I actual like Vatican Boy Sean Hannity as he, unlike Limbaugh, has human common sense when it comes to being poor. He related being sick and needing meds, and standing in line behind a woman with a welfare card taking forever as only cartel bread is allowed to be purchased with regime funds to poison the poor..........
Thing is as Sean Hannity keeps saying he knows what it is like to be poor, the Lame Cherry has this God Inspired Wisdom for Mr. Hannity.
"It is an entirely different matter being poor and in need in a Ronald Reagan Economic Recovery of America than being poor in a Barack Obama Chin Super Depression".
- Lame Cherry
Hannity did offer to say he would buy that woman's bread......but did not, like he did not as a multi millionaire offer this woman a 350,000 dollar donation or a 10 thousand dollar exercise bike like he bought Mark Levin.
At least the Vatican Boy sounds half past human.
Odd how people will offer scraps of bread to get you out of the way, but will not donate a life to the poor to give them a life which would keep them out of the way of the rich too.
nuff said