As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Almost 45 years ago, Eugene Davidson in writing the forward to the catharsis of the Minister of Armaments and War Production for the Nazi State, Architect Albert Speer, asked this question which the world puzzles over:
"The unresolved questions of the period of National Socialism remain with us. The enormity of the crimes comitted, the huge scale of victory and defeat are subjects of continuous exploration and analysis. How could one of the chief centers of the civilized world have become a torture chamber to millions of people, a country ruled by criminals so effectively that it conquered most of Europe, moving out toward other continents, planting it's swastika standards from Norway to the Caucusus and Africa before it was brought down at the cost of some 30 million lives?
What had happened to the nation of thinkers and poets, the "good" Germans that the 19th century knew?"
-Eugene Davidson.
For the slap in the face of this, and the final answer to this, one can replace National Socialism with the Obama Regime, and arrive at the same question in what happened to the "good" Americans of the 20th century in they could arrive at this Designer Negro Barack Hussein Obama Chin and the image of Obama, who unlike Hitler who built Germany, but actually engaged in genocide against American Afroids by aborting them and against American whites in replacing them with Mexican and Chinese slave labor invasion for the type of change that Obama believed in.
Barack Obama and the Nazi Reich were the same product of the global cartel of international nation rapists and financiers. Mr. Hitler was put into place by the cartel with only 31.3 percent of the leftist vote in Berlin and 44 percent of the national vote in the 1932 AD in the year of our Lord last free elections in Germany.
The vote for Mr. Hitler was one which was based upon the number of unemployed in Germany, exactly as the vote for Mr. Obama, when Mr. Obama's e voting was salted first in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord with 10 million missing Republican votes, and in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord when once again Mitt Romney having a 5 percent lead, saw it all become a 5 percent Obama victory in e voting fraud again in another 10 percent swing in the e voting protocols, exactly as all the pollsters conditioned the masses months out of the November elections telling the public what Obama Chin would steal the elections by.
I do not put Barack Obama in any form in the same league as the National Socialists of Germany, because the Nazi was a party good for the Germany economy, wealth and standard of living. The Nazi never looted Germany's Treasury and dumped trillions into European, Wall Street or Third World Nations for German demise.
The fact is the Obama regime has been nothing but anti Nazi, anti Putin, anti Reagan, anti Jesus, anti Christian and anti human, in this anti messiah, was a manifestation of Muhammedan, in just as Mohammed brought in a change he could believe in to the Middle East, exactly did this Islamocommunist Birther Hussein Obama bring in a change he could believe in, in the genocide of Nationalist Islam, Nationalist Jewry, Nationalist Korean and Nationalist American, for despots like Obama who were more notorious than the Nazi and images of resident evil in Joe Stalin butchery.
Barack Hussein Obama was a feudal pimp and his image is a festering pustule of genital disease upon the world body politic.
"One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder"
- Albert Speer
The Germans as much as the Russians after the Revolution, as much as the Americans in communist sympathizer Franklin Delano Roosevelt, did not recognize the devil putting it's hand upon their sholder in the Faustian deal being offered.
Germans before World War II, had been nationally raped, their government genocided, their Lutheranism attacked and their Treasury looted by the cartel to keep Germany from being a global competitor to the cartel.
Albert Speer wrote of this period as child in eating nothing but turnips all winter as did his family in there was no food. He was so hungry that he ate old dog food as a child to fill his ration.
The Americans suffered from a like psychological rape. The cartel had robbed them in the oil pegged dollar of the 1970's as America was shifted from it's own national socialism after World War II, into the depression of the 1970's, followed by the promise of Ronald Reagan, and the later betrayal in more looting by George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
America was in a constant state of pounding her square Republican peg into the the round hole of feudalism as the people's edge of morality was worn off. Prosperity and poverty ground against each other in the best and worst of times, and in those times the people like the Germans became dull and a minority was arisen after George W. Bush, for the final overthrow of America.
Americans voided of a Christ they could not measure up to nor admit to their failings, heard a pied piper of excuse to enable them. It was not that Americans had been betrayed by cartel cronies taking over America, but that America had betrayed Americans, and it all could be fixed if a quasi black man (75% Asian of Filipino Sino Japanese origin with 15% Arab and 10% Negroid) would be designed to produce an effect of an anti messiah complete with halo, who would legislate American sins to rights, allow sexual deviants to use the ballot box as a Peggy Noonan peep show and be led by such voices as Mark Levin and Pat Buchanan who would flute and lute their way to, "We can not impeach criminal Obama and trust in more fraud elections for 2016 AD" in the year of our Lord, to keep this menagerie clinking steel doors and locks shut in the American gulag.
There is no mystery in a Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Mugabe or Obama. The cartel simply has to create the system, groom the worst of creatures who will arise in savagery, and they will do the rest in enslaving nations for their own delusions of gradeur.
The difference to be remembered is, Hitler built Germany, while Obama joined Muhammed in destroying the Middle East and Stalin Russia. Obama's intent from Day One was to call "American Genocide" as "change".
Albert Speer at his trial in being engulfed in the cult of Nazism and Hitler asked the answer in how Germany and himself were seduced into it, and he gave the answer in court.
"At the end of his trail at Nuremberg, Speer asks how all the crimes of the Nazi regime were possible. His answer is that for the first time in history unlimited personal power was combined with the new devices provided by modern technology.
It is a conclusion which still may serve as a warning for our modern time."
- Eugene Davidson
May 1970
Yes the conclusion now almost 45 years later from 1970 AD in the year of our Lord is the warning for the modern time which has remained unheeded. The Obama regime has seized absolute power, obliterating all checks and balances in the Congress and Courts through blackmail and like stooges. This regime has used NSA techonology to murder Americans globally and threatens with drones to SWAT Americans like gnats on their own doorsteps as Americans are criminalized by an Obama organized global community which orders that being American is a crime.
The Obama regime is the police state as it rules by terrorizing at home and the world, raising up it's own thugs to fulfill it's criminal mandates.
Much has always been stated about the Nazi looting nations it conquered and the use of slave labor. The puppy press controls the Obama propaganda, but what difference is there in a Nazi looting Paris, that Tim Geithner looting the United States Treasury of trillions, the Obama looting minerals, oil, dope and nations in Islam and handing them over to his terrorists, to Holder arming Mexican leftists to inflict the Obama order in Mexico to import in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, millions of slave labor Mexicans and Chinese?
There is no difference in the least, except that the illusion of Barack Hussein Obama is the amplified "anti candidate" or the Muhammadean Candidate of the 21st century preaching his own demagoguery which he heard in a foreign land and inflicting it upon native peoples to their slaughter.
America in the Obama Abyss is at the scorched earth point. That point being, when Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Germany, Albert Speer refused to carry out the order. Admiral Doenitz of the military refused to carry on, but what is the reality of the Americans, as they instead to awakening to the insanity of cult, that even the Soviet's did in ending Joseph Stalin and Nikita Kruschev reformations, before assassinating Kruschev, continue to plunge to their lemming deaths in the Chris Matthews mode.
Where is the United States military engaging in Constitutional Reset as is their authority as the Pat Buchanan types protect Obama from impeachment as it would supposedly ruin a GOP election victory, the same Boehnerite arm in arm golf outings with the image of Obama, as the Fang Jinn seduces a new Faust of the Republican Patricians engaged in the same commerce rapine of America in Obama cartel policy.
Pat Buchanan voided impeachment of the image of Obama and in perfect diversion never mentions arresting the rest of the Obama regime for high crimes which they are guilty of. Yes Mr. Buchanan is either an ignorant or a Vatican stooge seducing Americans away again from the Truth.
The Lame Cherry is one of the few political voices for America, for the West and for the East in responsible Freedom for all peoples. It though is censored and for those who never have figured out why this David has been drooling on herself as she scribbles against the wall so the Philistines do not assassinate her, then the lesson of Cyrano impaling the aristocracy with pikes of wit and wisdom and receiving a block of stone upon his head as assassination for the attempted salvation of France will never figure it out, any more than the keyboard terrorists of the regime smearing this blog with LSD charges. I have never taken a narcotic in my life and never would. They will answer for that sin before Christ as the Holy Ghost has waged this battlefield of the mind with this sapper in the wire.
As all was taken from you, this single Lame Cherry took the nigger ground and bestowed back upon you Freedom of Speech, Religion and Assembly. You play here on my ground that God alone won, and you rewarded me by insulting me with being uncomfortable with content.
You cowardly brats ran by me, stealing my ammunition, and as God had me holding ground and taking ground, you decided that you could do better under the safety of the Lame Cherry umbrella.
None of you would be here without this Lame Cherry. All you would have would be your Facebook posts cancelled, your Twitter feeds unread and your emails clogging inboxes with only the minders reading them.
There is not going to be any fix in this, unless God raised up an Asa who will unConstitutionally fix America in the same ruthless way which the image of Obama has castrated and spayed Americans. Elections will not fix this as the elections are all fraudulently managed by the financiers for their rapine. The military will not fix this even if castigated here to make it murmur in conversations in neutralizing the Obama regime, no more than the vestage of the FBI in the police state securing a truce by ending the injustice at Justice.
It has been cemented to the Machiavelli point in this Obama Disease plagueing America and the world.
"Political misjudgments and wrong turns are like tuberculosis, hard to detect and easy to cure in the beginning and easy to diagnose and very hard to cure in the end."
- Machiavelli
That is my call now to teach you, that there is no salvation in this except Christ. Either this will be a coming revolution in which you die, either a worst thug arises like Caligula smothering Tiberius, or either the barbarians slaughter Rome in her rot, or God might arise an Asa to clean out the high places.
The numbers running currently are 20% revolution, 10% a worse Caligula, 70% foreign invasion, 20% Asa factor in a Reagan return, or a 100% Christ restoration in reckoning with this.
Now you are aware of the numbers in this from the matrix and how they seem to mirror exactly the Prophesy of George Washington.
"From the Black Forest while on bicycle tour there in September 1923, I wrote, "Very cheap here! Lodgings 400,000 marks and supper 1,800,000 marks. Milk 250,000 marks a pint".
- Albert Speer
Die nutzlos zeitung, die nutzlos zukuntfig.
- Lahm Kirsche
*Immer die kunheit, immer der frecheit, immer immer kuhn.
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