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For my children only



Well as Ronald Reagan used to say, "Well............."

No news is good news my children, and this post is for only the real people who donated or the impoverished poor who could not afford to......real poor people and not the "I just bought a 12 dollar pizza for dinner poor."

No news is good news, because quiet times are most interesting times as nothing happenin is good on the Baby Belle front. Belle and Daisy are the Mount Everest and mole hill of bovine Jerseys. I still think that Belle is one of those rare miniatures which cost 6000 dollars on the east coast. I know in blessnet shopping of pages, that in Missouri those dolts were breeding minatires to regular Jersey cows to "expand the breed" and I wonder if Belle is some throw away of that group of thought.
Her lower teeth jut out like Victoria Newman of the Young and the Restless, so I do not know if that is some dwarfism gene or what, but Belle is bright eyed and has taken below zero weather in the past weeks and gets along with the Mount Etna of Jersey calves in Daisy, who is like a butterfly of the bovines in she throws up her tail and bounces off of me with all her 250 pounds now with delight. She loves life and I am thankful God had us rescue them as they do not belong in any corporate milking structure with Mexicans f*cking them and beating the hell out of them.

We wondered the worth of this rescue project when satan hit us with ringworm. TL had it bad, and burned from the latex bandages and was struck with hives on her limbs. I just got a few spots which itched like my usual allergic reactions. I guess the Vulcan in me has spores hating my sour green blood like that entity from Star Trek as it did not stick around on my skin.
Goats do not seem to appeal to ringworm either as Mother Marie got it on her udder......put on Scarlet Oil and it helped it, and the little guys have it now in I hope it burns off quickly on them too.
I just know we have gone through Job like misery in rectifying lesbian abuse of calves and satan was there for it all, and it has  been unpleasant, but I would do it again as the alternative is death and that is not acceptable.

Oh by the way, you richtads, get the hell off this post as you do not need to be adding to your sins to be Judged by Jesus on in stealing from me. Stop being so damn snoopy in thinking this page is your friend and will make up for all your A Hole relatives and F Head friends all grinning at you and waiting for you to go tits up, so they will inherit your wind.

So no calves this spring as the bulls testicles went tits up......that is not good, but nothing can be done about that, as can't afford 4000 for this, 7000 for a tractor......you know how it is in looking at things and everyone else gets to set the price on 50 dollar repairment and 300 dollar dentists, but those bastards low ball you on your car for 500 bucks or think you can mow their lawn for the exercise.

The place looks dreary now. TL and I go for walks and dodge the nutty out of state dope head children of the junk dealer down the way. I see now why people had contempt for the bone pickers in the old west. A more worthless class of culls there never was. All these dumb asses are selling all of that high grade American steel and copper to China, and when that is gone it will never be repeated again in this world. That is why I have never allowed anything to be removed from Mom's place as this is all the good American metal products of the McCormick and Ford era of Carnegie metals.

Am thinking...........

The Holy Ghost gave me a new set for assassinating predators......I will not disclose it, but it is for snares and I have been shown how to refine it to an artform. It will work and am pleased. Someone has to kill these damn vermin the federal regime is raising to eat bambi, poochie and your little babies in the next phase.

TL is currently looking at pretty flowers in making a some day list of things TL will plant on our land which is just a big donation or a complete economic collapse away.

This is sort of like Wiley Carroll used to post in The Trapper. Always liked that Gentleman. I wrote him once and that codger printed up a bunch of things for me as that is the way he was. He was a houndman and predator killer. Liked to talk as much as I do.....he though made more sense and was more interesting as I never knew what he was going to say, but I know what is appearing here.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I have been studying predator calling again in order to kill them. Think will put TL on the hoser and maybe me on the long connection and will see if that happens. I have no time now, but listen to the yotes talking a few miles from here at night while killing things. They certainly are gregarious and vocal in their interactions. I prefer them silent and draped over pretty women in long fur coats.

The Beekeeper appears to be keeping his foot after trying to cook it off in satan attacking him. Prayers are needed for the Viking in his going bionic soon to soothe the pain afflicting a joint and all of the children need prayers in general for healing shattered lives and for a better day tomorrow.

I am disappointed in I found this Foley pan.......just the lid, but it was small rectangle and not large, but Foley apparently is not in the business out of Minnesota...God is going to have to be busy on that one as I would like to cook food for that pan....maybe some cobbler to delight in.

We have been for desert having a family recipe from my Aunt Annie. Never met her, but when she was born she was so tiny they kept her in a shoe box in the cookstove warming oven. She grew up to be a good sized gal so premature is not a set back even in the days before Obamacare. Is a nice desert. I just finished baking sourdough.....which reminds me.

Ok for those doing sourdough, we found this out. I baked two loaves to save time, and it sat on the stove, and the flaky white on top, got mold on it..turned brown. I frowned and skimmed it off and stirred it all up again, but I did notice that this new sour smell is more complex in allowing this stuff to brew for an extra week. The advice is sourdough starter must be stirred every week or you get cooties on top. I think though it would do no harm really, as it would break down to whatever................well that is the idea any way, but just best to stir it with a wooden ladle every week to keep it honest. Not like yeast or bread mold kills people, as that is what penicillin is.  Never heard of this problem, so am still testing and praying that this is not something toxic.
Smells nice baking though and I do know that sourdough does help my innards out in being good for me like silage is to cows.

I have to start supper soon enough......we are having Denvers. TL needs more healing and I need warm sunny grass growing weather to ease my mind some. I believe we are over the hump in this, but should be some reward from God for doing the right thing and being made to suffer for rescuing animals from lezbos.

Goatikin are just one month old now as of Friday. They are really doing good though. Run around, leap around, and raise far too much hell, but that means they are healthy and we want them that way.

Got to go cook. God bless and keep you my children and may the richtards be led to repentance so they do not lose their immortal souls in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

....and yes that is one of our kids, nestled in Mom's chair and shirt.  They now have their horns burned off and the scabs knocked off.  I will try and remember and do a review of that sometime in March.

Gotta jet.



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