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natural design


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at frost this morning as Mother Marie was in the porch making things frosty on the window and noticed that the design was exactly that of ferns with the exception that the stems had the distinct look of vertebrae.
So in reality, the freezing of water is reflected in the visual design of ferns from the primordial period. Plants are literally at their base image that of frozen water, but in this case water which is a hydrocarbon frozen in temperatures which water will not stay frozen, all to support a living system in plants which is based in carbon and mineral, and various forms of cellulose in the structure.

I witnessed two snow devils later in the day, doing the clockwise swirl. Wind is an odd thing if it can be observed, because it has the oddest forms from billowing clouds which expand out to rolling back upon themselves. Straight winds are the most fascinating as they are demonic in nature in having a fire look to them in tongues of dust or snow moving across fields. For those astute enough to measure this, fire is liquidity in nature, but it also is a thing melded not by heat, but again by the liquidity as frost is. You are not ever seeing fire in true form, but as it is formed by the forces which are moulding it in form.

The same patterns follow through in the unseen into the seen, revealing the base structures of the sacred geometry. It is not that nature is busy building itself on it's own intelligent design, but it is the mind of God intelligently creating the atomic print, based in the God Light, which reflects back into everything one sees.

Yes there are dynamic forces at work, as leaves grow to deal with wind, and it is why oaks of various niches have different leaves, even if the basic leaf structure does not change. For the majority of reasons though when one sees primordial ferns, one is witnessing the global Garden of Eden which once was, in dealing with high amounts of moisture in weight and diseases, without horrific downpours or windstorms.

Very nature speaks to a time when this world was not being torn apart by storms, by the very water which builds in frost design. Plants were not created first as Genesis reveals, but the Spirit of the Lord brooded upon the waters. From those waters, came plants, and frost reveals exactly the structure which became the design of the plants, as the atomic structure was always there.

The atomic bomb mushroom cloud is not the atomic bomb chain reaction, but the force of the dynamics of the design. Not even the greatest of forces can overcome the dimension in which they were created. Lines, curves and angles are what the pattern is, and when the pattern emerges in any chain of molecules of short or long chain, it still becomes a pattern of that molecular structure revealed from physics to geometry.

I am furious at the rich this day and regime workers, all toasty warm and secure, while I am not. My boogers have more intelligent design in them than these primates which have risen to the top of the pond like protein turds. So I end this dissertation this day and look for the breakdown by the Holy Ghost consuming flame of this kindling which is far too ready to be incinerated.
Yes by God's Design my boogers have more intelligence in them than all the masses. Nothing like having a rich booger deciding I am not good enough to donate to nor worthy enough to have a return phone call when the furnace is out.

Fury is an excited state of hate. Hate being excited molecularly generates heat. Heat consumes that which is not reflective of that force and impurities are burned out. The very structure of cellulose and mineral is impure in which you are made of as is the soul. One either has the pure structure not yet moulded to this dimension to carry to the eternal dimension or one does not.

When the sun's heat strikes that frost, it will be vaporized just like all of you rich people. Do not cheer poor heathen for the snowflake of you is so immaterial that you can not stand on your own, except in flakes which are just as readily consumed. The rich just have the glass pane to hold them up, to grow long chain monstrous sizes to blot out the Light trying to stream in to the human race through the window of the Gospel.

The Holy Ghost really does Inspire brilliant analogy and parable. It is why Sir Isaac Newton was a genius and Stephen Hawking is retarded intelligence.

agtG 260

there is no fear in God

- Lame Cherry


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