As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
All of you my children are weak and feeble when it comes to being tossed about and cowering when it comes to wondering what God has for the purpose in this life to work through you.
I have for you the Commission of your future. It is and always has been before you. It begins in your training here as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. The disciples before Apostles were informed before Jesus rose to Heaven, that they were to go into all the world, baptising those who would believe in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Few people realize that what Jesus was Commissioning was simply the exact activity which John the Baptist had been engaged in. Instead though of the washing and remission of John, Christ's Commission was to wash and by the Holy Ghost regenerate the dead soul.
God predestinated all of this, and God has predestinated your life in Him working though you. I do not say that in some mumbo jumbo covering all the bases in obscurity, but in the reality of what you my children are to be engaged in.
You have been in training here in learning reality. You will in your future teach those who will hear, to observe all things that Christ has commanded you. Jesus will be with you in all this, to the finish of this world system.
You my children are the children of God. You are not a follower of me nor is my name put upon you. You are the children of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is not to be any followers of Paul, Barnabas, Peter, John, no more than there is a follower of Catholic, Billy Graham, Lutheran etc.... You are Christ's. That is your name in Christian. The Bible by the Word of God in Jesus in Holy Ghost Inspiration is your first, last and only source, not me.
I have been fortunate to be teacher or rabbi to you in that title, I did not seek. Always remember you are Christians and not Cherryites, for here am I not worthy to even call upon Christ, but for the Grace of God.
You must comprehend something in the company or congregation you now keep. David, the foundation of Christianity as King of Israel, was adopted into the house of Saul by Jonathan. Jesus the Christ was an adopted Son into the offices He commissioned.
There were two Josephs in Jesus time on earth. There was the physical Joseph and there was the adoptive Spiritual Joseph. You must know this in this is why there are two genealogies in the New Testament. All have made the mistake of either saying it is a mistake in the apostates or saying it is Joseph and Mary's lines. While it was Mary's lines, it was instead the other Joseph's line in Joseph of Aramathea, who was the Virgin Mary's brother, and husband to Mary Magdalene.
When you read the Bible, knowing this was a family group, it begins to make a great deal more sense.
See Joseph the husband of Mary, was the physical human adoptive father of Jesus. In that, he gave Jesus a name being born in a barn and sojourning in Egypt and Nazareth. When Joseph the husband of Mary died, it fell to the eldest brother of Mary, Joseph of Aramathea to become the adoptive name for Jesus.
When you comprehend this, that Joseph the brother of Mary, brought with him the Priestly order, he was Spiritual as a disciple, while Joseph the husband of Mary brought about the office of King.
The triune in this is complete in Prophet, Priest and King, in the offices of Christ. God the Father by the Holy Ghost manifested Jesus the Prophet. Joseph of the Sanhedrin manifested the Priestly office, and Joseph the husband of Mary manifested the Kingly office.
This is all birthright of Christ by adoption, just as David and just as each of you are adopted by His payment for your sins in His death and as He lives, you live by Promise adopted into the mystery of the Royal Priesthood.
Each of you my children are the Royal Priesthood and you are commanded to start not acting the part, but being that officer in the Kingdom of God. This is not an office of setting yourself above others, but a life of service in being a slave to all, so that when the Resurrection comes, you will then have your eternal rest and be the one served, as the Light of God in you Glorifies the Father throughout eternity.
You will be humble, and humble does not mean you allow any to impose on you. You will be humble as Christ if necessary taking the whip to the bankers doing business in the Temple.
Joseph the husband of Mary was part of the earthly Temple. You as Joseph of Aramathea's Spiritual adoption to Christ's fuflillment are the Spiritual Temple of the Body of Christ.
Whatever you speak my children is the Voice of God. Be aware if you speak evil of yourself or other innocents, satan will be there to use those words to your great harm. St. James informed you to bridle that tongue, so speak only Good for yourself and the Body of Christ.
You have not come to condemn for the world condemns itself. You have not come to save the world, for that is Christ's office. You are here to be a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ by first living a Lawful Life that all can see and when those opportunities come to speak of Christ or to explain that which are events predestinated to taking place, and the world is confused by this, by God's Holy Ghost you will have the answers.
Do not think this is glamorous. The reward is in Heaven and not earth. If you are being praised here, it is of satan and the world and not of God. You will be hated for what you are in Christ and mocked in great hurt. You will be afflicted as bowls of wrath are upon the world, and you are in the world, even if you are not of the world.
Allow Jesus to pick you up, allow the Holy Ghost to cleanse you, and by Christ's leading, you with all dignity move your steps in the Power of God and the Peace which passes all understanding.
Always know that while Egypt had it's days of darkness, the children of God had natural light in their dwellings. The world will be darkness, famine, war and plague, but you in Faith have Promise of life.
Some of you will by choice enter the martyr offering. Others will die and others will live to witness Christ's second coming. You have each day in your predestination to fulfill your Commission in Christ for the Glory of the Father.
All of this depends upon Him Who calls you. This is about God and not about you. I pray God keeps you in Christ's Care to Life everlasting as you live by your example in Virtue to others and witness of condemnation against the apostate, for if God in you can refine you to be Christian, no one has any excuse in not being aware of the Gospel.
Jesus is with you perpetually and uniformly on every occasion, that is what the Promise is in "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age."
Few of you are daily being Christian as you are responsible to be. I know it is difficult and getting more so, but Christ is there to strengthen you, and though you fall, you will be lifted up by Him and washed again. You get up and keep moving and disciplining yourself to be the disciple of Christ with the goal of being of the Apostles when you have grown. Do not be the untrimmed wicks burning out and found nothing but darkness when the Lord returns.
If you are the only one in your circle who lives your life as a Christian, then you are the circle and you will have to rely on God all the more. Just as there is no hallelujah chorus at death, in each person is there alone with God, the Christian Commission is one of not of world adulation in mobs holding you up, but in Jesus alone holding you steadfastly as you trust alone in Him.
Now go into the life God has you in, where you are, and be Christian, and wait for the Lord to give you opportunities to teach you to walk in Christ's Love, like holding the door open for someone, greeting them with a smile even if they scowl, saying GOD BLESS YOU or putting a shopping cart away.
You start doing the things you are responsible for as so few of you are and then you may be called upon a bigger job, which no one wants once they are in it.