As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do not waste any time quoting any modern individual or groups, as all are worthless in regurgitating the vomit of the craw of Mockingbird. I do though desire to quote the words of Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper USMC, for the simple reason, a dead man is something yet the regimes of this world have not been able to drone into silence.
Mr. Cooper is a legend and he states the facts clearly in what requires stating to educate the herd of gophers now calling themselves free people in this gulag Obama world.
“It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national armies. When they try to fight against the people, they find themselves at a very serious disadvantage. If you will just look around at the state of the world today, you will see that the guerillero has the upper hand. Irregulars usually defeat regulars, providing they have the will. Such fighting is horrible to contemplate, but will continue to dominate brute strength.
We remember the refrain from the Phillippines: ‘Underneath the starry flag/Civilize him with a Krag /And then get underway for home sweet home.’ But you have to civilize him first, and how you do that with the ragheads is the problem.
The decay of the late, great country of South Africa is beginning to become apparent. The name of the Transvaal has been officially changed to ‘Gauteng.’ (One of our friends has suggested that in view of this its inhabitants in the future should be referred to as Oranggautengs.) … And now there is a move afoot to wreck the Kruger National Park, one of the wonders of the world, on the notion that a good bit of its land was ‘taken from the blacks.’ This idea is somewhat akin to giving Yellowstone Park back to the Blackfeet.
The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory.
I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja” … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.
The 1911 pistol remains the service pistol of choice in the eyes of those who understand the problem. Back when we audited the FBI academy in 1947, I was told that I ought not to use my pistol in their training program because it was not fair. Maybe the first thing one should demand of his sidearm is that it be unfair.
The Germans gathered together ethnic divisions from all over Europe in which men of the same linguistic and cultural background could serve together. The Georgian SS division conducted itself with distinction in normal military action, but a good many people seem to think that anybody who was ever a member of the SS was automatically a war criminal.
The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. It would seem a valid social service to keep them well-supplied with ammunition."
— Col. Jeff Cooper
"An American is not an indigenous animal as of the 21st century in Washington DC or any federal post in the Executive, Legislative or Judiciary.
This endangered creature is also approaching extinction in every state government and as sick as every propaganda media and indoctrinated education outlet."
- Lame Cherry
"There is much lament about the reams of dead by community organized criminals in leftist enclaves as Chicago by gun violence in gun control regimes, but this should instead be celebrated and encouraged as Darwinian natural selection, and allow the selectors to make a more ample harvest with RPG's."
- Lame Cherry