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The Worst Trace of Death


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a danger and a threat with what has become high production Monsanto American agricultural crops, which no one has touched on, but will be spoken of here first at the Lame Cherry.

Think of this in your mind as, say you have 100,000 dollars and you are not donating to the Lame Cherry. You are though spending on your fat asses, 23,000 dollars on your idols. Suddenly you find that you are spending on your lusts 95,000 dollars. At that rate, with your other expenses like pool cleaning and jet trips, how long before you are starving to death?

This is the state of American and world agriculture, in once upon a time, corn produced 75 to 100 bushels per acre in hybrids. Those non Biblical farming methods though depleted the trace minerals in which you need to live, so you do not get diseases or age prematurely. With Monsanto though, doing genetic manipulation in GMO's, in crossing crops with algae which Round Up herbicide will not kill, those corn, rape seed, soybean and whatever are now producing crops that Rush Limbaugh fawns over in 50 bushel wheat and 300 bushel corn, but in reality this "food" is akin to a cardboard box, covered with vegetable oil and sugar.

See that is what this "food" is. Grain can create sugars or starches, along with oils, but when the soil is depleted of necessary trace minerals, the food value is gone. So you can feed fat and sugar to animals, which burns out their systems on junk food, but there is nothing in the trace elements.
The grain makes up for production in dumping petro chemical fertilizers to feed these weeds, as that is what  these grains now are.
Corn for example is now sown in almost frozen ground, and it produces 3 times the grain it did before. Just like your 100,000 dollars, those acres just do not have anything left to produce a food that is worth the staff of life.
It makes great ethanol and oil seed to feed Chinese pigs, but little else.

I picked up in Jesus and the disciples style some corn which was spilled on the road that a rich farmer was too lazy to pick up. So beggar I am with no big donation, that is what I was doing with TL.
So the Lord provided 3 bags of corn, which is like 24 bucks which I am grateful for from God. So I leave it outside the shed and a little buck goat we have wanders in and out when the gate is open when do chores. I was concerned of him over eating, but the first night that bag was sitting there, I watched him poke his head in......sniff at it and move on, much to my puzzlement. He came back and did the same sniff test, and none of the goats have bothered with those open bags since.

I related this in noticing my formerly alive poultry preferring non GMO oats to this GMO corn, and now here is another proof, that animals do not recognize this as food. So you understand this, you might just as well take a spoon of fertilizer and eat it, as that is what the grain tastes like. Animals can taste that oil base and will not eat it. The thing is, if you were stupid enough to take a spoon of fertilizer, it would make you sick or kill you........what is the difference in 300 bushel poison grains putting a nice corn syrup coating on it to poison you slowly?

I quote the statement of Glenn Drown of Iowa often here, in his bunnies eat his soybeans he grows to ruin, but they bunnies will not eat the thousands of acres of Monsanto beans. It is the same with all of these crops. You are eating something crossed with algae and something whose main milk of sucking is petroleum oil. Rush Limbaugh can praise this poison food, but it is poison and it is what is taking over all agriculture.

Seriously if you get off  that poison for 6 months, you will be surprised how your animal nose and tongue will recoil from that obnoxious flavors as it is a poison.
Mom had a jar of generic mayo, made with soybean oil, in her pantry, and I found it........it was the most horrid off brown possible. These products all start breaking down to source, and the source is poison algae and poison crude oil. I am amazed in the cookies and chips I have not eaten, and left for a year, how they literally taste like fuel oil as things start breaking down.

The point in this exclusive is to alert everyone that these high production crops are not the salvation to the world, but it's doom. There is room for these crops for diesel and ethanol fuels for energy in engines, but it is nothing people should be eating, no more than swamp algae or crude oil on their Cheerios.

Crops can only produce so much food and land can only produce so much nutrient. It is the same with horses working to death at 8 years of age long ago, or the modern milk cow being destroyed in 6 years from being fed nothing but high energy corn and soybeans.
These Monsanto GMO's are not the answer, as all of this only brings on death.

No one has warned you of this, an those idiot rich farmers are too dense to figure out what slaves they have become to the system of commodities and how all of this poison is ruining their lands and bringing ruin to the world. The rich farmers were given their bonus, and now as in 1929 and 1975, the cartel is taking all that money back, and leaving these idiots with nothing but high loans, high rent, high taxes and high production costs.
Corn was like 8 dollars a bushel a few years ago. Now it is barely 3 dollars, and yet the real estate agents, tax bills, fuel bills, machinery costs, fertilizer costs are all still at high levels. That is how this scam works, and these modern fools did not heed the warning of their fathers from 1970 who lost their asses in the Jimmy Carter era.

That is the way the scam works, and that is the way the food poisoning of the world is working. You will notice my children that the Lame Cherry is the only source now even mentioning any of this. All of the former sources are gone in being silenced and bought off........and you rich people are not donating what you should, in thinking you are protected from all of this, and you are eating the poison figs in your own garden like Augustus.

Enough of this exclusive as the good have been warned and the brats will just plunge deeper into the Obama abyss.


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