As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It occurs to me by the Holy Ghost to repay good for evil. By this the Lame Cherry not being donated to, will instead donate to all of you.
My reality is in being poor, is the reality that I have to rely on God for deals. One deal I have had is the Discover credit card, which for only God's reasons a pre approved card appeared in my more salad years of 1998, and I obtained one, in the days Discover was the mysterious new card.
No having a great deal of money, the card would lapse, and one year, Discover gave me 20 dollars to just use the card again. I never have had another card ever give me money just for my business.
Discover has a rotating 5% cash back bonus, from fuel which ends in March to stores which ends in June. That 5% was of great help when moving as a nickel for every dollar spent is still a nickel to me.
They also have a referral program, that I referred TL to Discover, and they gave us both 50 dollars for a credit card.
This though is not about credit cards, but about a program Discover has had for some time, in if you open a Cash Back Checking Account, Discover will give you 50 dollars. I signed up for this as I pick up pennies on the street, so 50 dollars is something I will sign up for.
You have to have a bank account to transfer 25 dollars into your Cash Back Account to start this, and then Discover will deposit the 50 dollars. Like all things, you have to be responsible in not spending more than you have and keeping track of things, but that is the Lame Cherry donation to you of 50 dollars.
God was mentioning to me, that I can use this account to perhaps sell things or deposit online things into it. I have plans to maybe build some wooden things to sell, and I will use this account for that.
There are apparently other online banks with similar deals, but as I had a Discover card approved already, I simply logged in with that account.
Cash Back Checking
I do get fed up in reading commenters on sites dissing these programs, as if they are experts in the reality they sit on websites about money, to reveal how absolutely not brilliant they are.
The thing is Discover cash backs to you, 10 cents every time you use this card, which is better than any bank debit card or writing a check.
The link has all the information to explain so you can decide as an adult what you choose to do with the Lame Cherry donation.
In speaking with the youngster on the phone at 1-800-347-7000, she could walk you through the sign up, if you do not have dial up like me in I was on the phone and had to write down the you have wifi though the assistant could help you with what needed to be done.
I just clicked the OPEN AN ACCOUNT, and it takes sometime for it to load, as all that shows first is a drop down menu without the Cash Back, but after a few minutes the Cash Back appeared in the window. Then it was a matter of signing in under my credit card, as if all you have is a Discover card, you must sign in under credit card and not banking.
Then it is a process of verification like opening an account at all banks, putting in your routing numbers, the deposit, your Social Security Number so the IRS can track you like at your bank, and that is about it.
Around a week later you will get your debit card and checks. It says in a month you will get your 50 dollars, and you do not have to use the card or write the checks. It is a free Lame Cherry donation to you.
In the credit card referral Discover deposited the 50 dollars almost immediately, as I am a valued customer in being a dead beat in paying all of my bills on time. The 50 for the checking account is to be deposited by the end of April.
Discover has now paid me 120 dollars since 1998 AD in the year of our Lord for doing absolutely nothing. That is better than any business or regime has ever treated me. They apparently have billions in deposits, and I have never had any problems with them.
Of course I manage my money to the penny and I do not overdraw, nor spend what I do not have. A penny saved is a penny earned, and 50 dollars given to me, is 50 dollars I will stop to pick up.
I like the idea of this in having another buffer account in this for Paypal in time. It just makes things easier as things are itemized and I do not have to keep track of what is not a tax deduction for the meager animal raising I do and what is.
I will leave it at that in what you do. I at least in poverty have donated to each of you, and it is up to you whether you stop and pick up the 50 bucks.