As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is difficult for all the censorship to know the American South, for a genocide of it took place during Lincoln's War and what remained and is now the modern invention being exploited by conglomerates as there is no longer difference between white, yellow, brown and black niggers there. It is just that bug bitten area of obnoxious heat, that far too many hide behind air conditioning, than to know it's reality.
The South was comprised of four groups. The Indian terrorists, the white cavaliers, the cracker or poor whites and the Nigger. This was the caste of the South through 1865 AD in the year of our Lord, when at that point, the majority of the cavaliers had been assassinated in combat, which left an emancipated Negroid who was not ready for taking care of themselves, Indians bred out or sent to what would be Oklahoma, and the poor whites who survived or had sense like the affluent white to hide in political recourse bravely.
Into this General William Tecumseh Sherman ruled the South and attempted to not have her inflicted upon any more in the worst of the Ashkenaz Jewish carpetbaggers, who swept in with war profits and attempted to seize all for further enslavement and exploitation.
For this General Sherman is still smeared, but when one fully understands the complete rapine of the carpetbagger in what that group did in the South, it unleashed a process which if not stopped would have created another Civil War.
The Southerner of that era which lasted until World War II, had nothing. It is laughed at in those Southern remedies of dandelion greens and fat back, but there is reason they were eating weeds and hog lard as a constant meal, as they were that poor on starvation rations.
These peoples had been broken down physically and psychologically by design in the Lincoln War and what followed. They had nothing for political resort as States Rights were shattered and those politicians appointed were all Union men.
What was left to the Southern man was the still to soothe his savaged breast, his gun, and the one thing which mattered to him, and that was his hounds.
The houndsman became the mark of Southern Aristocracy replacing the Cavaliers of the George Washington type. It is how they competed until moonshine runners with automobiles chased by revenuers in white lightning runs created the post World War II era which evolved into NASCAR.
George Washington was a militant Southern Planter. From his tap root came the Cavaliers, upon their extermination, arose not the Ku Klux Klan which was a political movement necessary to the South not inflicting guerrilla war on the North, but in gaining back some semblance of political jurisprudence in their own States, but what arose was the Southern Houndsman, in their lines of Blood, Blue Tick and Red Bone. They had not horses, but had their feet and moonshine, by which they listened to the music of the hounds on deer, bear, panther and as those large quarries were taken from them, including the gator, it became the 20th century Aristocracy of the coon hound chasing the quarry, with a sallying forth of the squirrel dog.
This quote from Nash Buckingham is precise:
"Pioneering settlers and broad-hatted planters in butternut and jeans shivered with chills and detested formality of the chase. But they were hunters from their own and their dogs' hearts. They bred and broke and fed and good-naturedly stole one another's dogs. They bragged on their top bear and deer hounds and would sooner kill you about one such than
over a section of land. Each pack, however nondescript, comprised a company of canine daredevils not averse to treeing, baying, striking, or mixing it with anything from antler-bearers to the "sweet or stinking fute" of panther or bobcat."
Nash Buckingham. Game Bag
These houndsmen were the salvation of the South. In modern version, the corporate money is now in NASCAR, but at times the remote mysts arise and a Duck Dynasty appears in those people reforming again that George Washington mode of militant, armed with the dogs. The ATV has replaced the horse, as it has the Chevy chased by the revenuers, but this is the breath of the South, which people never comprehend in who those people are, as what is promoted and rewarded are still the corporate and political sell outs of the post Civil War era, but that which courses through that region in the eddies and undercurrents are still that strong willed Thomas Stonewall Jackson types, as one has glimpses of, but the ignorant do not comprehend what they are witnessing as no one has told them who these gentlemen and ladies are.
This is the Southerner who still inhabits the caste and has never left it as it is always growing in the hedgerows unnoticed to those who fly over, drive by or sit in their central air, thinking that Atlanta is the South.
"Be the truth known as to etiquette of Venery, only men who can triple-tongue some Borstall's horn, blow intelligently down a gun barrel, decode hollow log-thumpings, and interpret darky lingo from behind night-barred cabin doors, have the full respect of their hounds."
Nash Buckingham
"'Bout ev'y third store wuz er saloon. Dey all faced d' deppo an' freighthouse. An' d' Main street wuz sho' full o' deep mudholes. Ev'ybody toted pistols, an' whin a white man finished eatin' a can o' oysters in a store an' th'ow'd d' empty out in d' street, f o' or five mens shot at hit befo' hit quit rollin.
Well, gent'mens, d' nex' day wuz Sadday, an' you knows how niggers pours into town t' gang up an' visit eroun', eat snackhouse an' sip a li'l gin? Jes' befo' noon ev'y colored-folks eatin' place wuz jammed an' d' back room at Mist' Briggum's honky-tonk wuz overflowin'. He had a jug-band a-playin', an' dem black folks wuz really reelin' an' rockin'."
Horace the loyal darky
nuff said.