As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As no one else will state this fact, it is up to this blog to point out the salt of all this as the farce of world abyssal leadership by cartel policy is what caused the Muslim outrage in Paris.
World leaders march on Paris to honor terror victims
PARIS (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of people marched through Paris on Sunday in a massive show of unity and defiance in the face of terrorism that killed 17 people in France's bleakest moment...
World News - Associated Press Jan 11, 10:59 am CT
The reality is that there would have been none of this if these anti Christian, anti European, meaning literal opposite or foreign to all European tradition had not been imported and dumped into Paris by new world order design.
The Americans are now by image Obama facing an infusion of Vatican and Peking minions who are prone to the same mob ideas and require the strong fist of Castro or a Chin to control them.
The reality in this, is Andrew Breivik in this manifesto, his actions which are termed terror events by these same liberals, have now been justified by what was plotted in Paris.
IF Andrew Breivik's policies had been implemented immediately after his actions in defense of Europe, there would never have been a Paris slaughter in Kosher cafes or Muslim counter demonstrations in Germany, because all of these foreigners would be back in their festering Islamic lands being brutalized by the Marxist butchers which the Obama regime has installed in two terms to manage the terror and dope trade for the globalist's benefit.
That is the reality in this which Paris has now proven. Anders Breivik has been justified in his actions in defense of Paris, whether one can stomach the shooting of liberal post birth abortion tissues by the foreign rampage in France and the Muslim Mob Marches in Germany.
Being justified by these facts of Paris, Anders Breivik should be immediately released from Norwegian political prison status and stand for office as President of the European Union, as he was the one prophetic political voice who had the actions to stand in defense of Europe. Waiting around for a new savior in the Obama image will only bring on the anti Christ as Prophecy predicts.
That is the point of order in Paris. Andrew Breivik was a secular prophet whose manifesto has proven absolutely correct. No one is going to state that as the Mockingbird has the populations ready to be replaced by foreigners who can be managed by the cartel.
Breivik was right and that is the point of order which changes all of this debate, before Paris becomes a nuclear inferno from Islamic atomic bombs manufactured under the regime of Birther Hussein Obama.
It is better an Andrew Breivik you know, than a coming thug fisted messiah image of a 666 beast ruling Europe and plunging the world in global war making war on Catholics and everything else that moves.
Nuff said.