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Obama's Tuna Boat Time


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry officially comes out after the seafood worker report, to be in favor of slavery to obtain ocean food.

Look, we have over 7 billion people. What would these slaves be doing, but just eating UN food, which Americans are paying for, and shitting over the earth creating a big carbon imprint.
It is not so much of just giving people something to do for eating, which is something that Rush Limbaugh bitches about all the time, but for me personally it is the reality that I demand to know how it was that Barack Hussein Obama Chin escaped the Indonesian slave trade, as this is Burma shave close in slaves and from that Andeman Sea region, which I love.

I have concluded on this, that if B. Hussein had just been..........

Sorry for the delay but for some reason my START opened up, and my cursor disappeared.

Anyway, think of it, if B. Hussein had just been put on the tuna boat, as a slave, he would have been legitimate as a slave, instead of milking Muchelle's ancient slave trade mams in pretending to be an American black with heritage. Not saying I would have voted for Obama or the image if he had been on a slave ship, but think of how many trillions that America would have been saved if Obama was still netting tuna for Chicken of the Sea, and not tits up while the image is looting America.

This is bad news for Al Sharpton Afroids, as blacks have inked over the reality that the whites were all enslaved by Muslim Moor terror, that Jews were Babylonian enslaved, and now we got all these south Asians in being slaves for what comes out of the Indian Ocean.

Obviously these Asians, not Obama's image, as Obama was never a slave, deserve some kind of repiration the way Obama was handing out money for things that did not matter.

Back to the point, I am all for slavery of these  hordes, as I have been enslaved by the cartel by Obama who has made debt slaves of all Americans and is now rationing death to them in Obamacare. Why should a couple of billion paddy eaters be more free than people of the west? Granted it makes blacks not so special, which they never were for slavery.......but there is a difference between Obama making a Homeland drone border to capture all of America, and a Negroid getting caught in a boma thorn fence with a pot of cooked millet as bait.
I don't know what these south Asians story is in being caught.......most of the Asians just sell their kids for money to Arabs or something. That Last Geisha was sold by her dad to a whorehouse, so if an Obama parent can abort a kid, the same horde trash should be able to sell the kid, as it is just their tissue eating UN grain paid for by Americans in the first place.

I wonder if this is slavery really, as John McCain imports Mexicans to do the same thing. Maybe just give these Asian slaves Obamacare and the entire package will be even, except McCain will not get his lawn mowed or his bell rung.

Face the facts, in Americans do nothing with Freedom and Liberty, so what the hell good is it going to do with Asians who are rice eaters and breed like fungus on the leather shoe. What good is a vote, a thought, an education, a job.........what the hell did Indonesian Obama Chin do with all that, but ruin the world eh?

I think we should ship image Obama back on a tuna boat for some skin time in a slave ship for his retirement. Sort of like Obama getting a Nobel Prize for peace, but all he did was make war. Obama took on blackness, so let the image earn it on a fish boat in the south seas. I say put them Gitmo terrorists into the slave trade so America can get it's money back on them too.........Obama could lead them, like he does ISIS from 1600 Tuna Stream, instead of 1600 Penn Avenue.

Slavery is a good thing. It brings us tuna in a can, which is a hell of allot better than what slavery in America brought each of us, except expensive sugar, gas and rationed death. It gives these UN food eaters something to do, except shit and fuck each day.......well they still are doing it, but it is hard to breed a tuna on the deck and who cares if an Indonesian or shark is shitting in the ocean.......better than shitting in the White House and dancing with little boys from Kenya.

nuff said

The Burmese slaves sat on the floor and stared through the rusty bars of their locked cage, hidden on a tiny tropical island thousands of miles from home.
Just a few yards away, other workers loaded cargo ships with slave-caught seafood that clouds the supply networks of major supermarkets, restaurants and even pet stores in the United States.


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