As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that the zenith of the anti Christ is appearing in the advent of militant Islam being stage by the cartel in gay Paris for a transfer of power from the Obama regime of 1600 Penn Avenue..........
Official: 2 suspects in French standoff came out shooting
PARIS (AP) — A security official says the two brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo massacre came out firing, prompting the assault on the building where they had holed up with a hostage. The...
Ah CBS reporterette reported the French Police were yelling, "We got em, we got em, we got em!!!!!!!!!"
I was pondering why French Police were chanting in English over Muslims of sundry dialects...........
Meanwhile as the cartel is initiating death par dux, we were busy in the brier patch in I had about 5 hours sleep in being awake yet at 1 AM as Mother Marie was getting more vocal yesterday afternoon in a higher pitch, which spoke of the advent of baby goatikins on the due date of January 9.
Around 5 AM I checked her as Mom had at 3 AM and we both did at 1 AM, and I spotted a two viscous piles of fluid which were the pre birth fluids preparing the way to birth.
There was nothing doing to 7 AM as Mom said her contractions were not that close, but when I got outside by 7:30, I spotted to little white hooves, turned down........
For the uninformed, hooves are supposed to be turned down as that is a frontal birth on animals. If they are turned up, the baby is either on it's back or backwards, both of which is not going to work as that birth canal is built for only one angle for live births.
So I told TL who had never witnessed births like this that we were about there, and figured on missing it, as I was doing chores. About a half hour later, I returned with no babies, and noted something had changed, in I now had 3 hooves poking out, and all three were pointed up.
Lord God, that was a concern as breach is bad enough as each contraction pushes slime into the baby's lungs, but when we have 3 hooves, that is a bit much for a birth Jacob and Esau only had two I seem to recall between those twins.
I immediately thought of the vet, as it is bone ass cold here, and I have no experience with two kids in one birth canal, but the Holy Ghost took control and the old bovine experience and porcine experience took over. I figured I had to try at least, so I started trying to sort out who had what in legs and pushing back in some, as my hand was up the goat's uterus. Yes broke my cherry on that one this morning in first time I had my fist up a goat's wazoo.
Pushing around as Marie was pushing and now becoming high pitched vocal as I suppose this hurt like hell, but when I had the clock running for two dead goatikins, one does what one can within limits. By God's Grace I got the one hind leg back which was attached to kid number 2 and then with surgical gloves on, I started gently pulling on the legs with not much movement, and then Marie pushed and and I helped and out came goatkins number 1 to the ass end.
I gently grabbed the hips and pulled some more, and had resistance, and voila pretty soon out popped the first little goat.
He was choking, gasping and coughing from the fluid, but I got that slime out of him, and handed him off to Mom to wipe off and get out of the way as Marie started licking him off, as I started looking for number 2, and another satanic attack in this one was a breach too.
So I reached in, and started pulling some gently and pretty soon out came the legs......I did the pelvis grasp and pulled some more, and out popped number two who was less full of fluids and doing better.
I got to take care of him and Marie, as number 1 was getting full attention.
Short story of the long is, satan tried to murder two little goats today, and by God's Grace they were saved. In the meantime, government employees are dragging their asses on what to do with this 2000 dollar furnace, but it was only 5 below last night with 60 mile per hour winds, so what difference does it make in people or animals freezing to death, as we are all happy with record stock wealth and terrorists being staged in Paris for greater theatrical releases later.
I do hope that these faux terrorists show up where the rich people are, and not just Kosher deli Jews, as something has to get through to the wealthy in what is important in life and the only way they learn that lesson is death.
That is the story of life and death on January 9th. The powers of satan tried to murder Marie, who would have died in not having these twins, and the twins would be dead by now if not for God guided hands.
Marie is milked of colostrum, the little goatikins ate for the first time about a half of cup of that first milk which is life and death vital, and TL is sitting with them on the couch with a lamp on them for additional warmth as the house is 65 degrees and we need it where they are to be 90 degrees for awhile.
But have no fear, the government as the stove is poofing at this moment will after a week in Arctic cold, get back to us on Monday and see what they know about furnaces.
Amazing world where CBS says French cops are saying, "We got em, we got em, we got em!!!!!", which sounds more like Gilligan calling to Lord Beasley over the Pussycat Swallowtail he was hunting. Then again how lovely that Obama turned over health care to agents who across the board quit work and flee at the sight of a snow flake, and it takes them over a week to make a decision.......a decision only helped along by our furnace guy phoning them and lighting a fire under them........but satan did not win with it's minions in murdering goatikins.......but we do have 4 dead in Paris along with blazing saddled gun muslims as France shoots Islamists in disguise while the Obama regime has yet to prosecute any of them.
Well I got a goatikin boy who is making noise and Marie is calling back, so it is probably time to feed them or at least feed me. I got other fires lit in trash burning, got to get the sourdough baked and find a bassinet for these two and I might just get a nap this afternoon so I do not catch cold, as cold, no sleep and stress seems to do that.
I wonder if the English speaking French police had champagne or mulled wine in celebration of hosing down the Kosher Deli Bandits of gay Paris. I really do not care........just hope the rich who are trusting in their fortunes and not God completely, find their ends, as they never care about life and death when it comes to humans or animals.
Oh got a deer track in the drive and a coyote trailing it. Some more vermin to be removed so the good will live.