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Your Verticle Tits


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would not have you deluded my children in the coming massive check upon all humanity on all continents. Too many people seem to think like Soldiers that it will be the other person dying, but the reality is the majority of people in this world are going to die in a few short years in the coming age. This is called the End Times, the Day of the Lord or in part Jacob's Trouble

Isaiah 13:12 is the reality.

"I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir."

The world "precious" is not meaning wonderful or special, but it means as gold is something extremely rare in a fleck here or there, that all the world will have just a few people in it, as the rest will all be dead, as in billions will die in a very short time.

For those who think otherwise in this is out of context, Isaiah follows with:

"Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger."

The heavens shaken and the earth moved literally from her place, notes in God's wrath in the pouring out of His fury, as an End Times event.

I quipped to TL this past week, that it would be pleasing if the richtards who do not donate, would somehow let me know their addresses, besides my knowing such things as unique vistors. It is not that I would ever bother them, but it would be nice in  travels to say........be in the remains of what was.......say San Diego, and to say, "You know there was this richtard who lived over on, Orange Grove, and I would like to ride over and see their white brain bones on display on their mansion lawn as some coyote was gnawing on their thigh bones as I rode by. Granted I would of course shoot the coyote in order to save some Bambi or Thumper, but it would be pleasing to see a pile of brain bones of that richtard on the lawn with their little inheritors who did not live past the last breath of the richtard gone tits up.

The Holy Ghost gave me the verse and I pass the reality along, as no one but an apostate can say that Isaiah was wrong, as Isaiah was right on as the Holy Ghost Inspired the Prophet to pass along a very beautiful prose of God's reckoning the world population of heathens.

Perhaps I should write more on this, but that somehow seems to have things lost in the short attention span richtards have in their delusions. I prefer to have them know they are the walking dead. They will lay rotting on the lawn and their bones will be chew toys for all kinds of cartel large predators, now being raised to eat Bambi and Poodles.

Let us just leave it at that Justice. All of you frauds are written and recorded in the Bible and you are deader than your souls not being moved to donate to the Lame Cherry.

"Here's to your verticle tits going horizontal."

- Lame Cherry


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