As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children all of us have been so deluged with propaganda in being distracted that we no longer ask the base questions which defined America.
The reality is that America's business was business and that George Washington set down the first rule in Americans did not become involved in foreign intrigue, but instead traded with all freely, as it was none of American interest what foreigners were murdering each other over.
In that, I place here a quote from Minnesota Congressman Charles August Lindbergh, father of American Hero, Charles Lindbergh, which is what all of us must re condition our minds to.
"Politics, when properly conducted, is business—and good business leads not to war but to prosperity."
–Charles August Lindbergh
That is the synopsis of George Washington Founding Law, the foundation of Manifest Destiny and the foundation of the Monroe Doctrine. It is an absolute every American and every foreigner should judge the American political system by in the following waymark questions:
1. Is American political leadership providing prosperity to all Americans?
2. Is American political leadership leading business to provide prosperity to all Americans?
To take the stupid Darwin candidate question off the table, no not all people are going to be made prosperous as the mentally retarded are not going to become billionaires as this beyond their function, but the political structure in America should through free trade bring about the best opportunity for the majority to make a comfortable living and not to be impoverished by goods and services priced too high.
That is the judgment of the jury of you in answering the simplest of questions in, has the American regime brought you a comfortable living in not seizing your work to impoverish you, by husbanding a business structure where you have affordable goods and can care for yourself?
The answer of course in this is absolutely not, as there is a conspiracy of realtors and bankers have priced homes out of people's ability to earn. Universities and Unions of Teachers have priced education out of your ability to earn. Health care has been priced out of your ability due to disease introduction and lawsuits.
Big Frac sets energy prices as much as Big Grind sets food prices. The list goes on, but there is not a need to touch each portion of this economic rapine, as it is the product of feudal politicians as Birther Hussein Obama allowing nation rapists as Warren Buffett to buy up monopoly railroad to be enriched in oil shares, shipping regime protection.
That is all criminal, but it is protected by the police state. It is a matter of returning to the question of do you think you are freely prosperous to live comfortably or do you think you are being robbed in high prices and that the regime is protecting that robbery?
Understand that once upon a time in America, it was government policy to provide cheap homes and good wages so that every American who worked could care for themselves, as the policy was for individual wealth creation and not for feudal few wealth hording.
It was just a few years ago government policy to have affordable firearms and ammunition for all Americans.
It was just a few years ago that cheap energy and food was the government policy.
This was not Nazism or Marxism in price controls or community organized mobs. This was instead each person exploiting their opportunities without being penalized for that effort.
Each American has a right to earn without too high of taxes all the money their labor will bring them and keep it all. There is no Constitutional Law for Congress to allow you to be inflated to poverty nor to be taxed in several thousand forms to death.
I often speak of the good life in the 1950's in all had prosperity and the chance of it under Dwight Eisenhower. Ronald Reagan brought that back and America prospered and prices fell in deflation. This is all possible if America has a political leadership requiring conglomerates not to rape the people economically.
What is currently the Obama feudal system of rapine is conglomerate favor with financier robbery of the poor and the wiping out of small business. It is all about political control to destroy the "competitors" of the mass body of poor people to not pool their resources to contend with the feudal rich few. That is why you are being robbed and impoverished by the Obama regime.
So the Obama regime and their propaganda can lie to you all that is possible, but the reality is on George Washington and Ronald Reagan standards, this Obama regime is a failure to the American people.
George W. Bush like Richard Nixon manipulated the system for the majority in cartel rapine times as much as Bill Clinton did, but they only tread water and only the speculators really prospered as the poor were never elevated and many simply tread water in the misery index.
George H. W. Bush started the cartel reversal of Ronald Reagan's people prosperity and Birther Hussein Obama Chin ended it for the same money interests.
I have already written too much in this, because the definition of Charles August Lindbergh is what must always be in every American mind. They need to judge the political leadership which is now literally in police state war with them by the definition of "Are you better off today than the world you inherited from Ronald Reagan?"
That is the standard, and if Ronald Reagan could cause prosperity, then anyone can cause prosperity, and if George W. Bush can have inflation at a few points, unemployment at the margin of 5 to 6 percent, and Americans gaining their own homes, then even a foreign agent like Birther Hussein can do it, if that is their political will.
This will sound hard for people with political allegiances, but George Bush I reversed Ronald Reagan for the robbing of the poor in America by Wall Street. Bill Clinton sent jobs overseas to unemploy Americans and rewarded Dotcom speculation which robbed those investors. George Bush II managed this robbery as the bottom fell out for the installation of thee worst pirate in political history in foreign agent Obama managing this rapine for the feudal few in the same way that Franklin Roosevelt managed rapine to enrich this same Money Trust few.
You must understand that when you are made to fail and are impoverished, that millions like you are suffering the same, and the few elite on top are robbing you of your share, and that is how they become millionaires and billionaires under police state protection which criminalizes you for doing the same thing.
"Americans have a right to prosperity and if Americans are not prospering, then the regime overseeing it is criminal and prospering business which is robbing Americans of their prosperity."
- Lame Cherry
You have the right to prosper and you need to keep repeating that until it is a national chant which seizes back all of your rights.