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The Bush League



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality in being a Christian Conservative as head of the Continentalist Party, and that is, this blog will so fully cripple the Jeb Bush election theft of the GOP primary that he will never, ever get into the White House.
This does not say in the least that I support Hamrod Clinton, the career criminal. It simply does cement the fact that when it comes to the political arena which I uphold in Ronald Reagan's Legacy, I will not have it sullied or besmerched by any more of these RHINO patricians of the Republican Party who are no different than Bill Clinton in being the same family tree.

I will state this plainly that if the Bush League would money dump as they did with Barry Seal's wife or Michelle Malkin, I would be most content to simply publish Christian Prophesy and talk of apples as I care nothing for this world regime establishment as I look for Christ's return.

In stating that, there are reasons I will never vote for Jeb Bush and the first reason was, when a helpless invalid in Florida was being murdered by the leftist judiciary, Governor Jeb Bush oversaw it and allowed for Terri Schiavo's homicide by dehydrating her to death in a most ghastly extermination.
Ronald Reagan when he breathed his last, opened his eyes, and knowingly looked at Nancy Reagan to comfort her. The Spirit is always in the human, even if the brain is disconnected at times. Terri Schiavo was there, and the mark of any leader is the protection of the helpless as God mandates. Jeb Bush allowed for the torturous death of a human. That states everything what this soulless creature is.

Jeb Bush did not fall far from the mafia tree. To understand Jeb Bush is to peal back the layers of the group who made genocidal war on Germany twice, overthrew American economics, dismantled the British Empire, handed Russia over to Marxist rapine as sick as China handed over to murdering Maoists, and have been part of every form of despicable criminal enterprise in shaping the modern feudal world.
Do not make the mistake that I state the Bush family is behind all of this when the Bush family is but a branch of money handlers which were placed into America by the Rothschild cartel, for the taking over American finance.

The name Prescott Bush was the founder of this "germanic" Ashkenaz dynasty. Bush worked in banking and worked it astutely to the point of during wars from the 1940's onward, he had amassed enough power and wealth, that he completed what Irishman Joe Kennedy was thwarted from achieving, in placing a son and grandson into the White House.

The above photo originally was Prescott Bush mockingly grooming a protege in Richard Nixon who was beaming with delight in being backed by one of the power elite of America.

You must understand the Bush League in it was part of an imported group, who began in the Civil War to overtake Lincoln finance as the cartel started that war. In it, the Robber Barons who sprang up on war contracts like Borden, Milbank, Morgan etc... laid the foundation for the focal names which began in industry in John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford.
The original millionaires club were quite American loyal, but what followed in the background were these Prescott Bush agents of education and connection, who willingly for a new world order where they were told they would be deciding how things would be done, as they were more intelligent than these other stock of the field, that this all cemented to what became this predatory group which picked off the "American" families like the Kennedy clan.

This is a two headed hydra of right and left wing. You must comprehend though it arises out of Europe and is under the control of the lords and the priests there in the heirarchy. This group of aristocrats employs financiers like the Rothchilds to manage currency. Prescott Bush for example was part of the group whose mission was to seize the assets of American industry, to Nazify it all, as that is what managed this after World War II in Operation Paper Clip, imported Nazi's into intelligence, industry with loads of Nazi gold.
It is why this blog broke the story of the SOCIO CONGLOMERATES, this group of feudal corporations which are plugged into regime money supply, manage the masses to death in social order exploiting them, while serving the regime and the security apparatus which protects it all.
Prescott Bush descended upon Texas independent oil, and took it over, along with Lyndon Johnson. Once that reserve of cash was sucked up along with the power behind it, it could not be used to finance other pro American candidates

That is why William Casey of the OSS and CIA was important in the Ronald Reagan ascendency to power. Casey built right wing radio and had Newt Gingrich import Rupert Murdoch for FOX propaganda. Casey though died and Ronald Reagan was almost assassinated out of office, so George H. W. Bush would be installed as was predestined.
All of Casey's work and his associates was taken over again by this hydra which revealed that two of the greatest agents of it were Roger Ahles of FOX and Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, both Obama voters, who worked for  Ronald Reagan.
Bill Buckley, whose leftist boy came out in support of Obama, was Ronald Reagan's minder as Buckley was a CIA minder.

Put it plainly, after Birther Hussein Obama Chin stole the 2008 Presidential election, with the full ascent of Karl Rove, who kept his mouth shut in the Minnesota election theft of the seat Norm Coleman held and was given to that crook Al Franken, for the reason Rove was caught flipping votes against John Kerry in 2004 for a George W. Bush "win", then this group of electioneering Rovians who destroyed John McCain, in that 10 million vote swap and destroyed Mitt Romney, again in a 5 percent swing in another Obama election theft, all so Jeb would have his chance in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.........and the first words out of Jeb Bush's mouth were, "Reagan is dead. We all have to be more like Obama." The Lame Cherry is not going to forget that most important statement and is not going to back Obama White in this Bush League in 2016.

As this blog noted, Romney was his own pariah in destroying Fred Thompson in 2008 and then blackmailing Michelle Bachmann in 2012. Romney received his own bushwhack in being threatened and cajoled by Jeb Bush to depart from the 2016 GOP race. It all means that this Jeb Bush theater is sinister as the dead Terri Schiavo laying in her premature grave.

I will remind readers of the infamous statement of Barry Seals. The operative of the US Government who flew dope planes out of Latin America in the Bush CIA operational structure which HW ran out of the White House in the Reagan years as Vice President.
Barry Seals had his brains blown out in Louisiana, for threatening the Bush family in having a video of Jeb and George at a Florida airstrip unloading their share of coke off of an intelligence transport.
Mrs. Seals was given a threatening phone call afterwards to take the million dollars and shut her mouth as what was done to Barry Seals was going to stay covered up.

The entire series of coups from Howard Baker as Chief of Staff to Iran Contra was run by the Bush group to get rid of Ronald Reagan. The Reagan assassination was not Bush oriented, but it was directly pointed to the Bush family by rival intelligence forces as John Hinkley was a family friend of the Bush clan.

The only difference between Bill Clinton and Jeb Bush is Bill Clinton rapes women and gets exposed. That is it. I am not stating that Jeb Bush rapes women, but all the dead bodies of the Clinton tenure are littered around the Bush extremities as the same hired security apparatus protects this octopus' every tentacle.
It is why this blog has sense enough not to write of the enforcer group, as that is their job and antagonizing them accomplishes nothing. Given the correct leadership the enforcers work for proper American interests. They are employees no different than Big Frac. They take orders, are allowed to think they are autonomous and carry out the orders. That is what happened to Andrew Breitbart and his site was taken over by minders.

All of this is of little consequence, but I will relate why I am doing what I am doing. It may sound odd, but I was a supporter of George W. Bush. I liked George and Laura Bush. They were good actors. George tried to be Christian, but flew too high and became discouraged. He tried to undo HW's failure in being conned by Colin Powell over Iraq and was thwarted and humiliated, as Obama was installed to put in a new community organized Islamocommunist.
Laura was pleasant, but those twins are rabid leftists like the entire kinder and gentler Bush League, and expose all they really are, in not being Reagan Disciples, but just more ghouls parading around the palace.
George W. Bush was America's last best chance, and the American left destroyed him. I stated that in 2000 AD in the year of our Lord and I have been proven Obama right.

Why I do what I do is Jeb Bush is paper machet in a hurricane. He has no backing from real Americans. Crippling him politically is the one chance that a dark horse like Scott Walker might become attractive enough that the barons will offer him protection so he does not get his brains blown out as a Kennedy solution.
Scott Walker is the closest thing to an American in this race and if he could gain the Republican primary win, as Ronald Reagan did..........Walker is going to have to beat the same Bush elements in the Rovians along with the family friends of the Bush clan in the Clintons. That is not a God impossible task, but if the Casey Associates, some MIC help, aligning up of the Americans with Mitt Romney's group showing up to guide Walker in how to not be submarined by Bush operatives and how to stuff chicken salad into e voting machines to get a correct tally.......then Hamrod Clinton is going back to the old lezbo home in defeat.

I will not back this Jeb Bush League. I would though gladly for the kind of Malkin donation not bother with this and simply do Scripture and Garden work. Barring that, the chorus will resound to the reality that Jeb Bush is going to be Birther Obama's 3rd term. Bush will cement Obama further, and Hillary Clinton in the White House would do to Obama what HW did to Ronald Reagan's legacy.

Managing Limbaugh stalemate, feudal rapine of Americans and Obama rationed death is what the Bush League will continue.

The Bush legacy is plain. HW dismantled the Reagan Revolution and began the end of the Reagan economic expansion, while mismanaging Kuwait over slant oil drilling in stealing Saddam oil out of Iraq.
W fought his daddy's war again, and was overcome by the cartel and he could not cope with it through blackmail and simply not being up to the task. He allowed Obama's installation in order for the trade of giving his brother Jeb a chance at the Oval Office.

Both Bush tenures were bad for Americans and genocide for the American Right. The reality is the reformed Bill Clinton enacting Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, did more for the American Right than the Bush League ever did.

The American corpse does not need a Jeb Bush theater acting out another Third Act of Birther Obama.

That is the reality.


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