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Who else but the Lame Cherry would engage in a cage match with the Virgin Mary?

Yeah who but would, but me shine the light of "Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners in our hour of need......Holy Mary mother of God blessed is the Fruit of thy womb Jesus".

I will actually not intend to offend the Catholic faithful, nor Jesus as I do the Jesus offending too much, much to my concern. The Light though will shine on this, as the mysteries of the church of Rome must be explained so that people understand this stuff and are not led away by it.

This started in December in my being terrified of the Tiger Lily's Mom. Not that she is a terrorist or anything or an Amazon. She is one of the nicest ladies I have ever met in being generous to me and as you well know, I need allot of generosity as Lame Cherry sets a rather large hoof print in the front room, and I tend to knock over the china in the shop.

So TLM, Tiger Lily's Mom, was talking about the Immaculate Conception, and how a Catholic was telling her all about this Catholic dogma. I knew of it, and the first time I read of it, I about rolled off the chair laughing as I was stunned in thinking it was Jesus birth, but that is not it at all, as Catholic Vatican has all sorts of thingies going on in Jesus is Virgin Birth and Mary is Immaculate Conception.
Like Joan of Arc being grilled on Church militant and Church triumphant........theologians just have too much money, time and brain activity to come up with this, when they need to work with their hands, fill their time in real Word meditation and common sense.

I digress......

So the Vatican has this kecharitomene word. Yes it is Greek and a meld of things like CHARIS which is Grace at root, KE which is present or right now tense and the MENE which is "someone in this case God bestowing favor on Mary".

Favor is promoting someone over others or giving them an advantage, a gift that is unearned, that is Grace.

Somehow in this "full of grace" or "Rejoice Mary, you are favored" the Vatican decided that Mary was conceived with the normal father and mother, but she was in a state of "Grace" in which she did was not conceived in sin like Jesus.
Nowhere in Scripture is this ever backed up. While the Virgin Mary is one of the most remarkable people in the Bible of Faith, as she was told by an Angel, "Listen Mary, you are engaged to a man, but pregnant with a Special Child put there by God's Holy Ghost". That little affirmation would have gotten her stoned in Judea for adultery, but Mary just accepted it as a matter of God's Will and Faith.

All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. The Catholic apologists will quote Romans 3:23 and place Christ into this mix as a proof of exceptions. That is clever debate, but the reality is Jesus did not sin, and Paul was not in any way including thee Son of God with the children of God. They know this and it is a simple stalling point.
All are conceived in the "sin of the fall" or the rejection of God's Way by Adam and Eve. That sin brings the penalty of death or else none of us would ever transform into Heaven. People have to die for that mortal sin, but Jesus laid down His Life so that people who choose Him, will not have to die in immortal sin.

There are vast problems with Catholic dogma and Mary. In my most interesting Catholic bible, there are lots of things, including Mary's pictures. One has a lengthy description of her. The dogma goes so far as to state "Mary is the mediatrix of every grace that reaches the souls of men".

It goes on to state as "mother of Christ the King, she was assumed into heaven to reign with him s his Queen forever"

This Assumption part is more dogma in since Mary's body is not in some shrine, she must have been absorbed into heaven body and soul, which of course the Bible does not teach.

I Timothy 2:5 refutes the mediatrix, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"

II Corinthians 6:6, Romans 15:16, John 14:26,  reveals Who is the Author of every Good Grace that comes to people.

By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,

That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.
 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

No place in Scripture did Jesus ever say His Mom was going to be His Queen in Heaven. The Virgin Mary is never once hinted at in such a position. This is all close to blasphemy when the Vatican is stating that every grace to people is coming from Mary, when ......it is pure blasphemy as Jesus is Author of this by the Father and Their Holy Presence or the Holy Ghost is the Nurturer of the Christ Seed sown.

I have always had grave reservations in anything which takes away a moment's attention from God. Holy Angels are repulsed by anyone bowing to them as all Glory is God's alone. Moses body was secured by God so it would not be set up as some idol to worship the way Gideon's golden shield became a stumbling block to the children of Israel.
These apparitions of Mary are highly suspect to this Christian for the expressed reason in the Mary of the Bible would never for an instant be appearing to people and distracting them, and taking credit for miracles that are Jesus work.

In Heaven, there is the Father, and seated next to His Right Hand is Jesus the Christ. There is not a Queen of Heaven, that dogma stems from pagan rites. The "queen of heaven" comes from eastern pagan religious dogma. The same rites which Simon Pater, not Simon Peter, initiated on Vaticanus to bring in all these pagans into the Catholic or UNIVERSAL religion, he lusted to establish and lead. He could not buy the power of the Holy Ghost from the Apostles and was rebuked, so ended up in Rome bastardizing Christianity.

Acts 8:9, But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:

There is a difference between Simon Peter and Simon Pater, Pater means Papa or Pope. St. Peter is buried in Jerusalem. The Franciscan site Dominus Flevit records the Christians burials, and Simon Son of Jonah is buried at that location with Mary, Martha and Lazarus.

None of this information nor argument gets one into Heaven, but it is a point which requires making that when one has Jesus, they have the Advocate and Mediator with the Father.

I would be remiss in addressing Joan of Arc, as I know her. Her memoirs by Mark Twain based on historical documents touch on a number of these Saint issues. I have never prayed to Joan in my life nor would I. I do talk with her as I do the Mothers of Heaven. Mine was a special case as I'm a cocky thing who burns it at both ends, and while Paul had a thorn in his side, which I seem to be stuck with too among other things, I had to be humbled in owing Joan and others for the Tiger Lily coming into this life.....lest I would get even more puffed up.
Probably is "putting on the bulge" as Wyatt Earp and California Joe would say.

The Saints do pray. The Virgin Mary, the real one, probably prays too, but I doubt she manifests all over the world making statues cry blood. She probably did appear to those children in Europe as those things did come to be. In reality though, she was chosen by God for a special purpose, and favored for it, because she had the right heart for God to work through. That does not mean immaculate or it would have been pointed out.
Personally on the Assumption, I believe after the persecution she ended up with Jesus' brothers and sisters in Gaul or France, and somewhere there she is entombed, as this is the foundation for the royal lines of the Israelite lost 10 tribes there as France is Reuben.
James addressed knowingly where the Lost 10 Tribes were and the Scots declare they are an Israelite tribe in the Arbroath Declaration which is the foundation of the American Declaration of Independence. America being of the tribe of Joseph with brother, England.

Jesus ordered His children to pray to the Father. Those things asked in Jesus Name, He would do for the Glory of the Father. The Holy Ghost was sent by the Father and Jesus to help us with many gifts in the Grace of God in this growing Spiritual family.
In no instance, anywhere in the Bible, even the Vulgate, does it ever state to pray to the dead. You pray to God, not Saints nor Angels.

I happen to be unique and not the mould for others experiences. I would rather be like Jesus, and while I try to be, things do not get done because of satan, and because I'm not ready for things. I had to be grateful to others to keep me humble in what they prayed for me, as much as you, my children's kindness, in your support. When one is given a big weapon, one is humbled by God in making you rely on others to help carry it.

Jesus does not need help and being a Saint does not make you Jesus able, meaning I doubt that Mary can be attending to 200 million Catholics chanting at her in their hour of need.

The Vatican has infused a number of false teachings to control the masses and to incorporate pagan masses like Easter and Christmas. They came up with purgatory to gain payments and things like perdition or whatever sort of falls out of vogue.

The things on Mary the Vatican teaches are dogma and not found in Scripture. There was no Immaculate Conception nor Assumption. There is only the Virgin Mary, mother of God, who is quite special in God's choice.

Jesus though is the King and the One to worship and pray to. There is no Queen of Heaven, she is not Jesus Queen and she was not specially conceived.

nuff said

agtG 218, 299

When Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary to be an article of faith in 1950, the Catholic Church in Jerusalem then quickly sold the tomb of Mary to the Armenian Church. Ex-priest Lavallo told me personally that there is another tomb of St. Mary in Ephesus.

P. B. Bagatti C. F. M."   

Simon bar Yonah


Vatican Marian Dogma

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