and pets. The day will come when they will begin eating children as they did in the good olde days and this is all deliberate.

Furadan began life as an effective measure in protecting corn and other crops from infestations of insects. It was the pesticide which fed the world in reality. It now though has become the target like cheap guns and available ammunition, as it is being utilized by people to protect themselves from cartel machinations in removing the human population from the lands of the world where people can live freely, and put everyone into the gulag zoos of cities where they can be rationed death.

I have pointed out time and again as the only person warning of this sinister plot and how far reaching it is, but no one seems to get it at all, not until it is their puppy being eaten by a coyote or their pet chicken being eaten by a bobcat. Then it is great sorrow, being brushed off by wildlife control officers, and still not the realization that when the herds of meat in this world disappear, that you are going to be eating soybeans and vegetable diets, which produce sedate people who can be managed in mass like those imported Indians, Mexicans and Chinese fed on paddy, corn and tofu.

L. Craig O'Gorman, a native of Iowa and a transplant to Montana predator control work, noted in the above quote the reality of the last century, how wildlife mismanagement was already then a welfare system for liberal college children in gaining a check in raising predators to murder things. This has now degraded to a global attack on all humanity in wolves eating the French, lions the Kenyans and wolves and lions eating Americans and their pets.
This is now a cartel global elite programme, and it is a deliberate step to end Magna Charta and English Common Law, and to undo the Jeffersonian mandate of people at liberty on their own property as masters and not slaves.

The only thing that is the thread holding all of this back is the SSS taking place in the agrarian areas of SHOOT, SHOVEL and SHUT UP of these predators now under federal and international protection with more rights than people.
It is a fact that a Kenyan has more rights than an American, as a Kenyan can purchase Furadan over the counter and it is banned in these United States from Americans purchasing this product for their crops.

Is it not something you should be wondering about is why are those city boy fluffy floofers in Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity who put nothing but redneck retards on their programs by design, never mention about the destruction of American wildlife, the promotion of dangerous predators, and the reality that when the wolves and mountain lions get done eating bambi, Bossy and your Fido, they are going to be crushing the skulls of your baby children.

It falls entirely again this burden of the popular girl to warn you of something, you still have not been able to wrap your brains around as you have been so indoctrinated to think that dangerous predators are "pretty" and need to be protected. Tell that to baby seals getting their spines crushed by a white bear the size of a green car.

You children and brats have no comprehension in any of this in how your rights have been obliterated already, and that you are the end of the food chain for the cartel. It is not you who is going to retire to comfort like your grandfathers and grandmothers, but it will be you in a future having a wolf howl over your bones, because your grandchildren are dead to not bury you, as a mountain lion at them as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service was standing guard over the predators with assault weapons, watching you become the natural selection in this Darwinian World.


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