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The Opiate of Terrorism


As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.........

This blog was the only source in breaking the neo international dope ring which Obama's Berlin and liberation backers in America had initiated in 2008, which set about a new order in the narco communist drug trade, by including the Islamocommunists as the "mules" in transporting these drugs for their own income, in exchange for not blowing up Obamerika in a quid pro quo.

The English were cut out of this as Obama went to west Africa and set up the pipeline early cementing the deals, and starting shipping dope into Albania and Kosovo with the Slavic mafia signing off on it.
Eventually Obama jetted the dope shipments directly into Spain as revealed here to keep the pipeline complete and refined.

That was the western front of the coke shipments though, and a new group was being formed in the east, specifically Afghanistan as the opium trade started to flourish in the last years of George W. Bush.
As only reported here, Obama set loose the US military early in drone strikes to murder the "bad terrorists" who were not going to go along with the new narco Islam rings that Obama was forming out of the central European cartel.
As Obama murdered the Muslim leaders who are anti dope, that left the Muslims who were pro dope to earn their millions the old fashioned way.

This though was a double edged sword and as further exclusives now only confirmed here, it was the early Brzezinski Doctrine against the Soviets which started all of this in creating the Muhajadeen to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan. This was accomplished under Ronald Reagan using Stinger missiles to even the field and the Russians went home in humiliation and bankruptcy.
Bill Clinton would use these tens of thousand of trained Taliban and Muhajadeen for his Kosovo oil pipeline wars, in blaming Serbians for mythical genocide against Muslims, and the Muslims from Afghanistan finding Europe to not be a desert waste like Asia, decided to stay.

In that group of Brzezinski created "freedom fighters" was the foreigner Osama bin Laden. bin Laden was turned by Dr. Zawahiri, who by miracle is no longer a concern for Marxist Obama now that Islamofascist bin Laden's corpse is feeding fish in the sea after a stay on ice in a morgue for the October Surprise that had to come a bit early as Obama Birther issue almost drove the crook from office.

 The former Minister of Defense of Germany Andreas von Bulow said that the U.S. intelligence services have trained about 30,000 Muslim militants in Afghanistan, in particular, a group of fanatics who were prepared to defend their country and the idea to the end. One of them was Osama bin Laden.

As the Muhajadeen was turned to communist control, it became al Qaeda which was utilized by the same European cartel in the 9 11 operation, which turned an Al Gore group operation to humiliate George W. Bush into a massive economic terrorist attack against America.
So much for Jamie Gorelick's compartmentalized cover ups to protect Bill Clinton from his Saddam Hussein bribes among other criminal acts Bill Clinton was involved in.

This al Qaeda required one of their own to lead it, and Barack Obama was installed into the White House in America for serveral reasons, in the implementation of the global feudal order, and the thugs to enforce it would be these terrorists who had to be brought under control again, and Obama literally did that in bribing them in promises of oil nations and hiring them with the dope trade to keep them from other 9 11 events.

The reality is though the Obama run dope trade out of Afghanistan. Afghansitan as this blog noted was set up to murder Americans, and bloody them so that the terrorists would be appeased in that mauling of Americans and to teach Americans to never get involved in wars of freedom again.

This blog predicted that Obama would lose Afganistan deliberately and he has, for freedom. Richard Holbrooke was assassinated over this in screaming from his death bed to stop the damn war and get out of Afghanistan as he knew it was a failed cause.
Obama in mandates that Soldiers from America could not fight back, and allowing NATO to lose the war there slowly to turn Afghansitan over to the Taliban groomed drug lords was complete.

The part of the story exclusively told here now is that the opium trade was a step in the Brzezinski Opium Wars Doctrine as was long ago initiated in China.
Pravda might be a commical outlet at times, but in propaganda they do leach out certain facts that tell the story of what is taking place when Matt Drudge seems to not be able to ever see these realities like all in the United States.

Opium production in Afghanistan after the entry of NATO troops has increased 40 times. According to the Federal Drug Control Service, about 40 percent of Afghan heroin goes to Russia. Many experts believe that the deployment of troops in Afghanistan served as a good opportunity to arrange full heroin aggression against Russia. According to the UN, selling drugs Taliban annually earns $2.8 billion. Also, the UN released information that in the past 10 years in Europe and Russia about 1 million people died from Afghan heroin. Note that Afghan drugs do not get to the U.S. and do not harm their people

That is the damning evidence in this, in just as the Rothschilds hired the writing that Karl Marx took credit for in the Communist Manfiesto, Marx's observation that religion was the opiate of the masses in both beating people into submission and teaching people to suffer under oppression, found a new mullah in Barack Obama, in his heroin trade was the war front meant to destroy Russia and to pacify other segments of Europe in this continued destruction of the Christian nations from within.
Opium is wonderful in it makes people sedate, yet functional. It is the perfect sleeping pill for a nation to happily go to their ends.

Think of it in 3 billion dollars for the Taliban. Now you see why terrorists stopped doing terror with Obama around, as he raised their pay and made them all rich, gave them control of nations and they could buy as many children to rape in male and female as they desired all in Muhammed's name.
Terrorism is bad for business, so the terrorists all became Obama feudal traders which was good for business.
3 billion dollars in Russian and central Europe is equivlent to 3 trillion in the American economy in those poor Slavs do not have the money to begin with. This is the overthrow of Russia to her death and the drug induced coma to the Slavic states, as key high strung segments in the western nations become pacified and ready to accept whatever the old order in the Neo Romans demand.

With Obama US funded "assistance" the Taliban has made over 12 billion dollars in a few short Obama years, and that number is going to boom in the years ahead.

Narcotics trade is an olde trade. It is how nations conducted policy and created comerce. For a reality, the olde Boston money was funded in the opium trade. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in the Delano line made it's fortune in Asian dope as the history goes.
It was though in a period when it was legal and not monopolized like now, so that only the terrorists are making the billions of dollars and anyone else who tries it ends up in prison or dead.
It was a time of national purposes in being for America, but in the past generation the narcotics trade in the west was created to implode America from within so the select few would rule.

That is the case for mother Russia now in Vladamir Putin is fighting a death clock on Russia. His people are not breeding and China is at the door to eat them. What is left is Muslims who have loyalties to the dope traders and not Russian Orthodoxy.
Putin will be forced to wage war over this eventually to try and save Russia. It is all part of the Brzezinski chessboard that includes these feudal lords posing and pitting peoples against each other after nation rape, so the mobs slaugher each other, and final control is achieved as Albert Pike's demonic oracle predicted to him in the order.

All of this is Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter. You will not get this from any place else regrettably. If one waits around a few moments the predictions in archives appear again as this cycles in circles and the information appears to prove what is posted here is always spot on.

It is by design and it continues on.......

agtG 243

The Narco Islamoterror Obama Contractors

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