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Did I not tell you my children in December 2012 that the head of al Qaeda and that includes the Taliban was Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin?

Yes I did in Lame Cherry proven right again.

Afghan leader alleges US, Taliban are colluding
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday accused the Taliban and the U.S. of working in concert to convince Afghans that violence will worsen if most foreign troops leave -...

Yes the President of Afgahnistan realizing the dire straights he is in, has now gone public with that reality, as the reality is, President Kharzi is as good as dead as part of the Obama protocols which include the murder of US Soldiers there to appease the Taliban as Obama hands the nations of opium traders for the cartel back to the Islamocommunists.

I have something to interject here about the great one, Mark Levin. It is getting old of his being outed that these are not Islamofasicsts.......and of course the little pimple ass got the talking points to not repeat what this blog exposes, so Levin calls the type in Iran, Islamonazis.
A term generated here too, but the Persian Marxists are based in Baathism, which is a French socialism for Muslims according to Sol Sanders of World Tribune, that Robert Morton Mockingbird outfit who banned my commentary there too as the Truth was being exposed.

So for Levin to define these people as Islamonazis is a complete ignorance. I traced her Islam in Iran, and it is a melding of Shia, with German psychology in Kant, an appreciation of Nazism, in naming Iran after the Hitler Aryan so Hitler would free them from British rule, but the Khomeini revolution set up by MI6 out of England and Zbigniew Brzezinski to breed radical Muslims for war against the Soviets, have their ideology based in Baathism which is communism.
Sheik bin Laden's groups and the Saudi's are Isalmofascists, but most of them are dead or marginalized. The Muslim Brotherhood was Banna Nazi in Egypt, but Dr. Zawahiri converted it to Putin's Islamocommunism when the Russian FSB captured Zawahiri in Chechnya and that was the deal worked out in Russia would back Zawahiri if Zawahiri got bin Laden to launch Brzezinski's hordes against America.

That is the base of all of this, and it is why Dr. Zawahiri is not dead, as he is playing ball with Obama, as Obama is Marxist head over all of these Islamocommunists.

Levin is just a stubborn Ashkhenaz ass head whose ignorance helps nothing. He is a backbencher who is shitting in the toilet reading the graffiti on the walls as his brilliant dogma and getting most of it wrong.

In defining that and exposing all of this, the opium Islamists are now in charge of Afghanistan. Kharzai will be assassinated by the cartel as the Taliban, which used to be anti drug, is a cheaper operation to run. Plainly put, the 9 11 incident was not about oil as so many incorrectly based it in. It was about the re establishment of the opium trade to form an Opium Den of the Slavic peoples beginning in Russia and eastern Europe whereby they can be passively conquered like the Chinese were before the Boxer Rebellion.

This is Brzezinski's war protocols. Why do you think all those Russian babies suddenly were being the focus of ugly American adopters? It was a staged event to depriver Mother Russia of it's next generation, so Peking could march in and take control as has been promised China if they do not buck the Obama feudalism.
This has all been exclusive here in explaining all of this. The opium bomb and not the atomic bomb has been Brzezinski's choice and it is run by Marxist Islam in that Muslim bomb he detonated.

Afghanistan by Obama was about bloodying Americans so they never venture to freedom wars again, just like Vietnam, and it was about Obama heading up al Qaeda out of 1600 Penn Avenue for the dope wars trade for profit into the central European Ashkenaz banks running all of this for the feudal aristocracy there known as the, New World Order.

Nothing has changed my children. There are the same harem, dope and weapons traders who collect pretty things like jewels and gold, surpassing the pirates and merchants of every era. The human slave trade to the narcotics trade is booming under Obama, and that is what his mission was, to reestablish the huge profits of the black market.
Ever policy that Barack Obama has been engaged in, has been about weakening America for the establishment of the Islamic traders to do the dirty work. In the east, China has been promised management for the Europeans. In the west, the Neo Roman Empire will rule.

In America, a South American balance to America is being created in nuclear and oil rich Brazil, so America will NEVER arise again as the Monroe Doctrine progenitor.

The Tiger Lily noted the rising of Brazil, and this is a matter anti matter exclusive again of the Lame Cherry blog. While all of you have been asleep, Obama has been murdering his way through Latins like nationalist Muslims, all so Brazilian liberation will rule and be a counter to America for the feudal lords.

Brazil was chosen as it is Portugeuse and the rest of Latin America is Spanish. The divide keeps the power from resting completely in Brazil so it will not be a competitor to the Eurasians.

Now you know so very much my children, and you too can start noting the word WARRANT is starting to crop up when it was first espoused here in doctrine in dealing with drones.

The reality is all of the above and no one is explaining it correctly in Mockingbird to hide all of this organized Obama crimes.

nuff said


PS: Am so pleased to be paying the slave trade regime of Obama and the feudalcrats 13 dollars in taxes to exist in poverty in this gulag.
Never let it be said that.....well the poor do not pay  taxes as my widow's mites just paid the sum of 13 million dollars for folks like Rush Limbaugh and a million three for folks like Mark Levin.

The poor always pay more in  taxes, as that is what taxes are designed for IS TO KEEP POOR PEOPLE POOR WHILE THE RICH GET RICHER......and pretend like Chris Matthews and Obama that they are one of you.
13 dollars would buy me 20 pounds of flour to live. I bet these feudalcrats running and keeping mum about that Afghan dope trade can even tell you the price of a bag of flour.

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