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Economic Sins of Barack Hussein Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In January of 1984 AD, President Ronald Reagan came before Speaker Tip O'Neill of the Democratic House and Republican Majority Leader of the Senate in Baker in declaring this reality:

"Together, we passed the first across-the-board tax reduction for everyone since the Kennedy tax cuts. Next year, tax rates will be indexed so inflation can't push people into higher brackets when they get cost-of-living pay raises. Government must never again use inflation to profit at the people's expense."

Ronald Reagan. State of the Union Address

During the 1970's under Jimmy Carter, inflation was in the plus 10% bracket, exactly as it has been under Barack Hussein Obama's regime, but Ronald Reagan and democratic leaders in Congress worked together to stop a most heinous thing, in Americans were being pushed into higher tax brackets by earning more, but due to inflation, they were not earning more, but only having more of their wages confiscated by the government.

Ronald Reagan protected Americans, whether they were paying overt taxes in income or covert taxes in stealth excise taxes, because every tax, whether it is on your cell phone, your gas, your electric, is all passed onto the working and the welfare Citizens, robbing them of money.

This blog has been the only one which has made issue of this in this best of feudal time and worst of American times.

Yes you quote me on this:

"It was the best of feudal times under the image of Barack Hussein Obama and the worst of American times under the Obama regime."

- Lame Cherry

Poor people pay more in taxes, excise or stealth or hidden taxes, as inflation and taxes are passed along to the consumer, who has perhaps 2000 dollars per month to live on, but from every trucker hauling your food to supermarket, every oil company drilling for oil, to every corporation importing cheap Chinese goods,  but being forced to pay for Obamacare taxes, is forced to raise prices which you have to pay for everything from Walmart to 7 11.
Only I have focused on the disaster of Obama hidden taxes in your cell phones, your electric, your gas, your food, as prices tripled from George W. Bush's 2008 AD in the year of our Lord expenses, and it is all connected to cost of living increases from inflation or hidden Obama taxes.

When the Obama regime makes it known that it's will is to make "green energy" competitive, it means raising United States energy costs from George W. Bush 1.87 a gallon gas to Obama cartel 3.60 a gallon gas, from George W. Bush 50 dollar electric bills in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord to Obama 150 dollar electric bills just a few years later.
Some costs as in electric are inflation and Obama taxes, some though like oil costs, are simply an oil company given carte blanche by the regime and gouging consumers, as it is regime policy to graft kickback profits to solar and wind cronies.
For the record, Obama electric cars are a disaster. Obama solar energy is a disaster. Obama wind energy is a disaster. Obama energy non production is a disaster. In each disaster, it is you the American paying thee entire bill for this deliberate rewarding of Obama cronies.

This is not stated to condemn the Obama regime or it's followers. It is though intended to provide proof, so at least the followers of Equalz Obama, will at least admit that it is criminally wrong to confiscate money from poor people and working people by these hidden Obama tax and inflation mandates gouging all.

When Democratic Speaker Thomas O'Neill could join with Republican President Ronald Reagan to simply protect Americans from stealth taxes and inflation, then the supporters of Obama can at least break with the Obama regime and stand for America as Tip O'Neill did with a Democratic majority.
Barack Obama has personally overseen the biggest covert and overt tax confiscation of American personal property in history and it is completely unjust and is a robbery designed to keep a feudal few in power.

For the ignorant who supports the image of Obama, this means that the liberal is stuck with John Boehner, who while he enables Barack Obama, is in a status quo which will never see Nancy Pelosi or Stenny Hoyer becoming Speaker.
The liberal thinking they can support Obama at all costs, is cutting off their own heads to spite Boehner. When the Tea Party is deprived of money, it means that Boehner is set as the entire Obama tag along GOP to stay in power.

Should not even a democrat, who is dissatisfied with their Congressional people, be allowed to put up a more liberal candidate to replace them, then to be forced without money for political donations, to keep an NRA Harry Reid in power?

Americans should realize the severe damage the Obama regime did to each political party. Ronald Reagan with Democrats in 1984 AD in the year of our Lord put protections into place for Americans to not be tax gouged, and in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord, in an Obama Super Depression economy, Americans had more money confiscated from them, than ever before in history.

This is wrong and it is immoral.

No one is placing this before you in the historical context, as the power elite do not want you knowing that you once had leaders protecting you, and that those rights you have were violated in the Obama tenure.

These are the economic sins of Barack Hussein Obama and you are paying for them.

Think about it all as this is in your personal interest.


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