As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It perplexes me when I witness Bill Richardson in leftist media not comprehending the image Obama and John Kerry negotiations any more than John Bolton on the rightist media saying that all that is left is bombing Iran to keep them from getting atomic weapons. (Weapons they already have in manifold manufacture as they have been doing this for over a decade.)
These diplomats to their Limbaugh like talking heads are grasping for answers, and come up with, "Well the Obama regime is letting Iran get the bomb", but that is all they are capable of.
In Lame Cherry exclusive I will in matter anti matter solve this, again, as I provided the clue in this years ago, but will first provide all a bit of wake up understanding so you get this.
Are you as an American, the same as Birther Obama or the same as Ronald Reagan?
Are you as a Christian, a Protestant or a Vaticanite?
Are you as a Jew, a religious Jew or an Ashkenaz which worships at the bank of the cartel?
What this has to do with is Islam. I have told you that all Muslims are not the same. I have taken this apart in the Islamocommunists are DISTINCT, and not Wahabbists, Banna Nazi nor are they poetic prophets like Sheik bin Laden. This is the deliberate misconstruing of the facts by Mockingbird, and Mark Levin does not help in this at all with his stubborn skewing of things for Big Oil.
Ask yourself where Barack Hussein Obama was raised? It was Indonesia. His birth blamed father was a Kenyan. The image of Obama which appeared on June 13, 2013 is a jinn, conjured from the deserts of Elam or Persia.
None of these areas are Arabic nor are they Muhammad centered. For those who pretend they do not know, Islam is divided now into four distinct groups.
1. Group 1: Islamocommunists which house the French constructed leftists in Baathists to the Iranian hybrid groups which melded German philosophy, psychiatry and Islam.
2. Group 2: Wahabbists, or Bana Nazi, who are a leftist group of zealots.
Off of group 1 and 2, are the foundational religious groups of Shia and Sunni.
Group 3: Sunni believe that only blood descendants of Muhammed can rule the religion.
Group 4: Shia believe that anyone can become religious leaders.
Shia Islam has it's headquarters in Iran and Sunni Islam is headquartered in Saudi Arabia.
What you have are then, Persian Islam and Arab Islam.
Now revisit Birther Hussein Obama Chin. This Birther was raised in leftism or communism. He was allied early with Shia Islam. The shapeshifter which took Obama's place after June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, is a Persian demon, akin to the moon demon allah.
So now return to this nuclear issue in Iran.
When Obama or the image was and is faced with decisions, as he and it were from the beginning, who did Obama side with.......nationalist Muslims or community organized al Qaeda and ISIS communist Muslims?
Who did Obama side with in the Israeli elections? Right wing Benjamin Netanyahu or leftist Shill Herzog?
Obama and the image are political leftists. When it comes to will the image Obama choose Saudi Arabia, right wing Muslims, along with Jordanian right wing Muslims and Egyptian right wing Muslims, who all are Sunni, compared to leftist communist Muslims in Iran, even you can now answer the question stunning John Bolton and Bill Richardson.
The Obama regime is going to choose the communist Muslims every time, just like John Kerry who is an Ashkenaz leftist, hates Benjamin Netanyahu and is going to choose left wing Palestinians every time over right wing Prime Minister Netanyahu.
This is all so easy, but no one is making this reality the fact behind the Obama regime's chosen actions. Of course image Obama is going to desire to make Shia Islamocommunits in control of Asian Islam which controls almost a billion Muslims in the east, as that is where it has sympathy.
It is why all of the former American allies have been abandoned by the Obama regime, and image Obama has been busy placing anti American forces into power.
So that is the reality, religious schism of the Obama regime. This regime hates with murderous passions, all right wing religions and nationalists. It gravitates toward Jesuit leftism, Jewish leftism and is a worshipping proponent to Islamocommunist groups, and that means Iran in their Marxists.
I leave this at that, as my back is healing up after a big hurt going on and a bit of another thing. I do not get to quit though. Thankfully God though does give me something to post, as I had to charge up my battery in the pick up which for some reason went dead, like the tractor battery went dead, and starting it up, I was monitoring Limbaugh on Tuesday, and in those few moments was scowling in knowing you had to be educated again to the facts, so that you are not richtard ignorant of what the Obama Schism is.