As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this blog was the only source on the Bureau of Anarchy Terrorism Firearms and Executions in alerting the world of the new Obama regime agenda to deny Americans Military Ball Ammunition, but readily provide it to ISIS terrorists in the same 5.56 super or hot NATO loadings in the Green Tip supply, it comes to the next exclusive to explain all of this, as the greatest friend to terrorists and gun dealers has been the image of Obama.
For the reality, this blog posted on the BATFE new bans against the Second Amendment and an interesting thing happened in ammunition which had been available the day previous, suddenly went off the shelves. I am not speaking of the Green Tip ammo from Lake City Arsenal, but the Russian line of Brown Bear Ammunition for 223.
The reality is this affordable and cheap ammunition from Russia has been what has been flowing into America for self defense and marksmanship, but suddenly the BATFE shuts down Lake City, and that supply dries up even before the ban is initiated, and the next "ban" comes on Russian ammunition as supplies dry up.
This line of Silver, Brown and Golden Bear is metal case, instead of brass ammunition, but the reality is that the Obama regime bans "armor piercing" loads in a new agenda which previously had Lake City recouping losses in selling not up to specs ammo to American sportsmen. This will now cease, and the reality is all that ammo is not just going to disappear as it is loaded already. The question is just how much of this is going to end up in more ISIS hands in ammo dumps in the same Eric Holder reality of gun dumps into Mexico in Fast and Furious and Gun Runner BATFE operations against Mexicans and Americans.
One must comprehend that the image of Obama under the cover of "Ukraine" banned the last affordable firearms coming into America of quality items. So ask yourself in a world of record gun sales and ammo sales since 2008 who was the winner in this?
Refer back to the exclusive here of in 2009, Obama for Warren Buffett shut down all the Canadian oil pipelines into America. What happened? Obama shut down BP deep Gulf drilling and a monster price spike took place, which paid off Big Oil in record revenues.
What happened with Obama, but a massive price spike in American firearms, now owned predominantly by foreign interests and in a massive short supply of consumer ammunition as the Obama regime employed massive billion bullet contracts in order to tie up that manufacturing source. The net result is Americans saw massive price spikes in ammo and guns.....again who won, but the very conglomerates who supposedly are not supporting the Obama regime.
Examine this reality in how it is since Obama that American firearms have spiked to almost double prices. The Obama regime has not gone after firearms in America, so who benefits but the same conglomerates like Big Oil did in raping consumers economically. You have to see this scam for what it is. The very groups like Obamacare medical conglomerates have now a "tax" which directly funds their entire industry in rationed death. They all were in on it and are backing it. The same is the fact in if the American firearms industry was so focused upon Americans right to keep firearms, they would have welcomed cheap imports.....and would have by now produced more ammo plants to fill that shortage, but just like the oil monopoly being rewarded by the Obama regime, like the health monopoly, like the education monopoly they are all getting their cut and being protected by this regime of the cartel.
The greatest terror supporter and supporter of conglomerate industry has been the image of Obama. That is the fact and his biggest supporters are Big Gun and Big Oil which are supposed to be on the right.
Think on that and realize the game.
This is nothing new as Thomas Jefferson in 1807 put and Embargo Act on American goods and imports, which included Americans being banned from importing cheap British shot for their guns.
Oh yes this ruse is old as all the time of America, and that Embargo ruined American industry across the board, as it is now ruining small business America, while benefiting the speculators as it always has.
Just so you know.