As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The reality of this warning is that in order to take over the world completely, the system of machines is now in place which is more sinister than mosquito drones. It is the reality that economic crashes in farming in American as in 1929 and the late Carter 1970's will not to be drive humans off the land, but to foreclose on all rural properties for the express purpose that conglomerates will be able from skyscrapers to plant, harvest and control the entire grain supply of the world.
Take the land, take the food, and all human liberty is obliterated. Take it by robotics and staged rural implosion and the Chicagoland gang fronted by the agribusiness giants, and you rule the world.
Kinze has been testing these systems and marketing them for the past few years. They have the capability now of running multiple machines upon the same lands with GPS and not having them run into each other.
This is flying the Air Force X Shuttles, Boeing's fleet, military drones, and now the real danger of farm machinery............all without human farmers, so therefore the cartel can eliminate all of these A HOLE big farmers. All profits will be cartel and with farmers gone, the ration of Soylent food is completely controlled by the power elite.
Yes a Lame Cherry doomsday exclusive in matter anti matter.
Kinze Manufacturing is the technology leader and innovator of farm equipment including row crop ... Kinze is also currently developing new Autonomy Tractor (driverless) ...Kinze Manufacturing, Inc.
You do remember do you not the sabotage of the Obama Gulf Oil right? Why what was showing up there, but autonomous vehicles both above and below the ocean, and a like Kinsey of a different spelling is part of this coming of the machines.
James C. Kinsey - Google Scholar Citations ScholarWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution - whoi.eduJC Kinsey, RM Eustice, LL Whitcomb ... JC Kinsey, LL Whitcomb ... ocean operations: Persistent presence through coordination of autonomous surface vehicles ...Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - Woods Hole ... 26, 2014 - Assessing the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. J.C. Kinsey, D.R. Yoerger, M.V. Jakuba, R. Camilli, ...Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
What I am informing you in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, is this is not a matter of automated combines and tractors, but it is about automated fishing to peach picking. People are no longer a necessary part of food production. Conglomerates can now own all of the property in a National Socialist takeover in an implosion of the farming economies, and by national emergency, all of this land will be taken over, planted by machines, harvested by machines and all of those profits will be in the complete control of the elite few.
In generations past, the cartel needed farmers. That is no longer the case. For the dolt who does not comprehend this, Thomas Jefferson, English Common Law had one freedom mandate and that was individual land ownership. Take that away, and the population is forever in gulag cities and never able to feed nor break free of bondage. That is now the case, and it is only a matter of time before the complete takeover is initiated.