As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is raining here for the past 13 hours non stop and I am puzzled at the way God accomplishes things as I have always been with rain. I can recall my garden as a child in never being able to water it enough. Weeks would go by and at times as the elders would say, "Those plants are just going back into the ground" as they would literally shrink without humidity.
This would go on for some time and then God would give a rain, and those same plants like potatoes would grow 6 inches over night.
The Holy Ghost explained to me it was the humidity in the air and the rain which caused this effect, and it was a humbling event to know how insignificant a human is, in no matter how much you water any plant, God in one event can do more than I ever could.
This is about apples again in container 3 I believe is tits up, as what appeared to be one green seedling under the soil has disappeared. I semi capped the container, sat water out in jugs to get rid of the chlorine, watered with effect, and the end result was nothing for weeks.
The last container I put outside a few days ago, semi capped for moisture retension and I kept them watered.......and nothing happened.
Seeing it was sprinkling, I was moved to set them away from the house a bit as God's watering always is better than what I do..........and when I looked out a few hours later it had been really raining and they were under water by a half inch.
I moved them back, and TL dumped the water off of them, and I was not expecting much as I saw some of the seeds had been washed to the this morning at 6:30 AM, I guess that is redundant in "this morning AM", but I am not running the backspace I go out to see how things are in the deluge as it is still raining, and there are not just one peeking through, but around a half a dozen seeds.
This is frustrating again, as I know it would have been a long road and wait for these apples and yet God in a 60 something night, with alot of rain, is popping them through like they should be popped through. It is a fine lesson from God and I will not forget that rain, and 60ish cool weather is good medicine for the baby apples and it sounds like a deluge of medicine is pouring down upon them again, as I moved them out to the rain again thinking it was sprinkling.
Rain is a most fascinating thing in I can grow plants in greenhouses, and the plants will always be tender, but outside in rain, they will always be stout. Granted if it goes from humid to dry, the plants will scorch with rain and dry, but the difference in hard groundwater and soft rainwater is one of the most amazing of things.
It is not a factor in this that it was lightning so nitrogen was overly introduced, it is just the rain water has life in it like nothing else.
I will never come close to simulating what God does. I can save rain water and fully intend when rich to build a cistern for such things in free watering, but when things do not suit a plant they will die no matter how much I care for them. Perhaps God might raise batch 2 from the dead, but I have my doubts on that, and the proof is batch 4, in the hidden knowledge of cool 60's humidity suits the apples........until God does it with warm weather as He did with the other batch.
I know it was not cold when I had the lids on the plastic cups in the first apples in a sauna in the sun in the window, but that is a different apples and oranges, as once with leaves they respond to the heat too.
When things go well, it seems all easy, but when it is start and stop and one is doing the same things, then it is a matter of frustration, as God is teaching how to accomplish things. I am certain that some university has some million dollar lab to do things correctly, but I do not, and I could not pay the electric.....and I do not live in England where I can sow seeds into a row and have them all come up.
What is "home" in my locality, I can tell you that I saw only 4 apple trees ever sprouted from seeds in nature. It is just too dry for the seeds to have that weeks of damp cool like a fridge. Three of those trees were mine, and God was doing the work on them. So unless it is some weed tree, trees do not just show up out of seed without a great deal of help or a once in 10 year or 500 year weather.
Rainwater is the best. I am stunned here in watching the gutters on the houses gush like hydrants here in what I do not think is a hard rain. For those who can afford it, gutters on a garage or shed, would fill a plastic tank for garden watering in a short time. I would hope to build a cistern or two, but that is in the hope springs eternal phase.
In cold areas the plastic containers would have to drained to keep the plastic from being split.
I am guessing these gutters produce 8 gallons per minute, which is 480 gallons per hour. At that a few good rains would fill a 5 or 10 thousand gallon tank for all of the watering needs anyone would have. These are all my secrets as it is Newton things in large volume of water, into small hole, with weight in gravity moving it produces as much pressure as a gas pump filling your car, if not more.
That would at least get water in a hose if not a sprinkler........but I do not like sprinklers as they waste water.
I need to go marvel at things and to thank God for my other trees He planted as I have been foolish in this in thinking a Wealthy was superior as it was a Wealthy, when God chose these fruits for me and He always knows best.......just like in flooded wee baby apple sprouts, that when I do that, they seem not to appreciate it, but God does it, and they come bursting through.
"Only green thumb I have is God's will and Holy Angels doing the ministering."
- Lame Cherry